Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 896: First Battle Striker

"Yu Qing, I will leave it to you to be the vanguard this time and still preside over the battle to attack the fortress group!"

In the palace, Ye Qingyuan smiled and said to Yu Xinzhe.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Although this place can be called a tough place, I have already beaten it once and am already very familiar with it!" He said confidently,

"What's more, this time I have the most advanced fleet in the empire and the most powerful interstellar fortress! In three days at most, Your Majesty can hear the good news!"

As expected, the imperial regiment, with the help of a large number of new interstellar fortresses, was no less powerful than the interstellar defense fortress group on the opposite side, and the Yilong Imperial Fleet that participated in the defense was immediately "killed" All kinds of warships were defeated by the volleys of first-class main battle cannons with unimaginable power!

Without the assistance of the fleet, the defense strength of the Star Defense Fortress will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. Under the overall command of Yu Xinzhe, it is difficult for the Yi Long Empire to make a difference, and it is generally suppressed!

In less than two days, the top commander of the fortress group finally couldn't stand the fierce offensive of the imperial fleet, suffered a mental breakdown, and raised a white flag to declare surrender! Yu Ming understood that less than two years after being captured, this important strategic hub was once again replaced by the flag of the Daomang Empire!

This means that hundreds of cosmic areas to the west of the Heluo Province are completely cut off from the eastern territory of the Yilong Empire, and have since been included in the territory of the Daomang Empire!

Moreover, heading east from the fortress group, the more than ten cosmic areas immediately following are all areas with extremely weak defenses, so it will be easy to capture them!

At the same time, the other army also received good news frequently! Tian Xuanhao moved quickly, and because he did not encounter too fierce resistance, his progress was even faster than here!

The only thing that had some unnecessary troubles was the large number of strong men from the two races in the Bojiang Empire, which caused some casualties to the empire's supernatural army. However, with the help of the strong men organized by the Cangling Commando, the losses were still bearable. Inside!

For now, everything is going smoothly. With Yu Xinzhe's talent and his familiarity with the Yilong Empire's fleet, Ye Qingyuan really estimates that there is no force that can stop him from making this empire history within two months!

Mink universe area.

After the emperor's camp advanced to this place, it was temporarily stationed. After a continuous and fierce offensive for nearly a month, the Yilong Empire was retreating steadily and had lost at least half of its territory and military strength! Hundreds of high-ranking generals were captured, including many members of the royal family surnamed Yu!

Now that the war has reached this point, the hope of the Yilong Empire's comeback is slim! Ye Qingyuan began to think that it was possible to surrender! If he could defeat the enemy without fighting, then it would not be a bad idea to give that Yuluo the title of prince. .

After private contact and testing, the feedback he received failed to satisfy him. Yu Luo only agreed to conduct armistice negotiations, but was unwilling to give any definite answer to Ye Qingyuan's request!

This trick of waiting for change was naturally hidden from the emperor and ministers of the Daomang Empire. After understanding it, the emperor immediately stopped thinking about it. On the one hand, he continued to mobilize his troops and generals. On the other hand, he began to seek other aspects to solve this regime as soon as possible. !

"Mr. Governor, His Majesty is handling government affairs. You can sit down here and rest for a while!"

In the "Teng Yuan" palace, a female official said to Song Guangyu who was waiting outside the imperial study.

He responded sheepishly and sat down on the sofa nearby.

This is a compartment next to the Imperial Study Room, with a wide area. There are tables, sofas, photon computers, various lattes, tea and snacks. It is a temporary resting place for officials and generals waiting to see His Majesty.

At this time, two officials were also leaning on the sofa and waiting quietly. One had his eyes closed and was concentrating, while the other was silently sorting out the documents at hand. Some palace ladies stood quietly around, and there was a team of palace guards on duty at the door.

I haven’t been to a place like this for a long time! Everything is no different from when His Majesty the previous emperor was there. No, there is still a difference! That is, along the way, most of the officials I saw along the way were extremely young, confident, and full of enthusiasm and vitality! The hypocrisy, cunning, sluggishness and other traits that are common among bureaucrats in old-line countries are rarely seen!

It can be seen that this empire's unusually strong vitality and foreseeable brilliant prospects are by no means comparable to those of the established powers!

As the former head of the Song family and the hereditary prince of the Shuofeng Empire, he was once a great figure with more than ten thousand people. However, because of the failure of the military adventure against the Daomang Empire, he was captured alive by the current emperor, and was eventually captured by the family. The race was abandoned without hesitation, and even the people of his lineage suffered misfortune!

Later, Ye Qingyuan took over the imperial capital and launched a large-scale purge in order to consolidate his power! The entire Song family race, except for his lineage, are all dead! All industries were returned to the national treasury!

Logically speaking, he should hate the current His Majesty extremely! However, when the two countries are at war, each is his own master, so there is no right or wrong on the battlefield! And even if His Majesty can't do this, the ruthless abandonment of his family's clan's Venerable Association has already made him completely disappointed with this family's race!

When people of those races deal with their own compatriots, they are ten times more ruthless than outsiders! If His Majesty had not come to help, his lineage would have been completely extinct! Therefore, regarding this young monarch, there was more element of gratitude in his heart.

Later, Ye Qingyuan did not kill him due to various reasons. Instead, after leaving him idle for a period of time, he reactivated him and appointed him as the regional governor of Zhiyuan Universe.

Judging from his performance during this period, the former imperial prince did not resent his junior position. On the contrary, he worked conscientiously and took care of all the affairs at hand in an orderly manner! It’s almost impossible to find any faults.

I guess this is what it should be. With his considerable experience in controlling a super-class race for many years, to manage such a cosmic area is simply to kill a chicken with a camel's knife!

Since the other party has shown enough sincerity to be loyal to the new ruling power, and this is the time when the empire is using people, when Ye Qingyuan's camp passed through the Zhiyuan Universe area and met with local military and political dignitaries, he was also taken into custody. Brought over.

I don’t know why His Majesty summoned me this time. I guess it's definitely a disaster! Anyway, I have nothing to lose now! He thought with a slight wry smile in his heart.

Although it is not entirely his fault that his family has fallen into this situation, he still bears an unshirkable responsibility!

At the beginning, he had estimated that he had made good friends with the Dao Mang Empire. There was no irresolvable hatred between the two parties, and there was no need to be tied to the Yun family! It was only later that he was seduced by the abominable Cheng Guiyun, and finally failed to resist the temptation of interests, so he made that stupid move, which caused the entire family to fall into a situation of eternal disaster!

However, His Majesty the Emperor has not completely abandoned me. As long as I can serve His Majesty loyally, I can still maintain the decent treatment of those above me! Letting people of your own race live in peace is almost a continuation of the inheritance of your family race!

"Mr. Governor, His Majesty has summoned you to come in for an audience!" Just as he was roughly figuring things out, a female official came out and spoke.

"No problem, I understand!" Song Guangyu quickly stood up and followed her in.

There was deathly silence in the imperial study room. The young figure on the throne was swept across the corner of his eyes without any trace. He immediately leaned down and said respectfully: "Your Majesty Song Guangyu has met His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ye Qingyuan saw him coming in, closed the half-read document in his hand, and then said gently: "Song Qing is here, sit down and talk!"

Song Guangyu saluted again and sat down. After looking at his expression, he said embarrassedly and uneasily: "I don't know what your Majesty has asked me to do."

Although Kanata was a bit younger than his son in terms of age, and he was not a country boy who had never seen big scenes, yet in front of the young emperor, he couldn't bear the slightest disrespect. Kanata's kind of The awe-inspiring aura tempered by fighting in the sea of ​​​​blood in the Corpse Mountain was something that even the previous emperor Fang Xuting had never seen before, and he could not help but deal with it carelessly.

"It's nothing, just asking Song Qing for his opinion on the current war situation!" He said with a smile.

It turned out that just for this reason, the former head of the family breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Yi Long Empire has been fighting for several years and has exhausted its wealth, which was not very rich. Even if it has captured hundreds of territories in the universe and has the support of other races, it has been supported until now, and it has been almost exhausted! Since then! It can be seen from the progress of the war some time ago that this country does not have much time left!"

"That's what I said, but..." Ye Qingyuan picked up an encrypted document on the desk, asked the female officer beside him to hand it to him, and then continued:

"According to the recently received information, the Bojiang race has not been completely revealed. The two races have already dispatched a large number of strong men. Yuluo is also concentrating all the remaining strength to plan a large-scale event with us. The decisive battle, with the intention of turning the tide of the war in one fell swoop!”

Song Guangyu quickly browsed the documents in his hand. He couldn't help but be secretly surprised by the huge power of the empire's intelligence system, but he said: "Since your Majesty already knows the plan of the Yi Long Empire, the final victory will still belong to us. Bar?"

"That's true, but in order to prevent possible changes, and to end the war as soon as possible and pacify the entire Southeast Star Sea! I have to make some more preparations," Ye Qingyuan said with a smile,

"There is something going on. Maybe Song Qing will be needed to share my worries!"

Song Guangyu stood up quickly and said: "It is your duty to do your best for national affairs! Your Majesty, just follow your orders!"

Ye Qingyuan raised his hand to signal him to sit down, and then continued: "I heard that the race relationship between you and the Yuwen family of the Xuanluo Federation has always been good. In the past hundred years, the two families have been married many times. Is that true?"

"Your Majesty is right," Song Guangyu responded truthfully,

"One of my sisters is the wife of the current head of the Yuwen family. Therefore, the two families used to be relatively close, but in recent years they have had less contact with each other!"

With the chaos in the Star Sea, the fortunes of these two races have become worse, and their lives are not so easy. In addition, they belong to two different big countries, so naturally they will no longer be as close as before. Especially after Song Guangyu lost power and the Song family was genocide, it was even less likely that the two parties would have any contact with each other!

Without fierce fighting power, there is no right to speak. This is the rule of the game between wealthy families. It is cold, ruthless and realistic to the extreme!

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and said: "I am calling you here because I hope you can represent me and the empire as an envoy to the Federation to persuade the five races to submit to the empire. As long as they agree, their families Your property can be preserved, and you can obtain the title of hereditary first-class marquis in the empire! How do you feel?"

"I have no objections. I will do my best to facilitate this matter for Your Majesty!" Song Guangyu looked at it and agreed simply.

"That's very good. Go ahead and prepare. I'll set off tomorrow. I'll be waiting for your good news!" Ye Qingyuan said with satisfaction.

No matter whether the other side's trip can achieve reasonable results, the fate of these two regimes will not change at all. However, the difference is just death early and death later!

Of course, if the federation can be made to surrender without a fight, it will be fine if I spend less effort on my own! After all, the progress of the war in the other direction has affected the empire's next strategic plan. The main army must be freed up as soon as possible to deal with the challenge there!

Just when the battle in the Southeast Star Sea has reached a key stage, the situation of the Chalestine Alliance in the Eastern Star Sea has begun to become less optimistic.

Although the alliance has two super-powerful countries and a bunch of small and medium-sized countries, and the fierce fighting power is not lacking, the opponent they face is not only the Gnaslok Empire, but also half of the Yanyue. Commando Weaving, and the Miriam Empire, a veteran alien civilization!

At the beginning, the involvement of these red-skinned lizards was not deep and their methods were relatively mild, so the alliance could still support them. However, as they sent more and more troops later, many strong men even went into battle in person! As a result, the casualties on the alliance's side will be unbearable!

Pope Innocent VI tried his best and tried his best, and coupled with the massive aid from the Dao Mang Empire, he still couldn't stop the other side's offensive! Since the beginning of the war, thousands of areas in the universe have fallen into the hands of the empire!

Although the price paid by the Gnaslok Empire is not small, the balance of victory has slowly tilted towards their side!

It won't be long before these two super powers will be crushed by the empire's army and dissipated in the long river of history!

The Ruilojia universe area is where the capital of the Salestine Alliance is located.

After several years of fierce battles, the forwards of the Gnerslok Empire have penetrated deep into the borders of the Alliance. They are now less than 20,000 light years away from the political and religious center of this great country! .

The capital planet, the Central Heavenly Palace of the Umuslon Cult is located in the heart of the continent. The splendid palace complex stretches for hundreds of kilometers, and all buildings are dominated by gold and white. It was completely built with voluntary donations from the alliance’s trillions of believers! Every brick and tile is the most gorgeous material that can be found in the star sea world!

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