Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 787: If you forget to fight, you will be in danger

? “All combat parts, immediately turn off video contact!” he roared,

"Turn on the full-band interference shielding system! No one is allowed to receive any messages from the other side. Violators will be punished by the military!"

It's a pity that he didn't say it was okay! As soon as he opened his mouth, the officers and soldiers immediately noticed his weakness and panic! The last trace of worry in my heart is gone!

"As the commander of the Empire's Fifty-Eighth Legion, I, Barnett, order the officers and soldiers of my headquarters to stop attacking the Kingdom's fleet and respond to the marshal's call! No longer obey Wang Yuexiang's instructions..." A calm voice suddenly sounded in the contact channel.

"Okay! Okay! Friend Barnett, you finally made a right decision!" Gurungs said with a smile, "Come over later and I'll drink together!"

"Barnett, you son of a bitch!" Wang Yuexiang was furious and shouted with a livid face: "Bernie! Command your fleet immediately and stop them!"

Another voice said in the channel: "Sarui, my decision is the same as Barnett's. Mr. Wang Yuexiang, maybe you should really reflect on what you have done!"

"You..." He was so angry that he started to tremble all over!

With these two generals taking the lead, a chain effect was triggered in an instant! Many legion commanders announced their defection! In the end, except for Wang Yuexiang's command ship and the few nearby personal guard fleets, all the surrounding fleets had withdrawn!

Tianhua universe area, on Qingyan star.

This planet has beautiful scenery and a lot of products. It is the private property of the head of the Qi family.

At this moment, the head of the family, Zhou Mengde, was sitting opposite his brother Lang Hao, drinking tea and discussing Taoism.

By this day, the situation in the Star Sea has been changing, and the empire is also unstable. Therefore, the two leaders of the family race have not been easy recently!

"Brother! I've been waiting for a long time to sit down and relax like today!" Lang Hao put down the tea cup in his hand and said with a little mixed emotions.

"Yes! There have been too many extraneous things recently, and none of them are worry-free!" Zhou Mengde lowered his eyelids and silently looked at the green tea leaves in the cup. The color slowly changed as the tea soaked. , the mist steamed up, reflecting his handsome face that still looked young.

"Do you think the plan proposed by the Yun family can really have good results?" he asked slowly.

Lang Hao was a little unsure and said: "From the current point of view, it should be beneficial! However, in the long run, it is difficult to say! The empire of Nuoda is divided into 8, and each of the 8 races controls a piece. From this, it changes The political situation that emerged is really..."

He twitched the corners of his eyes but did not continue.

This plan was originally proposed by Cheng Guiyun, and was finally settled after numerous quarrels among several family heads. Everyone knows that this is not a bright idea, but the fierce fighting power of the 8 races is almost over, and no one is willing to make concessions, so they come up with such a ridiculous plan!

If it had been in the past, this solution would have been feasible! The political structure of many countries in the Star Sea World has a similar model! Although doing so will undoubtedly weaken the empire's national power!

However, today is different from the past. At a time when the world is in chaos, it is very likely that the future Xinghai world will merge into a few hegemonic regimes, or even unify! In reality, the empire, which is already in a state of fragmentation, will definitely only be eliminated!

At that time, where will the Qi family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, go?

"According to the previous agreement, we have less than a month to wait for the launch!" After a moment of silence, Zhou Mengde said again:

"After this is done, at the next joint meeting of the family heads, everyone will start drawing lots to decide who will be the new emperor of the empire! And..."

"And what?" Lang Hao asked.

"At the joint meeting that ended yesterday, Cheng Guiyun suddenly proposed that Ye Qingyuan be re-entered into the Yun family's genealogy and restore his identity as a direct descendant of the family's race!" Zhou Meng said sarcastically in German.

Lang Hao couldn't help but be startled, and after a moment of thought, he realized what he was doing, and snorted coldly: "This guy is really shrewd! He is willing to do this because he is eyeing the vast territory of the more than 300 universe areas of Daomang Kingdom." ?”

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" Zhou Mengde sneered:

"He probably thinks that the Daomang Kingdom is doomed to be doomed by Wang Yuexiang's attack! As long as the child dies, the country will be left without an owner. As the head of the Yun family, he is fully qualified to take back the inheritance rights of the kingdom!"

Lang Hao snorted: "Is he so sure that he thinks that Daomang Kingdom will definitely be destroyed? Don't shoot yourself in the foot!"

Mentioning this, Zhou Mengde's expression became a little solemn: "Wang Yuexiang's fierce fighting power is not fake. There are more than three million fleets! They are all the elites of the empire. The child might be in trouble this time! Although I’ve always been optimistic about him!”

"But what if he really wins and benefits from all the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang?" Lang Hao asked.

"This... shouldn't be possible!" The head of the family said with some doubt:

"Of course, I can't say for sure! That kid's luck has always been good, and every time something big happens, he always does something unexpected! I don't know if he will still have incredible performances!"

"However, if this situation really happens! The impact on the empire will be huge! I have to think about it carefully!"

Lang Hao leaned forward slightly, stared at his brother and said: "I think... no, I'm sure! Southern Xinjiang will completely fall into the hands of that child, and it won't take long for him to start a war against the Shuofeng Empire!"

As if he couldn't see his brother's surprised expression, he then smiled and said: "By today next year, we will all be subjects of the Dao Mang Empire!"

Zhou Mengde frowned briefly, then smiled and said, "Are you too partial to that child? Just because he is your grandson-in-law?"

"Okay! Brother, I don't want to say anything else. As long as he can take over Southern Xinjiang smoothly, then I will step down from this position. From now on, it will be you who will deal with him! For the sake of your granddaughter , considering that we have helped him in the past, I guess he won’t embarrass you too much!”

"That's what you said! Brother, just don't regret it then!" Lang Hao laughed.

A close maid hurriedly walked in from outside the courtyard and handed a sealed letter to the head of the family: "Your Highness, this is an urgent report from the secret intelligence network of the family in southern Xinjiang!"

The owner of the house was horrified and quickly took it over. After opening it and looking at it, his expression changed instantly.

"Brother?" Lang Hao asked tentatively, "But has the war in southern Xinjiang been resolved?"

Zhou Mengde was silent for a long time before he slowly exhaled: "Okay! Brother, from now on, you are the head of the Qi family!"


On October 25, 7947 in the interstellar calendar, the battle in Southern Xinjiang that lasted less than ten days finally came to an end!

Because at the critical moment of the war, Gurungs, the former staff-wielding marshal of the empire and the number one man in the strategic command, came forward to persuade them to surrender, causing the vast majority of the imperial fleet to defect before the battle! Not long ago, Wang Yuexiang, who had been independent for less than half a month, suffered a huge defeat. He lost all his family assets and even became a prisoner himself!

At the same time, good news came from Cameron, who was alone in the depths. Taking advantage of the fact that most of the troops left behind in southern Xinjiang were transferred to the border garrison with the Shuofeng Empire, the 29,000 task force effortlessly captured the Zhiyuan universe area! Hundreds of military and political officials, including the queen, were captured!

Ye Qingyuan immediately ordered him to send the news of Wang Yuexiang's capture to all the remaining regiments in southern Xinjiang, ordering them to surrender!

A few hours later, all the generals who learned the truth chose to obey the kingdom's orders!

Not long after, Zhuyin had taken over several mobile interstellar fortresses and was planning to turn around and fight again. After receiving Gurungs's persuasion, after some weighing, Zhuyin finally agreed to surrender!

At this point, Wang Yuexiang's 339,000 imperial fleets had been damaged in the war by nearly 1,000; of the 70 supernatural legions, there were still 5 and a half hundred left! Now they all belong to Daomang Kingdom!

With the addition of this batch of former empire elites, the kingdom's fierce combat effectiveness has been greatly enhanced, and it has begun to truly have the capital to compete with super powers!

After the victory, the Kingdom's fleet marched non-stop, entering southern Xinjiang as quickly as possible and bringing the entire Shangyu Galaxy under effective control! And strengthened the defense of the border areas bordering the Shuofeng Empire!

By November, the Shangyu Galaxy and the original Daomang Kingdom were completely connected! The territory controlled by Ye Qingyuan Group has exceeded 700 universe regions! It is equivalent to the entire territory of a super-powerful country!

For a time, a considerable part of the attention of the major forces in the Star Sea, which was constantly on the march, was attracted here!

With such a complete galaxy with a prosperous economy and sound industrial system, as well as more than a million elite imperial fleets and a large number of high-quality middle and lower-level commanders, the fierce combat effectiveness of this regime has truly created a new star! It has reached the level of a first-class power!

The name of Daomang Kingdom began to be known by almost all the major forces and began to really pay attention!

At the end of November, with the approval of Ye Qingyuan, the capital of the kingdom was officially moved from the Tengyuan Universe area to the Zhiyuan Universe area with developed economy and convenient transportation!

"Sister! Have you sold all the land and property you have?" Luo Qingyue asked Qin Yuanyuan with a smile in the Wang family fleet.

"Well! Even before the war started, I asked the people below to sell them all in batches and leave for a period of time!" Qin Yuanyuan said with a smile:

"Anyway, I have had the experience of moving the capital once, but this time I am much more skilled! Those who took over were still secretly happy in their hearts at the beginning, but now they are afraid that they will not even cry!"

Luo Qingyue also smiled and said: "When I go there this time, I will buy more land and hoard it! After it reaches a sky-high price and then leave it for a while, I will not be short of pocket money for the rest of my life!"

"Of course!" Qin Yuanyuan said proudly.

As the capital of a country, it is natural that it will receive the attention of the top leaders of the regime, and it is expected that it will receive various preferential policies and countless investments! Therefore, many entrepreneurial races are willing to come to the capital to do business. The land and various industries in the capital space area may be the most expensive in the entire country!

As early as when the Yanlong Universe area was established as the capital, Qin Yuanyuan saw the opportunity and preemptively purchased a large amount of land to stockpile! Sure enough, in the next year, the land price of the capital planet increased hundreds of times! Even the land prices of several nearby planets have skyrocketed!

Later, the kingdom moved its capital. As Ye Qingyuan's bedfellows, they were the first to learn the news. They transferred all their properties away for a period of time and replaced them with crystal cores. Then they made purchases in the Tengyuan Universe area without any scruples!

Needless to say, what happened next was that the rising land prices caused their assets to expand to an astonishing figure again!

Although Ye Qingyuan later entrusted Leng Zhuo to take care of all the royal family's property, he reminded them not to go too far. However, there is something about their behavior of taking out their private money and making a small fortune! He still turned a blind eye!

Besides, this is human nature and cannot be avoided! Including those important officials of the kingdom, who among them has not purchased some property? This is a common phenomenon in the star sea world, and it’s nothing difficult to understand!

When they went there this time, the two women had already exerted all their strength and were about to make him a huge sum of money again!

On December 1, the officials came forward to persuade Ye Qingyuan to proclaim himself emperor to rectify his title!

The next day, the Daomang Kingdom was officially renamed the Empire, and Ye Qingyuan became the first emperor, with his capital in the Yuan Universe area! At the same time, he enfeoffed all the ministers!

Zhiyuan universe area.

The star system where the capital planet is located has a total of seven habitable ecological planets, which is an extremely rare phenomenon in the star sea.

The vast world of star sea, with countless stars! Among them, there are very few stars with planets, and there may not be one in a thousand; there are even fewer solid planets, or even solid planets with atmospheres; and among these few stars, there may not be one. , there is only one planet with life on it!

Regarding this kind of star system with several ecological planets at the same time, it is a rare anomaly in the sea of ​​stars! Even in the territory of a great country, there are only a few of them! Such star systems are generally the capitals of great powers, or important industrial and economic centers! It plays a pivotal role in the administrative planning of the entire country!

Nowadays, looking for the book This star system is naturally regarded as the capital of the Daomang Empire, and the original Tengyuan universe area exists as a companion capital!

As the news spread, the heads of business organizations, large and small, doing business in the Daomang Empire were both happy and worried! The empire's territory is expanding aggressively, and its national power is growing day by day. Those forces that have always been optimistic about the empire will naturally receive a lot of preferential treatment from the empire's high-level officials!

However, in less than two years, the empire moved its capital twice, causing their large investments in the original capital universe area to depreciate to varying degrees! Although the top officials of the empire promised not to reduce investment and construction in the original capital area, why is it that this popularity cannot be compared with that of the new capital!

Speaking of which, it is only because the empire's war machine is so powerful that in just three years, such an unknown force with only a few ecological planets has expanded to cover more than 700 cosmic regions and span tens of thousands of people. A huge empire of light years!

However, despite some temporary losses, the future of the empire is bright. As long as you stand on the right team, you will definitely gain a lot of benefits in the future! It is precisely because of this that they have spared no effort to support various policies related to the high-level empire! (To be continued.)

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