Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 786: You will die if you fight for a long time

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"Then detonate them all quickly. We must not let them fall into the hands of the enemy!" Wang Yuexiang gritted his teeth and said.

Unfortunately, the detonation command had no effect. The entire combat puppet army arrived at the Kingdom Fleet camp almost intact, making him angry to death!

Several housekeeping skills in a row were easily eliminated by the Kingdom's side and failed to be used as they should. More than a dozen of the Empire's supernatural legions who were originally hesitant surrendered!

"Damn it, what's going on?" Wang Yuexiang was furious, "These guys are shameless people. If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have kept them!"

"Your Majesty, the situation is worrying, let the remaining legions withdraw first!" Fulton urged,

"We might as well give in once and consider them winning this battle. When we get back, we can reorganize our internal affairs and wait for an opportunity to fight again!"

What he said was the truth. At present, the people of the supernatural army are unstable, and a large number of officers and soldiers have turned against them. If we continue to waste it, I'm afraid everyone will run away and no one will be left!

Moreover, in terms of fleet battles, the Kingdom's side has gradually begun to gain the upper hand! Faced with the joint suppression of Tian Xuanhao and Gurungs, two god-of-war figures, Wang Yuexiang's ability to survive until now is enough to illustrate his level!

However, the losses of the imperial fleet are gradually increasing, and there is a vague trend that is unsustainable!

Just as the war in the kingdom was raging, major changes occurred in the twelve provinces of Southern Xinjiang!

Zhiyuan Universe area is the location of the imperial capital selected by Wang Yuexiang.

The newly built Imperial Palace complex is located in the stratosphere of the fifth planet in the star system. In front of the main entrance of the Imperial Palace is an extremely empty square, paved with bright yellow spar floor tiles, which looks gorgeous and spectacular under the sunlight. , solemn atmosphere!

On the edge of the square, Edwina was walking alone. The golden sun shone from the sky, coating her graceful profile with a beautiful golden edge! The breeze blew slowly, gently fluttering the long and delicate skirt.

His Majesty has been on the expedition for several days, and no battle reports have been sent back from the front line. Although the Kingdom of Daomang was newly established, the fierce fighting was weak, and with an overwhelming army, there should be no doubt about the outcome, but she was still a little uneasy!

Regardless of victory or defeat, there should always be news, but there was no news at all, which made her feel embarrassed and uneasy!

Edwina comes from a small family race in the southern Xinjiang universe. She is the second daughter of the contemporary family head. Because of her beauty, she was spotted by Wang Yuexiang who became independent, married her and was named queen!

Wang Yuexiang's original family members were all in the imperial capital. They were put under house arrest by Zhu Zhaoyuan before he could stand on his own. After he publicly announced that he would become a country of his own, the furious empress dowager immediately killed his entire family!

Of course, this is no longer a big deal for Wang Yuexiang, who is determined to proclaim himself emperor! If the woman is gone, you can remarry; if the son is gone, you can regenerate! He still has many years to work hard, and there is no need to worry about the future empire without heirs!

Since most of the races in southern Xinjiang were destroyed by the Queen's bloody purge, only two or three big cats and kittens were left alive! It is precisely because of this that Wang Yuexiang's range of choices is not large, so Fang Rang, who is not from a particularly noble background, is lucky enough to get this place!

Close behind her, a palace maid followed up and reported to her: "Your Majesty the Queen, General Alfred is waiting for you in the royal study to discuss matters!"

"I know! I'll be there right away!" She responded calmly.

Several palace guards drove the large and luxurious car over. The palace maid opened the door and asked her to get in. Then, surrounded by many guards, she drove towards the palace.

When they arrived at the royal study, General Alfred, who had gray hair and was thin and already showing his age, was discussing something in a low voice with several generals. When they saw her coming in, they all stood up and saluted respectfully.

"You are welcome, generals," she said gently, "Is there anything I don't know that needs to be decided by me?"

"Your Majesty the Queen!" General Alfred said solemnly:

"The Shuofeng Empire is currently deploying troops and generals, and the troops on the border are also ready to move. They seem to be making major moves to harm our empire!"

"Oh!" She was not surprised by this news. All the main domestic military forces were deployed. At this time, it is normal for the powerful country in the north to take some action! Otherwise, it will make people feel strange!

"I don't know how the generals plan to respond?" Edwina asked.

When Wang Yuexiang left, he nominally entrusted all household affairs to the queen. However, military decisions still had to be made by these generals. As an indispensable form, she also had to participate in the decision-making, and everything had to be obtained. Only with her approval can it pass!

Edwina knows her own weight, and she doesn't have much ambition. Because of this, she basically just acts like a show, and does whatever the generals say!

"I believe that the fleet on the border should be put on higher alert! And troops from other parts of the country should also be mobilized to strengthen defense!" General Alfred said solemnly.

The remaining generals seemed to have reached an agreement in private. Because of this, they didn't say anything and tacitly accepted that he was the leader!

According to the past situation, the queen would directly express her approval at this time. However, at this time, the uneasy feeling in her heart became more and more intense!

After hesitating for a moment, she finally couldn't help but said: "However, as far as I know, most of the fleets left behind in the country have been concentrated at the border with the Shuofeng Empire. If they are transferred again, how will the defense of other parts of the country be organized? ?”

It was also the first time that General Alfred saw the queen questioning their decision. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised and explained:

"Your Majesty the Queen, the Shuofeng Empire is powerful. If they really launch an attack, the existing military strength on the border alone will not be enough to resist! Only by concentrating all available troops can we ensure the stability of the defense line!"

"However, although the defense in other places is a bit empty, as long as it withstands the pressure of the Shuofeng Empire, the country will be safe! When His Majesty's army returns victoriously, nothing will be a problem!"

In his opinion, as long as the Shuofeng Empire cannot invade and the Daomang Kingdom on the other side has no time to take care of itself, the empire now has no other enemies, so there really is nothing to worry about!

Edwina knew what he said was reasonable. Facing the threat from the Shuofeng Empire, she could not take it lightly! All available power must be used! Otherwise, if something goes wrong by then, it will be too late!

"Very good! The general will just take care of the specific matters!" After thinking for a while, she figured out that it was just a more reasonable and feasible idea, so she had to agree with him.

Shalan universe area, somewhere near a remote small star system.

This place has no ecological planet suitable for human habitation, and there are no high-value resources worth exploiting. It is not even qualified to be developed as an adventure tourism area! Because of this, ever since this place was discovered by humans, it has only been marked as a simple mark on the star map, and has since become a forgotten place!

But just at the outer edge of the star system, behind an unremarkable icy asteroid, a flying saucer-shaped armed reconnaissance ship with a diameter of tens of meters slowly appeared. On the streamlined shell, a striking 8-diamond ribbon is engraved, and the pattern on it is a vast sea of ​​​​stars formed by countless dazzling swordsman commandos!

After the reconnaissance ship appeared, it began to fly out tentatively. After a careful patrol, it finally sent back a safety signal.

Then, more armed reconnaissance ships appeared, followed by first-class speed assault ships one after another. Finally, a total of 29,000 warships of various types emerged from the secret void tunnel!

The task force of the Daomang Kingdom has finally arrived at the southern border, which is the heart of the Shangyu Galaxy!

"General, it is unbelievable that this march will be so smooth! There will be almost no unnecessary things!"

In the main control room of the command ship, Gilad said to Cameron.

The former marshal of the Federation gently nodded and said: "The star map your Majesty gave me is really accurate! It is said that this is a secret channel specially opened by the ghost race group of volleyballs. I really didn't expect it when I was in the Federation!"

Gilad sighed: "This shows that those volleyball players have great ambitions for the human world. I didn't expect there to be so many small moves! Of course, it's not just them, those old alien civilizations are not good things!"

"That's right! One day, we will trample all these foreign races under our feet!" Cameron snorted coldly.

He was once the number one person in the Xuanluo Federation Strategic Command, and this place was also the territory of the Federation. Those volleyball players created such a huge network of secret waterways under the eyes of the federal government. It is self-evident what they used it for! But they don’t know anything about it! How does this keep him from being angry?

"This place is only a few void tunnels away from the Zhiyuan universe area. Let's go there quickly!" Gilad said:

"As long as you can easily occupy the other side's capital, it will be a great achievement! I don't know if Wang Yuexiang will be so angry that he vomits blood after hearing the news that his hometown has been raided?"

Yu Ming understood that the entire fleet set off silently again, following the secret channel opened by the ghost race, sneaking towards the Zhiyuan universe area without knowing it...

Fierce fighting continues in the kingdom!

Wang Yuexiang looked at his side's rising casualty figures, and finally thought about retreating!

Half of the empire's supernatural legion has surrendered to the enemy, and the fleet is beginning to be at a disadvantage! Every minute, hundreds of warships of all kinds would be destroyed, and he was still unable to retaliate!

Currently, even the officers and soldiers in the imperial fleet are showing signs of instability! Perhaps, the only way to preserve the fierce fighting power is to retreat!

In the fleet on the kingdom's side, Gurungs said to Ye Qingyuan, who had returned not long ago: "Your Majesty, the time is ripe, and we can persuade that side to surrender now!"

Ye Qingyuan said happily: "Then you are Marshal Lao! I hope this battle can be ended as soon as possible!"

Just when Wang Yuexiang was about to issue an order to retreat, the adjutant suddenly said: "Your Majesty! The Kingdom Fleet has sent a video call request. I don't know if you accept it?"

He was startled for a moment and said, "Let's get through it! Let's see what he thinks he's going to say!"

"Old friend! Stay safe!" A familiar figure appeared on the current monitor and greeted him with a smile.

For a moment, Wang Yuexiang felt as if he had been struck by lightning. It took him a while to react, and he said with a pale face: "Why maybe it's you? Weren't you put under house arrest by that woman in the imperial capital? When did you come here! And you are willing to sacrifice your life for this kid!"

Gurungs sighed softly and said: "Old friend, don't you still know? The changes in the imperial capital were all caused by that woman Zhu Zhaoyuan! Her Majesty the Queen is not dead. She is still sleeping. She has already destroyed the empire. Entrusted to Ye Qingyuan, as members of the empire, you and I should obey the order!"

"Obey?" Wang Yuexiang snorted coldly and said:

"You and I are both meritorious ministers of the empire. We have lived and died for the empire for many years! Now, a boy who has not even grown a hair, can climb into the queen's bed just because of his good luck, and can be above us in a majestic manner. !Don’t you feel ridiculous?”

Gurungsi's face turned cold: "Wang Yuexiang, what are you talking about? Ye Qingyuan's status is also earned by his own true ability. His military exploits for the empire may not be much less than yours! Just Because of this untenable reason, can you ignore the faith and honor of the people of the empire and break the soil to stand on your own?"

"For your own selfish reasons, I used the flesh and blood of hundreds of millions of people in the empire to pave the way for you! You really can do it!"

"Does Prince General Xiang Ning have the guts? He can sit in that seat, why can't I?" Wang Yuexiang gritted his teeth and said suddenly:

"No matter why you look at it, the matter has reached this point. It's useless to talk more! If you ask me to bow my head and give in, that's absolutely impossible!"

"Forget it! I thought I would spare your life, but since you are so stubborn, I don't have to care about your life or death anymore!" Gurungs sighed softly again and said loudly:

"Commanders of the Imperial Regiment, look for Shuyuan You have all heard what this guy just said! For the sake of his great cause, he is determined to sacrifice you all! Do you feel like this? These cold-blooded and ruthless people! Are they still worthy of your allegiance?"

"Listen to me and stop fighting! Come here! Ye Qingyuan is the legitimate successor of the empire. The only way for you is to follow him..."

It's unclear when he switched the video call to the public channel. The image of the old marshal was seen on almost every warship in the entire imperial fleet!

If it were anyone else, these words may not have any effect, but as the number one person in the empire, Gurungs’s prestige in the military is unquestionable and has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of every imperial officer and soldier! Most of the commanders present were almost his old subordinates, and this influence was not ordinary!

For a time, the movements of many fleets slowed down, and the Kingdom fleet also took advantage of this to slow down its offensive, retreating slightly to reorganize its formation, allowing the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Regiment to think carefully.

Wang Yuexiang's face changed wildly. Of course he knew what kind of effect his words could have in this extremely unfavorable war situation with Gurungs's reputation! (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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