? On October 18, Wang Yuexiang personally led three million of the empire’s elite fleets and seventy supernatural legions to conquer the Kingdom of Daomang!

At the same time, he also sent another five to nine thousand warships of various types, commanded by Zhu Yin, as a partial division, and chose another channel to march! The two fleets echoed each other, and after breaking through the border, they attacked separately. If the battle situation was smooth, they would meet up near the Tengyuan universe area, and then encircle the royal capital!

Although he did not think that this war would last long, for the sake of safety, he still left one-third of the fleet stationed at home, lest the Shuofeng Empire behind him suddenly launch an attack and steal his troops while he was away. The fundamental place!

The fleet of Daomang Kingdom set out on the 19th, one day later than Wang Yuexiang! However, relying on the excellent performance of the intelligence system, the kingdom's senior officials at this time have learned about the troop movements on the other side!

"This guy really has two brushes!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "I didn't expect that he would attack directly. It's better to have received the news in advance, and then we were really a little passive!"

Tian Xuanhao hummed: "I guess I should fight him alone to see how capable he is and whether he is worthy of the title of marshal!"

Ye Qingyuan glanced at him: "Okay! Now is not the time to be angry! Let's figure out how to win this battle!"

Even if the other side's battle plan is known, the Kingdom's fleet will inevitably have a hard battle! After all, the more than three million fleets are all battle-hardened elites from super-powerful countries. With Wang Yuexiang personally commanding them, this is not an easy nut to crack!

At present, the other side has launched the first attack, and the original battle plan must be adjusted! I originally understood that Gurungs planned to choose the location of the decisive battle in southern Xinjiang, but he didn't expect that the elites from the other side left the solid star defense system and came directly to the door. The difficulty of this battle has actually been reduced a lot!

If we could eat all of this elite fleet outside of southern Xinjiang! Then it would be much easier to attack and occupy the entire southern Xinjiang, right?

After several discussions, the new plan was quickly finalized. Under the command of Gurungs, a huge formation of 189,000 warships of various types left the Tengyuan universe area and headed for the scheduled battle area!

In the Khotan universe area, near the void tunnel numbered, there is now a dead silence, no longer the lively scene of the past!

Although this place is an important node on the main waterway, the only way for countless commercial fleets to pass, but now that the war has begun, as long as a businessman with a normal mind will naturally hide as far away as possible at this time to avoid being The flames of war spread and all the money was lost!

Just one day ago, a huge fleet from the southern border of the Shuo Feng Empire advanced all the way to the border of the kingdom. After a brief exchange of fire with the border defenders, the border guards with only a few thousand ships were naturally no match for the elite army of the empire, and were all destroyed by the other side!

The news spread, and the imperial fleet, which no longer concealed its whereabouts, began to use the main channel to advance rapidly, striving to arrive near the space area of ​​​​the kingdom's capital within ten days!

The entrance to the dark void tunnel trembled slightly, and dozens of phantoms began to emerge. Then as time passed, they gradually became solidified, and after a few seconds, they completely revealed their form.

It was a group of first-class speed armed reconnaissance ships, with a distinctive imperial engineering design style on the hull!

After the reconnaissance fleet was teleported, it did not stop and immediately rushed towards the next void tunnel!

After a while, another group of reconnaissance ships was teleported over, and they still left in a hurry!

Such scouts form one team after another, serving as important eyes and ears for the main fleet to detect the enemy's situation. When necessary, they will also be used as the cheapest cannon fodder!

It is not that there is no resistance. Behind some void tunnels, the scout fleet of Daomang Kingdom is also cruising in five places. Once the two sides meet, it is a small-scale encounter. The war often ends with the total destruction of one of the parties! The losing side rarely escapes with their lives!

On several main waterways leading to the kingdom's capital, and near hundreds of void tunnels, such exchanges of fire occurred from time to time. The losses of both sides were roughly equal, and it was impossible to say who took advantage and who suffered the loss!

Both sides can get as much of this low-cost small ship as they want, and they won't feel sorry for this kind of loss at all! It is estimated that to truly determine success or failure, it depends on the result of the duel between the main fleets!

On the command ship "Flying Tiger", Wang Yuexiang stared at the star map on the monitor, frowning and saying nothing!

It has been a day since we entered the kingdom. It is impossible for such a large-scale military operation to be kept secret forever. It is estimated that the other side must have received the news! At this time, we are seizing the time to mobilize our troops and prepare for the battle!

However, with only ten days, it is estimated that it will be difficult to complete all the preparations! To deal with his three million elite fleet of the empire, he must spend all his wealth to have the capital to fight him!

Moreover, even if the other party can gather all its troops before he approaches the royal capital, the final victory may only belong to him! This is certain! If the main force of a superpower were to deal with the fleet of a second-rate country, even with a large numerical advantage, and the result was a draw, then he would be so embarrassed that he would have to go to his grandma's house!

At present, the fleet has passed through half a hundred void tunnels. Some discoveries along the way made him have a higher evaluation of this newly born regime in his mind.

Not to mention anything else, there are just the unfinished interstellar fortresses at the entrance of the void tunnel, as well as the large cities on the nearby ecological planets, super-high-quality projects with various uses, and large industrial bases! He couldn't help but be surprised by the kingdom's economic and fierce fighting power!

Even on his own territory, he doesn't have the capital to spend money so lavishly! How much wealth does that young man have? Dare you spend so unscrupulously?

Fortunately, I had the foresight to take action in advance and wipe out this regime in the rising star segment! Otherwise, if we wait for a year and a half before taking action, facing a kingdom with a well-established star defense system, trying to win would be super unnecessary!

However, as for the doubts in my heart, after this regime is destroyed and all his family assets are taken over, I will naturally be able to find out!

A fleet of nine thousand first-class speed assault fleets has already set off. They are responsible for detecting the enemy's situation and mopping up small groups of enemy harassing fleets! Maintaining a voyage of about a day with the main army in the rear, if they encounter an unexpected situation, they can send out early warning messages from time to time to remind the main army to respond as soon as possible!

Together with the logistics supply fleet, the huge fleet with a total size of several million passed through the void tunnel one after another. After quickly forming a formation, it headed towards the next void tunnel at another speed!

Various types of high-power energy-injection detection equipment are all turned on, and countless powerful detection beams cover almost all contact frequency bands, including sound energy, light energy, magnetic energy, thermal energy, vacuum zero-point energy, and the multi-dimensional void scanning and monitoring system, etc. The equipment, which operates on different principles but has the same function, filters all the movements within the entire empire within a radius of 9,000 light seconds for an unknown number of times! As long as there is any disturbance, it will escape the strict surveillance of multiple warning networks!

However, in the void gap not far from this huge army, a silver-gray flying saucer with a diameter of more than 100 meters was speeding silently. The scanning equipment that can explore the multi-dimensional void has lost its due function in front of it!

The flying saucer followed the Imperial group silently, sending out several obscure messages from time to time, which were transmitted by unknown means to the Kingdom fleet who did not know where they were!

“According to the report from Commando No. 3 of ‘Tian Piao’, they should have entered the East Cambodian space area!”

In the main control room of the command ship, Leng Zhuo marked the corresponding place on the star map, and then said to Gurungs:

"Their vanguard has arrived in the Yanlong Universe area. They are still half way from the capital. There are still fifty-five hours before they enter the first ambush location we have planned!"

"I feel that it is better to attack these nine thousand warships first and give them a show of strength! It will also reduce some pressure for the upcoming war! I don't know what you think?" Guo Qiuxian suggested from the side.

Ye Qingyuan said: "Of course there is no problem in eating this fleet, but in this case, it will inevitably be suspected of alarming the enemy! Wang Yuexiang, who has always looked down upon us, might become cautious, or even retreat!"

Gurungsi smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you are worrying too much! Wang Yuexiang has good abilities, deep scheming, and tenacious temperament. He will never let it go because of a small setback! This advantage has added to him in his previous military career. There are a lot of points! However, at certain key moments, it is easy for him to get deeply involved in the opponent's calculations and it is difficult to get out!"

"Furthermore, this was the first time he went out after breaking the soil to become independent. He thought of quitting after suffering some losses, and returned without success. It was a huge blow to his reputation! Unless I waited and showed overwhelming strength from the beginning. Advantage, otherwise it would be impossible for him to stop early!"

"Therefore, I agree with General Guo's suggestion. Let's eat this vanguard fleet first to give him a warning! Then we will decide the next course of action based on the other party's reaction!"

Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly in conviction: "Okay! Everything is up to you. If necessary, I will personally lead the team to fight! Let Wang Yuexiang know that the kingdom's military strength is not as fragile as he estimated!"

Leng Zhuo looked at the star map and smiled softly:

"Analyzing the current situation, a few years have passed and his command style is still the same! With your ability as Marshal, it is not difficult to defeat him! I'm afraid he still has some unknown methods! We will deal with it then. There will be more unnecessary things to do!”

"Speaking of trump cards, we also have them! We may not be much worse than him!" Ziyuan Lan said confidently.

"If possible, I still hope not to use those things!" Gurungs sighed:

"Since it is a trump card, it must be used at the most appropriate time. I hope our current arrangement can completely suppress him!"

The main army of the empire advanced all the way, but the first to exchange fire with the kingdom's fleet was not the forward army, but the partial division led by Zhu Yin!

Thirty-nine thousand first-speed warships of various types passed through another secret channel. After several days of rapid march, they had approached the vicinity of the royal capital's universe area. They were only separated by five void tunnels and less than two universe areas apart!

However, what the young lieutenant general did not expect was that the star defense systems around the royal capital had all been completed ahead of schedule and put into use due to the attention of the top management!

"General, we are waiting for the scout fleet sent directly ahead, but so far none of them has returned!" the adjutant replied nervously.

"Do they still have a larger fleet hidden near here? It seems that there was no explanation in the previous intelligence!" Zhu Yin asked with some confusion.

"We haven't seen their fleet of more than a thousand ships appear so far, but..."

"Just what? Don't be hesitant!" Zhu Yin said with some displeasure.

"See for yourself!" The adjutant called up several three-dimensional images from the photon computer.

Above is the silhouette of a huge fixed interstellar fortress. The picture is very blurry. It is obvious that there are extremely sophisticated void shielding and interference methods nearby!

This was sent back by luck by a group of reconnaissance ships before they were destroyed, and it showed the scene at the entrance of the next void tunnel!

Zhu Yin only took one look and knew that his sneak attack plan would be difficult to realize!

The three large military fortresses are all built according to the most advanced technical standards. There are not many military facilities of this size even in the empire! But at the entrance of this void tunnel, as many as three suddenly appeared, in the shape of a "pin", guarding the throat leading to the royal capital!

Unwilling to give up, he tried to send part of his troops to charge forward. As a result, hundreds of the fortress's first-level main battle cannons fired a single salvo, blasting more than ten thousand warships of various types that had teleported past into ashes! It shows that they are not beautiful decorations, but real killer weapons!

"Retreat immediately, I'll wait for another channel to pass by!" He made a decision immediately.

Yu Ming understood that the first-speed fleet retreated and chose another channel with a slightly higher distance to pass through. However, when it was almost reaching the royal capital space area, it once again encountered the covering attack of multiple interstellar fortresses!

Just go back and forth a few times, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com He finally discovered that the star defense system near the royal capital was no longer something he could easily break through now!

If I had known this, I should have brought a few mobile interstellar fortresses here! Zhu Yin smiled bitterly in his heart.

In order to achieve the effect of a quick sneak attack, his fleet was all a variety of first-speed warships with modified propulsion systems. Naturally, it was impossible to carry such bulky and large attack weapons, so as not to affect the marching speed. As a result, when the front was facing the other side, Multiple firepower blockades, but an embarrassing situation with nothing to do!

At the entrance of the void tunnel, the phantoms of thousands of warships of all kinds appeared, and then they were wiped out by the dense firepower of the fortress's secondary artillery group that was waiting nearby!

However, the other side remained unmoved. A large number of old transport ships and merchant ships turned on their autopilot systems under Zhu Yin's order, and were sent one after another to serve as cannon fodder to attract firepower and consume the energy of the fortress cannons!

Due to miscalculation in advance, the imperial fleet did not carry weapons that could deal with fixed interstellar fortresses. Because of this, it could only use this method that was not a means! (To be continued.)

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