Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 781: So what if you are not willing to give in?

? “The guys opposite don’t seem to give up yet!”

In the "Jianfeng 8" interstellar fortress, Lieutenant Adjutant Huang Kun looked at the image on the monitor and laughed:

"I've already lost so many warships of all kinds, but I didn't expect that I still don't know how to advance or retreat. Are we willing to lose all our capital here?"

Major Cui Yuanbin, the commander of the fortress, said calmly:

"The other party is not a hot-headed person! On the contrary, he has a very clear estimate of our fierce fighting power and weaknesses! That's why he uses this extremely costly method to attack the void tunnel! As long as a sufficient number of various kinds of weapons can be transported smoothly, With the Japanese-style battleship, their goal has almost been achieved!"

"But there are three fortresses here! They are all the most advanced models. As long as they cooperate with each other, if there is an accident, they will definitely be able to withstand our cross fire blockade!" Huang Kun said with a smile.

"You can't say that!" Cui Yuanbin ticked his eyes and said:

"Although this kind of interstellar fortress is powerful, it requires the cooperation of enough fleets to achieve full combat effectiveness! Moreover, the time for the fortress cannon to replenish energy is too long. It is almost a preparation in advance. It can only exert its power three times, and then It will take several hours to recharge! During this time, we can only rely on those secondary artillery groups to cope with their impact!"

"If the general on the other side is brave enough, he will send a considerable number of warships of all kinds to be used as cannon fodder, which will consume the number of firings of the first-level main battle cannon. When the first-level main battle cannon starts to replenish energy, he will use all his strength to rush over. Kill me!"

Huang Kun looked suffocated and said in a dry voice: "I hope the other party won't be such a decisive person!"

Unfortunately, his wish will undoubtedly come true! The void tunnel soon ushered in the most violent impact!

"Throw all the emptied transport ships over to attract firepower! No matter what, we must consume the energy of the fortress's main battle cannon and break through their blockade!" Zhu Yin ordered through gritted teeth.

"General, we have already suffered casualties in more than 30,000 warships of various types. If we continue to attack by force, the losses will be..." A subordinate said with some regret.

Zhu Yin's voice was still cold: "Then we have to rush! At this point in the battle, we have no way out! If we use all our elites and still can't capture the other side's capital, we won't be able to tell you anything in front of His Majesty after we go back!"

After several trials, he found that these fortresses did not have corresponding fleets to assist in defense, and finally decided to use a force attack to break through the fire blockade on the other side, and then proceed to attack the royal capital!

Although the main battle cannon of the first level of the fortress is powerful, the interval between uses is too long, so there is no way to deal with it! As long as a few firing opportunities are wasted, even though the number of remaining secondary artillery groups is large, it is impossible to stop the fleet's impact at any cost!

Even if the final casualties will be huge, as long as the capital is captured, our strategic goal will be completed, and no matter how big the loss is, it will be nothing in the eyes of His Majesty!

Therefore, Zhu Yin issued an order to gather all the transport ships that had been emptied of supplies, filmed the automatic driving program, and then threw them into the void tunnel together! He also brought some small meteorites nearby and threw them over to attract firepower! Then let the fleet follow behind, planning to open a bloody path in this way!

Cui Yuanbin looked at the transport fleets, the large group of meteorites, and the various warships that were sneaking behind at the entrance of the void tunnel, feeling a little heavy!

He is an old man who followed His Majesty in the uprising. From the founding of the country to the present, even if he has not made many achievements, relying on his qualifications, he has managed to get into the position of commander of a fortress, with tens of thousands of brothers in charge of him!

There have been many surprises along the way, so I certainly have this vision! The fleet on the opposite side, as well as the quality of its commanders, are definitely different from the low-level enemies in the Prison Soul Star Sea in the past. They are the most powerful enemies the kingdom has ever seen! With only the power of three fortresses, it is estimated that it is unlikely that it will stop here!

Of course, he wasn't worried! Behind him, there are two void tunnels, both of which are guarded by several interstellar fortresses! Even if you can't defend yourself, those two lines of defense can inflict a bloody blow on the opponent!

"The first-level main battle cannon continues to charge! The secondary guns of all calibers are aimed at the void tunnel and bombarded with all their strength! No matter how many warships he comes, he can't even take a step out of the range of the void tunnel! At the same time, send the message to the rear General Liu Xiangyun!" he ordered.

If we can get support from the rear fleet, it shouldn't be a problem to repel the enemy, right? There is nothing to say about Liu Xiangyun's ability in commanding troops! I just don’t know if I can sustain it until then!

"This is a good battlefield!"

Geraldine stared at the universe outside the porthole and said calmly.

The Molek universe area, near the capital of the former Baloat Principality, is an extremely open universe. Five void tunnels are arranged in an almost perfect rectangle, thousands of light seconds apart from each other, and there is a small one in the middle. The star system has two ecological planets and five resource planets orbiting the star. On the outermost orbit is an asteroid belt made of ice and meteorites!

This place is a bit like a simplified version of the solar system, and it is also a very prosperous place!

After several days of tracking and observation, Gurungs finally decided to take action and concentrate his superior forces to eat up the empire's forward army first! This is one of the planned places for siege and annihilation!

"The man opposite me seems to be a good general as well! I just haven't dealt with him before. I don't know if you can persuade him to surrender based on your prestige?"

In the main control room of the command ship, Ye Qingyuan asked Gurungs.

The other side shook his head disapprovingly: "Your Majesty! I know what you mean. The fleet brought by Wang Yuexiang is the essence of the empire! If it can be used by the kingdom, it will be invincible in the future whether it is plotting against the Shuofeng Empire or the Xuanluo Federation. Replaceable boost!”

"However, you have to know that throughout the ages, the examples of conquering the enemy's troops without fighting and convincing the enemy to surrender were mostly based on the premise that the rulers of the other side were unpopular and the fierce fighting power of one's own side occupied a considerable advantage. It was possible to succeed. !”

"Now Wang Yuexiang's political ability is acceptable, and his fierce fighting ability is even more than that of the kingdom! It is estimated that under such a situation, it is impossible to persuade the other side's beloved general to defect in battle! The only way is to use thunderous means Only by destroying them can the other side truly fear us!"

"What the marshal said is very clear, but I think it is not comprehensive!" Ye Qingyuan said sincerely.

"Your Majesty, don't worry!" Gurungs said with a smile.

"These legions were built by the empire with a lot of hard work, financial and material resources! It would be a pity if they were all lost here! I don't want to see such a result, so at the last critical moment, I will consider the means and try to save as many fleets as possible!"

"That's the best! As long as they can surrender, I can forget the blame and promise to treat them well!" Ye Qingyuan said with certainty.

With Gurungs' status and influence in the empire, when the Kingdom's fleet has the upper hand, if he came forward to persuade him to surrender, it is estimated that not many officers and soldiers would refuse! Even Wang Yuexiang couldn't suppress it!

On the side of the Imperial fleet, Geraldine was reviewing the enemy information report sent back by the scout team, while issuing orders for the forward fleet to launch an attack formation, preparing to meet the Kingdom fleet that appeared in the distance not long ago!

Thousands of light seconds away from the entrance of the void tunnel, a large number of various warships with silver sword emblems engraved on their bodies are leaping out quickly!

It's not that he didn't think about going over to block the door, but he only had 29,000 warships of various types at hand, which made it difficult to achieve his goal. In addition, the distance was too far, and he didn't have enough time! So I might as well wait in formation here and have a fair fight! Relying on the empire's elite combat power, we may not be afraid of this second-rate fleet!

Originally, he only had nine thousand warships of various types. Later, Wang Yuexiang realized that he might have underestimated the fierce fighting power of the kingdom. Because of this temporary decision, he doubled the size of the forward fleet! To ensure nothing goes wrong!

Therefore, Geraldine was very confident, thinking that even if she faced a force twice as large as her own, she would still be defeated! Maybe he will take the capital of the kingdom without using the main fleet behind him!

And the fact is just as he estimated, there are about five to nine thousand warships of various types jumping over from the entrance of the void tunnel opposite! It has not exceeded his psychological endurance!

"Expand your formation and prepare for battle!" Geraldine ordered with a serious expression. "This is the first battle with the enemy. Please cheer up and perform well! Don't lose the reputation of the Imperial Regiment!"

"Yes! General!"

More than half an hour later, the two huge fleets traveling at first-level speed were finally almost within effective combat range!

"Qianyuanpin various warships' first-level main battle cannons are ready, the star field ruler xxxx directly ahead... 90% power injection can fire a salvo!"

Tian Xuanhao watched the changes in the battlefield situation on the star map and calmly issued the first order!

The range and rate of fire of this new battlefield weapon is much higher than the current Empire's standard "Xilong" series of warships. It can attack two rounds before the enemy fires!

Nine thousand thick blue beams of destruction were emitted from the depths of the kingdom fleet array, quickly streaking across the universe, and rushed into the empire fleet camp with indomitable momentum!

In an instant, with the universe as the background, thousands of huge fireballs exploded silently on the dark sky!

A few seconds later, the attack effect was fed back. Under Tian Xuanhao's precise control, 30,000 "Qianyuan" warships of all kinds were killed in the first round of attack, killing nearly 5,000 warships of all kinds on the other side! There are also many warships of various types injured!

"It's definitely that kid! That's right!" Geraldine frowned slightly when she saw the number of casualties, knowing the identity of the commander on the other side. Only with him can such a surprising impact be achieved!

Moreover, in order to ensure success, Kanata unexpectedly let all kinds of "Qianyuan" warships participate in the battle from the beginning. This shows that Kanata really does not have many bargaining chips!

"Accelerate and get closer, all departments should pay attention to evasive movement, and the first-level main battle artillery is counting down to fire!" He ordered calmly.

Gurungs stood beside Tian Xuanhao, smiling as he watched him perform on his own, issuing tactical instructions one after another, and methodically controlling the entire battlefield situation!

In the vast starry sky relatively close by, the Imperial fleet is maneuvering with all its strength under the command of Geraldine, trying its best to avoid the precise attack of the Kingdom fleet! At the same time, fire back suddenly!

"Isn't this guy's head too incredible? Is he really just an ordinary person?"

After giving out a few more instructions, Geraldine, who was exhausted from the torment, cursed fiercely.

The battle lasted for more than an hour, and the fleets of both sides continued to attack each other. Under Tian Xuanhao's superb command, even Geraldine responded quickly and flexibly! Each salvo will still cause hundreds of imperial warships of all kinds to turn into gorgeous cosmic fireworks!

And most of the imperial fleet's fierce counterattack fell into the air! The Kingdom's fleet is like a divine aid, able to predict the coming firepower every time and avoid it in time!

The casualty figures on both sides are constantly being refreshed. However, so far, the losses of the Imperial fleet have reached more than 50,000 ships, while the casualties on the Kingdom's side exceeded 10,000 not long ago!

Staring at this embarrassing ratio of battle losses, Geraldine was livid and silent!

He had reason to be angry. It would be fine if the enemy on the opposite side came from a super-powerful country, but it was just a fleet of a second-rate country, and it was still the kind of upstart who had only founded the country a few years ago! Unexpectedly, he dared to challenge the elite army of the empire head-on and achieve such incredible results. This undoubtedly stabbed his rebellious heart!

"This kind of precise control requires a lot of mental energy. I don't believe how long you can last!" He gritted his teeth and then commanded the fleet to counterattack suddenly!

According to common sense, if a high-star wise man uses his own brainwaves regardless of the final result, he can also achieve similar battlefield control effects. However, the continuous flow of time is relatively short, and the burden on the brain is also quite heavy. Generally, no one is willing to do so. Such a huge price to pay!

Geraldine is currently gambling, looking for Shuyuan www. Bet that Tian Xuanhao on the opposite side also has his own upper limit for the use of abilities. As long as he can't hold on any longer, the good days of the Kingdom's fleet will come to an end! The elite imperial regiment will let him know what true fierce combat power is!

"I didn't expect that at this time, there was no sign of decline. The empire's elites are indeed worthy of their reputation!" Tian Xuanhao also said with some surprise.

In previous battles, even if we faced enemy forces several times larger than our own, as long as we spent so long fighting him, even if the entire army was not wiped out, we would still be exhausted, and we would almost collapse!

The imperial fleet on the opposite side, under the control and dispatch of the commander, is still full of energy! The formation changes, maneuvers to evade, and defense and counterattacks are all very organized, and there is only the slightest sign of defeat!

"There's no need to worry. If you hold on for at most three-quarters of an hour, the other side won't be able to support it any longer!" Gurungs said with a smile.

He was also very interested in this young man's unusually precise control ability. Although he was not a wise man, he had far more powerful abilities in battlefield duels than the high-star wise men! What's slightly unpleasant is that no one else can learn this method. It's the only one in the entire Xinghai! (To be continued.)

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