The female nurse's eyes suddenly widened. She could naturally tell that this sapphire-colored crystal card was issued in limited quantities by the Imperial Central Bank after the current royal family entered the imperial capital, and its authority was equivalent to that of a top-grade VIP customer! It also has the autograph of His Majesty the Emperor! Anyone who can possess this kind of crystal card must be a high-ranking figure in the empire, or at least someone who has a very close relationship with them!

However, as for the green-gold sword hilt, just looking at the exquisite craftsmanship, the eight purple diamond stars on the guard, and the shining silver sword emblem, you can know the identity of the person opposite. It's not something she can afford to offend! Even the boss behind her is no exception!

"No problem, dear lady! I will take you there right away!" She responded with some fear.

Yuhuang Xingyan nodded lightly with satisfaction, took out a handful of crystal core coins and threw them to her, almost as a tip.

The female nurse took him deep into the clinic, passed through the secret door behind the partition wall, and entered a hidden underground passage. After a while, he came to another underground garage. Through the secret passage in the warehouse, Seven After walking around for half an hour, we arrived at the door of a small villa with an unremarkable appearance.

This is an underground city hundreds of meters above the ground. It is a civilian area and the dark side of the prosperous imperial capital! All kinds of shady stuff and shady secret deals can be found here, or at least you can find someone who can supply them all!

Back then, His Majesty the Emperor had instructed the Imperial Cabinet to come up with a plan to deal with all these gray areas on the edge of the city in the entire Imperial City universe area by relatively peaceful means! Provide low-cost DNA awakening surgery opportunities to those poor people, and provide an absolute level of professional skills training, so that they can regain a more decent life.

It's just that the new rulers have just taken over the imperial capital. The most important thing is to consolidate their position. There are so many things going on! There was no time to take care of this for a while, so the matter was put off.

Relying on the convenience of her position, Yuhuang Xingyan knew exactly what kind of prohibited business there was! This time he made this choice only after he thought about it for a long time before he really made up his mind!

The female nurse came to the door, proved her identity to the five-respect armed robot standing outside, entered multiple passwords into the photon computer near the door frame, and then stood aside and waited quietly.

Half a minute later, an unhappy voice came from there: "Sharon, why did you come here suddenly without permission? Did something happen?"

"Boss, a business has come to the door! She said that she might have a face-to-face meeting with the boss!" The female nurse was afraid of the voice and quickly explained.

"Business?" The voice was silent for a moment before continuing:

"Since you don't dare to make the decision, it must be an extraordinary business! Let her come in and talk! I hope you won't disappoint me!"

ten minutes later.

In a small living room that was elegantly and warmly decorated, Yuhuang Xingyan was sitting on the sofa, holding a latte cup and tasting it leisurely.

Opposite him was a fit, elegant middle-aged man with a sunny smile on his handsome face.

"Beautiful lady, this kind of latte beans is produced in Romstar on the earth. It is shipped to the Imperial City space area. The price per kilogram is no less than 29,000 crystal nuclei. The latte made from it is ground and processed with a fragrant taste. , sweet and smooth, I hope you will be satisfied!" He introduced enthusiastically.

Yuhuang Xingyan smiled indifferently and said innocently: "It's just so-so! Compared with the tributes used by the royal family, this thing is nothing!"

The middle-aged man's face froze, he shook his head slightly in embarrassment, and showed a helpless smile: "Well... this is the most troublesome latte I have here! It still seems that it is not in your eyes!"

"So, what kind of business do you have this time that you need to come here to discuss? Let's talk first. If it's too sensitive, we won't dare to touch it! Now the sky has changed, and the new ruling power Compared with the previous administration, the supervision department is much smarter and more powerful! For the sake of safety, I have stopped accepting many businesses now!"

"Actually, it's nothing!" Yuhuang Xingyan shook her forearms and placed the crystal card and energy knife on the coffee table in front of her, then took out a gold box from her personal pocket with great care.

The box is very small, less than one-fifth of the size of a palm, but the workmanship is extremely exquisite. The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed slightly, and he vaguely guessed something in his mind.

He held the box in his hand and looked at it for a while, then slowly brought it to the middle-aged man's eyes and said word by word: "Resurrect her!"

The middle-aged man's expression became serious. He took the box with both hands and opened it carefully.

On the golden velvet bottom, there is a strand of black hair, and a faint fragrance emanates.

He took a look at the woman opposite and found that she was staring intently at the strand of hair, her eyes were complicated and inexplicable, with a trace of nostalgia and sadness.

"Your relatives?" he asked in a low voice.


"This..." The middle-aged man pondered for a moment and said slowly:

"Dear Miss, logically speaking, I shouldn't refuse your request! However, after His Majesty the Emperor entered the imperial capital, he has personally issued a decree not to allow any public institution to create clones again! Therefore..."

"I know!" Yuhuang Xingyan said calmly,

"It's because it's no longer possible to do this kind of thing through legal channels! That's why I came to you. With the resources you have at hand, it shouldn't be a problem to solve this, right?"

"But after all, we have taken a risk, and the risk is somewhat beyond our tolerance..." The middle-aged man continued to shirk his reasoning.

Yu Huang You know that these are extraordinary times, but you still dare to commit crimes! Do you really think that the imperial government has no clue about the situation?"

"Don't worry if you don't accept this business. The worst I can do is find another one. But from now on, you can't expect to receive any more business! It's almost time for me to say hello to the boss and find you a job that's more trouble-free." For example, go fishing for seafood on the blue algae star at the frontier of the empire!"

The face of the man named Blomberg froze, his eyes narrowed subconsciously, and two terrifying rays of light shot out. However, after seeing the crystal card and the energy knife, his momentum suddenly relaxed.

Even if he is considered the number one figure in the dark world, facing someone who can produce these two things, he has no confidence at all! The other side's words are not just a verbal threat, they can be fulfilled immediately!

He said this before, but in accordance with the habit he had developed over the years, he deliberately exaggerated his own difficulties, and it was unclear how much it would cost him some benefits! Since the other party doesn't do this, he can just follow the good deeds.

"Okay! I'll take over this business!" Blomberg said with a wry smile.

"Do you have any other specific requirements? For example, body shape, intelligence, skin color, facial features, personality and hobbies, etc. Do you need genetic fine-tuning?"

"No need, absolutely copy!" Yuhuang Xingyan looked at it and said:

"There is still a part of the Yanwei gene fragment in her body. You can find a way to remove it! Don't be careless with me. I know that you have the best equipment at your disposal and you have no shortage of skilled doctors. This matter You can definitely do it!”

Blomberg's face turned pale, and he complained privately in his heart, sighing: "Okay! I'll do my best!"

"Don't act like this!" Yuhuang Xingyan snorted,

"There are 200 million crystal cores in this crystal card. I can transfer it to you now. When the matter is completed, I will give you another 200 million! With this money, you can wash your hands in the golden basin from now on! And I can I am responsible for helping you change your identity, so what are you worrying about?"

"Is this true?" Blomberg was shocked and asked immediately.

If the other side really has this kind of energy, and with this rare huge sum of money, I can live a life of fine clothing and fine food! In comparison, this risk is really nothing!

After receiving a positive answer from the other party, he was completely relieved: "No problem, distinguished lady! I will arrange the best doctor to complete your request. After a month, you can come and watch our perfect work. , guaranteed to satisfy you!”

"That's good, I'll wait!" Yu Huang Xingyan asked him to get the transfer terminal and transferred the money to him. Then she put away the energy knife and stood up to leave. Blomberg personally sent him out.

Watching the woman's retreating back, an idea flashed in his mind, and he vaguely remembered where he had seen the other side. However, this terrible idea was forcibly suppressed by his reason!

"Go, gather the people immediately!" He gritted his teeth, turned around and ordered to one of his confidants:

"Stop all business for the time being and finish this matter first! After completing this order, I will leave the imperial capital immediately!"

The guy didn't know why his boss was so rude, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions and hurriedly got ready!

Out of the need to stabilize the situation, most of the fleet that went on the expedition stayed in the Hell Soul Star Sea and were commanded and dispatched by Cameron.

Of course, Crassus also has a main mixed army in his hands to prepare for emergencies!

Following Ye Qingyuan on his return journey were five main mixed legions, totaling three million fleets, and seventy supernatural legions, half of which were royal guards who directly took orders from him.

In addition, those newly promoted superiors who set off with the emperor were also allowed to bring an absolute number of private fleets. Together with a huge logistics transport fleet, it stretches nearly 9,000 kilometers from front to back, which is extremely spectacular!

After learning the news of Ye Qingyuan's departure, the coalition forces of the two countries, which had been waiting on the side of the Skandong Star Abyss, breathed a sigh of relief! After all, the Daomang Empire's military power is at its peak. If the emperor is determined to cross the Star Abyss and start a war, the strength of their current troops stationed here will definitely not be enough to block the other side's offensive!

It's not that Arden didn't think that after Ye Qingyuan left, he might unite with the Tiloa Empire to fight back to the Hell Soul Star Sea. However, with Sha Yutian's persuasion, he gave up this seemingly tempting meaning. Cameron is not a soft persimmon. He has a lot of troops blocking the natural danger. It is estimated that it is impossible to break through easily!

What's more, the Black Republic has not collapsed yet, and the main army is temporarily unable to escape. It is really not appropriate to provoke another strong opponent! We can only wait until the time is right!

Because the emperor's camp was full of new types of warships, the march was extremely fast. It took only more than half a month of full speed to enter the Shangyu galaxy.

Along the way, Ye Qingyuan was not idle. He used the harvest from the second Yuangu base to further enhance the fierce fighting power of his high-level awakened ones!

The effectiveness of the inheritance sacrificial tower is even better than he expected. Its spiritual illusion attack can greatly hone the awakened person's fighting spirit, which is equivalent to experiencing many life-and-death fights! As long as every high-star awakened person can withstand the suppressive attack of spiritual illusion for an absolute period of time, and supplemented by the life energy restoration blessing of "Tai Croland Star", the fierce combat effectiveness will be obvious. progress!

The longer you persist on the inheritance sacrificial tower, the higher the level you climb, and the greater the improvement in fierce combat effectiveness! It's a pity that so far, the one who has persisted the longest has not been able to reach above the forty floor! Even the powerful masters organized by the Cangling Commando are no exception!

However, with this thing, the high-end power of the Empire's supernatural army has been further enhanced! Coupled with the foreign aid organized by the Cangling Commando, the empire's overall supernatural combat power has reached a new level! It is almost equivalent to the current level of the Yanwei race.

Ye Qingyuan climbed several times by himself. His brain waves became more concentrated and powerful, and his control skills became more flexible. Whether it was the total amount of source energy or intense combat experience, he had almost reached the peak of level 19. However, it needs to be estimated. To achieve another breakthrough, it is not something that can be expected for a while!

"Auntie, I brought back some good things this time, which should be helpful to your research!"

"Oh? What kind of baby is it?"

In the palace of the imperial concubine, look for the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan. com Wearing a pure black sexy bikini, Su Qinghan, who was playing in the swimming pool, emerged from the water. Her slender legs moved powerfully, like a mermaid, and she leaned lightly against the crystal star by the pool, watching with interest. His majesty.

Ye Qingyuan did not answer her immediately, but continued to ask: "The forging of key parts of high-grade supernatural equipment must be completed piece by piece by the creators, and cannot be mass-produced through automatic processing by machine tools, right? "

"Yes! You also know this!" Su Qinghan responded with some confusion.

High-quality superpower equipment cannot be mass-produced on an automatic production line like ordinary equipment. This is a common sense issue, and anyone with a little experience knows it. Their prices remain high. In addition to their precious raw materials, the difficulty of processing and production is another important reason!

All the major powers in Xinghai have wanted to solve this problem before. However, countless experts have discovered after many discussions that with the current technical level, the cost of coming up with a feasible production line plan has become so high that it is simply unbearable! Even the most technologically advanced Miriam civilization can only partially solve this problem!

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