Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 891 The Reality and Illusion of the Empire

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"The information I brought back this time should make the automated mass production of supernatural equipment a reality!" He smiled.

"...Really? You're not fooling aunt, are you?" Su Qinghan was happy, but also a little doubtful. Her towering chest rose and fell violently due to excitement, creating ripples that made people think! A few crystal water drops dripped from the tips of the hair, all the way down the beautiful jade neck, and slid into the deep ravine!

"Why? Let's see for yourself!" Ye Qingyuan took out several large-capacity photon computer chips and handed them to her along with his own photon computer:

"This is the information obtained from the second Yuangu base. It contains information about the forging of superpower equipment, the smelting and synthesis formulas of certain special materials, and the production technology of high-precision processing equipment! It should be of some help to you! "

She hurriedly took it, embedded it in the photon computer and opened it. A dense number of data formulas soon appeared on the display. To others, it seemed as obscure as a bible. However, with her eyesight, after a few cursory glances, it was already there. Confirming their great value!

"I didn't expect it to be...really! This is so unbelievable..." Su Qinghan's pretty face flushed with excitement, and her chest rose and fell more and more violently, which made Ye Qingyuan's eyes beside him also heat up.

Once these technologies are put into actual use, the Daomang Empire's high-star superpower equipment production capacity will increase by at least two quantities, and the cost will also drop significantly! The direct effect is that the combat power of the supernatural army has been increased again!

Just look at it. In the future, the empire's supernatural warriors will each have a set of five-star supernatural equipment. On the battlefield, they will face the supernatural legions from other countries whose equipment level is one to two levels lower than that. There is no need to guess the outcome of the war. !

After a long time, she finally woke up from the extreme excitement, grabbed him and said:

"Your Majesty! We need to allocate funds for this immediately and put it into actual use as soon as possible! It won't be used for long. Even if the combat power of our super-powerful legion can match those of other races, there is no need to worry!"

"Well... of course, this... no problem!" Ye Qingyuan replied absently.

Sensing something strange about him, Su Qinghan looked up in surprise, only to find that her nephew was staring straight at her body. His eyes were almost burning, which made her pretty face become so beautiful. As red as blood!

"Your Majesty—" She pinched him hard, finally making him wake up.

"Um...what did you just say?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"..." Su Qinghan was angry and funny. He knew that he couldn't continue talking like this. He shook off his hand and stood up to put on clothes. Unexpectedly, he used too much force and the sole of his foot slipped. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell into the pool again!

Ye Qingyuan subconsciously reached out to pull her, but her hands were slippery and she lost her grip. Instead, she dragged him down, and her whole body was soaked to the skin in an instant!

"Oh! Are you okay?" Su Qinghan hurriedly fished him out of the water.

When Ye Qingyuan wiped the water from his face, he opened his eyes and saw a pair of straight, slender, beautiful legs as white as snow swaying in front of his eyes! Suddenly, the flame in my heart could no longer be suppressed! Suddenly, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her enchanting body tightly into his arms!

"You...what are you going to do?" She was so panicked that she couldn't speak coherently. She put her hands on his chest and tried to push him away.

Feeling the surprising heat radiating from his body and the aggressive male aura, Su Qinghan suddenly found that all the strength in his body had been lost. His whole body was limp, and it was extremely difficult to even move a finger!

"Don't... we... can't do this!" She begged weakly, but her voice was as thin as a mosquito, and even she might not be able to hear it.

Ye Qingyuan hugged her tightly and rushed to kiss her red and attractive lips!

She wanted to resist at first, then slowly allowed him to invade, and then she couldn't help but begin to cater to him, and her arms subconsciously wrapped around his neck!

The two kissed passionately for a while, and Ye Qingyuan's hand reached for the swimsuit buckle behind her back...

"Mom, what do you think of my swimsuit..." At the key moment, a fatal sound suddenly sounded in the distance, and then stopped abruptly!

A fierce murderous aura shot out, causing the two people who were confused and infatuated to wake up suddenly.

Fang Mengyan didn't know when she appeared by the pool. She was wearing a pure white swimsuit that complemented her fair and tender body, making her look extremely beautiful!

However, she was originally smiling, but now her beautiful eyes were full of anger!

She went to change into her swimsuit not long ago, and when she came back, she found that her mother-in-law was held in her arms by her brother, and her swimsuit had almost been torn off. If she had come a few minutes later, there was no need to guess what would have happened next. You can guess it too!

"You and a bitch..." She was about to blurt out, but she finally figured out his identity in time and held back the curse.

What am I doing? Su Qinghan looked at her blankly, then at his almost naked body, and a deep sense of shame suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart. She struggled to get out of his arms, swam to the edge of the pool as if running away, and then rushed into the nearby locker room.

"Sister...when did you come?" He asked a little guilty.

Today's luck is really bad. It's a critical moment, but she comes out and disrupts the situation! Although I am depressed, I am also helpless!

He leaned towards the edge of the pool, planning to go ashore and change clothes first, and then explain to her slowly.

Fang Mengyan didn't make a sound, and blocked his way, preventing him from getting ashore. He changed direction, and the other party immediately followed and took a few steps forward, still blocking him in front of him!

After going back and forth like this for a few times, Ye Qingyuan said helplessly: "Sister, are you going to let me stay there for the rest of my life?"

Fang Mengyan still didn't speak, her beautiful black eyes stared at him coldly, making him feel chills in his heart!

At the tense moment when the brother and sister were confronting each other, Shuangyan finally came to the rescue!

"Your Majesty!" She came in and reported, "Lord Zi Yuanlan is waiting in the imperial chamber. There is something important to report!"

Ye Qingyuan was relieved. At the most important moment, this steward of the chemistry of life forms was the best! He jumped up from the pool and said at the same time: "I know, I'll go over right now!"

"Stop!" Fang Mengyan followed closely and grabbed him tightly.

Ye Qingyuan said with a guilty conscience: "Sister, state affairs are important and cannot be delayed!"

"You have to give me an explanation for today's matter? You are not allowed to leave until you explain clearly!" She said with a half-smile.

"Can I come back and explain to you after the official business is done?" Ye Qingyuan had no choice but to say softly: "Whatever you want by then is up to you!"

"Is what you said true?" Fang Mengyan's face turned slightly when she heard this, and she asked worriedly.

"Of course, you have no chance!" Ye Qingyuan assured, patting his chest.

"Okay, that's what you said! If you dare not admit it then, huh!" She finally let go of her hand reluctantly.

Ye Qingyuan pulled Shuangyan out of the palace as if he was being pardoned and ran for his life. He didn't notice the look of lust in Fang Mengyan's eyes.

In the imperial room, Ziyuan Lan has been waiting for a long time, and Luo Qingyue also came.

"What happened again?" Ye Qingyuan hurried in after changing his clothes, sat down on the throne, and then asked.

"Your Majesty, there are new changes regarding the progress of the war in the southeast!" He took out a few pages of documents and handed them to Shuangyan, who then forwarded them to the case.

"The Yilong Empire's fleet that invaded our Shangyu Galaxy was trapped by General Tian Xuanhao's design a few days ago. However, just a few hours ago, that Yu Xinzhe didn't know what method he used, but he unexpectedly broke out!" His expression He said solemnly, "Currently Tian Xuanhao is organizing a commando team to pursue and suppress!"

"This guy is really quite capable! I didn't expect that he could make Tian Xuanhao suffer several times!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "Yu Luo is really a good person from his ancestors to be able to obtain such a general!"

Luo Qingyue said disdainfully: "It's a pity that his tolerance is too small to accommodate others! If he can be reused all the time, the current Yi Long Empire will never be like this!"

"That's right! It's really sad to see such a monarch, a capable minister and a good general!" Ye Qingyuan sighed,

"A few days ago, I heard the queen say that we need to figure out the means to bring that person over! I don't know if there is any result at the moment?"

Ziyuan Lan immediately said: "This is exactly what I want to tell Your Majesty. According to the latest feedback, the people we are waiting for secretly asked to see Yu Xinzhe with the Queen's video of persuading her to surrender. Although he refused on the spot, his attitude was not very firm. There seems to be some hidden difficulty!"

"The hidden danger? It should be that his wife and daughter are still in Yu Luo's hands?" Ye Qingyuan looked at the documents in his hand, and then asked Luo Qingyue:

"What are your arrangements over there? Are you sure you can rescue his family without the imperial authorities finding out?"

She responded: "Originally, there was no problem. However, the day before we were about to take action, the Yilong Empire authorities suddenly moved them to a military fortress and sent extra manpower to guard them closely! Therefore, it is estimated that there will be no problem. It will be much more difficult to act according to the predetermined plan and complete the mission, and the losses will be difficult to control! And no matter how you arrange it, you can't hide it for too long! Yuluo will get the news soon!"

Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly: "If this is the case, then there is no need to think about how to cover it up, just do it hard and rob people! Send more strong people and get the people over before we talk!"

"However, what if Yu Luo knows that his family has been kidnapped by us and becomes angry and takes decisive measures against Yu Xinzhe?" Zi Yuanlan frowned slightly.

If the emperor made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order to execute the famous general, then everything they did would be meaningless!

"Don't worry, I'll warn him in advance and let him be careful! I'll just send someone to take care of him then!" Ye Qingyuan said.

Luo Qingyue asked weakly: "But he has not promised to surrender to us at present? Will he obey our arrangements?"

"Why not?" Ye Qingyuan snorted and said,

"This famous general is not sloppy in his mind and is not popular in the first place. In addition, after this incident, even if he really wins the Shangyu Galaxy for the Yi Long Empire! With Yu Luo's temperament, he will be completely annoyed. ! The days from now on will definitely become more difficult!"

"If he doesn't expect to be cooked by a rabbit to a dog, or a donkey killed by a grinder, he must find a way out for himself! Although he rejected us before, he did not kill the people we were waiting for, but secretly let them go. He's back, which proves that things can still turn around! All he's worried about is his family!"

"Then... we will get his wife and daughter here first, and then persuade him to defect in battle?" Luo Qingyue asked.

Zi Yuanlan said in deep thought: "It's unlikely that he will defect on the battlefield. With his temperament, even if he is willing to come over, he will never do such a thing! At most, he will run away alone!"

"There's no need to worry. As long as he is willing to come, Yu Luo won't have to worry about it no matter how many fleets he has!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile,

"Of course, we will have to do some work by then so that he will no longer have any illusions about the emperor! This way he will not feel guilty in the future, right?"

"As it should be!" Ziyuan Lan agreed, "Then please arrange the manpower, so that I can work out a plan of action with Her Royal Highness. This time, we might have to use powerful people with divine powers to ensure the success of the plan. success!"

Ye Qingyuan asked: "How far is it from here to the Yilong Empire?"

Luo Qingyue opened the star map and pointed to him: "Our camp is still nine days away from the border between the two countries. However, his family is located in the Kari universe area of ​​the Yilong Empire, which is about ten days away from here. A seven-day journey! Of course, this is measured by the speed of the various warships we are waiting for!"

"Where is Yu Xinzhe's fleet currently?"

"Here! It's less than five days away from the camp I'm waiting for!" She used a light pen to mark somewhere near the Zhiyuan Universe area, and then said:

"Based on the latest situation, it seems that he has temporarily revealed his planned plan and returned to the Yilong Empire! Of course, it is impossible to say for sure. Find Shuyuan With the mind of this famous general, it is necessary to have some fun It’s normal to use tricks to attack the east and attack the west! Maybe he is still thinking about turning defeat into victory and planning to go to the Yu Galaxy!"

"It's really possible!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "It's just that the possibility of his success is getting lower and lower now!"

He thought for a while and finally said: "On Yu Xinzhe's side, I will send five divine experts to take care of him! However, as for his family, well, in order to ensure success and escape unharmed, the personnel sent are still Want more!”

At this point, he looked at the star map, thought for a moment, and then said: "In order to avoid long nights and dreams, why not make a trip myself! With the speed of the Shadow Star Shuttle, I can make a round trip in three days!" "

Ziyuan Lan objected to this: "Why does your Majesty have to do everything personally? This kind of task can be solved by dispatching a few more divine experts! There is no need for you to go in person."

Luo Qingyue was more thoughtful. After thinking about it for a while, he guessed Ye Qingyuan's intention. He smiled and said: "I feel that this matter is completely feasible! With your Majesty's cultivation, it can be easily solved. By the way, you can also investigate Check out the reality of the Yi Long Empire!" (Traveling through the Infinite Wasteland..6262564)--(Traveling through the Infinite Wasteland)

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