The Central Tiangong is located on the central axis of the palace complex. Including the Tiangong base, its overall height is more than three thousand meters! The main body of the Tiangong is carved and stacked with crystal nuclei mixed with forty-five kinds of precious gold and white crystals! The tall outer walls are painted with countless exquisite mural patterns, all of which are filled with legends and deeds of the gods!

On both sides of the passage leading to the gate of Tiangong, every few meters up, stands a Tiangong guard who is fully armed and stands as straight as a gun. He has a stern face and an unswerving gaze, faithfully performing his duties!

At the gate of the Heavenly Palace, in addition to a large number of fierce guards with higher combat capabilities, there are also many handsome men and beauties wearing white robes, with one to five golden crescent moons tattooed on the beautifully embroidered robe sleeves. They are all from the Heavenly Palace. Low star priest.

A middle-aged man wearing a light golden robe and a serious face came out of there. He looked around with sharp eyes for a while. When he saw that many believers were meticulously sticking to their own places, he nodded slightly, with a hint of smile on his face. A smile that is hard to spot.

His Majesty the Pope is receiving distinguished guests there, but he doesn't want anything to go wrong outside and affect the good mood of the old man's family! He turned left and right a few times, gave some careful instructions to the guard leaders, and then walked back with confidence.

"Dear Your Majesty the Pope, we meet again!"

Deep in the Heavenly Palace, Randall Patrick spoke politely to an old man on the throne.

"Well, you don't have to be polite, special envoy! We will always bear in mind the help His Majesty the Emperor of your country has given us!" The old man in white robes, wearing a papal tiara, with a majestic and kind face smiled gently. road:

"I don't know what good news this special envoy has brought for us?"

Randall smiled softly and said: "The foreign minister came here this time to understand the war situation between your country and the Gnaslok Empire, and then have a more in-depth and detailed discussion on the next step of cooperation! What do you think, Your Majesty? "

When the war was mentioned, the smile on Innocent VI's face dimmed and he sighed softly:

"I'm very unhappy, dear envoy! The fierce fighting power of the First Empire is too strong, and there is also the intervention of foreign civilizations. Even with the strength of our two countries, it is difficult to effectively resist it! Therefore, the current situation is really not optimistic. !”

At this time, a charming green-haired ******* next to him with a graceful figure, jade-like skin, and charming people agreed: "The Miriam civilization has torn up the agreement not to directly interfere with the internal affairs of the human world and has begun to take action personally. With the current power of the human world, it is estimated that the price to truly fight against them will be a bit unbearable!"

This is the supreme governor of the Zulia Republic, Tebesa Karelina.

With the help of the Daomang Empire's intelligence system, Randall already knew about the war here. He asked this time, but just to confirm it again.

Since Ye Qingyuan started his career in the Prison Soul Star Sea, he has never relaxed his concern for the First Empire on the other side of the Star Sea. While he was busy fighting in five places, he always tried his best to stumble it! When the Alliance and the Empire went to war, the various aids he provided to the Alliance had reached an extremely surprising number!

However, as of now, it seems that no matter how much assistance is provided, it still cannot stop the combined army of the Gnaslok Empire and the Miriam Civilization! In order to prevent the alliance from falling prematurely, the Daomang Empire will bear all the pressure alone, and now it has to take more powerful measures!

Randall asked calmly: "Dear Ms. Terbesa, what do you think the current alliance should do to have any hope of containing the ambitions of the Gnerslok Empire? In other words, we are waiting for Dao Mang. What kind of support can the empire provide you to help achieve this goal?"

Innocent VI and Tabesa looked at each other, and then he said:

"Sir Envoy, the Dao Mang Empire is our closest ally! Therefore, I will not hide it from you! With the current status of the alliance, it is estimated that it will be able to stop the madness of Ulionov V.

Hope, it is almost an impossible task! If there is no more foreign aid, we will almost completely collapse within half a year to a year! "

"Although your country has given us a lot of valuable help in the past, to defeat the other side, ordinary material assistance is far from enough! Unless..."

He looked at the Supreme Consul, who immediately took over and said: "Unless your country can directly send a fleet to participate in the battle, it is possible to achieve this goal!"

Randall's eyes flashed, and he asked in surprise: "You mean, do you want our country to directly send troops?"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Special Envoy!" Tabesa affirmed, "Only in this way can the crisis of the alliance be truly alleviated! Prevent the ambitions of the Gnaslok Empire from succeeding!"

"Then... how many fleets do you and I need to send to achieve this goal?" Randall pondered for a moment and asked.

Innocent VI said without politeness: "The more, the better, the more, the better!"


Before leaving, Ye Qingyuan had some understanding of the situation here and considered the possibility of sending troops directly. However, the war in the southeastern sea of ​​​​stars was not over yet. In fact, only a small amount of force could be mobilized to penetrate the alliance's war, let alone the first one. An empire is so strong that if it sends too few troops, it won't have much effect at all. Without a fleet of two to three million people, it's just delivering food to others!

Fortunately, however, the Yilong Empire is at its end and will become history in a short time! It seems that it is not too late to talk about sending troops by then. I guess it will be no problem to come to the alliance and support it alone for two or three months!

Expecting this, Randall finally said:

"It's not impossible for us to send troops to help you block the First Empire and Miriam Civilization! However, what benefit will this bring to us? How much benefit do you plan to give in exchange for our support?"

The essence of politics is the exchange of interests! Estimating how much you will get, you will naturally have to give something! We can't let the empire's fleet and officers and soldiers shed blood and sacrifice in vain, right?

Innocent VI hesitated for a moment and said slowly:

"Then...Okay! After your country sends troops and defeats the other side, we will consider 'renting' a part of the country to your Majesty as a reward for sending troops. How about it?"

Regarding this answer, Randall was obviously extremely dissatisfied! The other party was vague and gave no substantive commitment at all!

"Your Majesty the Pope, you need to know that the foreign minister came to negotiate with you with enough sincerity! However, your statement really disappointed the foreign minister! Is our country's aid so cheap? If you think we are waiting for His Majesty the Emperor is so easy to fool, then we have nothing to talk about!" He said coldly.

Innocent VI blushed lightly and said with embarrassment: "Special envoy, we have no intention of perfunctory you, but this matter is too important and involves many specific divisions of interests, so..."

"Then you don't plan to talk anymore?" Randall put the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table, stood up gracefully and said:

"In this case, the foreign minister has no choice but to take leave! Thank you for your hospitality!"

Tabesa quickly came out to smooth things over: "Special envoy, please stay. We can continue to discuss this matter!"

He glanced at the other side and said calmly: "Discuss? I don't have any problems here, but I don't know how much time you have to waste on negotiations? However, Ulionov V on the opposite side is very forced. It’s tight!”

"...It's better than this. What kind of conditions do you need from me before you are willing to send troops on a large scale? Sir, please propose it first! Then I will see if I can meet your requirements!" Tai Bei Sha smiled.

Randall nodded lightly: "Very good! Then I will say on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor that we can dispatch a fleet of no less than three million within two months to assist you in resisting the Grassrock Empire. Attack! And in the next half year, it will continue to increase to six million! And it is guaranteed to be the main force of our country. Regardless of the various types of warships and the quality of the officers and soldiers, they can rival your most elite fleet!"

"In exchange, first, you must cede 500 first-grade resource universe areas to our country; second, from now on, you should give at least a 50% discount on tariffs for all exported industrial finished products from our country; third, Our citizens have the right to legally acquire certain sensitive industries within your territory..."

He said two and a half hundred words eloquently, then took out a document and said:

"The specific terms are here. You two can take a closer look. If there are no problems, I can sign and confirm! As long as this step is completed, our new batch of material assistance can be handed over to you immediately! "

The two heads of state couldn't help but turn pale. They didn't expect that the Dao Mang Empire's appetite would be so huge! Even if the two countries share the burden, the amount of benefits they have to pay far exceeds their bottom line!

"Mr. Special Envoy, is your country's request a little too much?" Tabesa said angrily, with a few blue veins appearing on her fair face:

"With such terms, even if we agree, we have no way to tell the people in the country. In the end, it will only become a piece of waste paper. I hope you can know this!"

"That's your problem!" Randall said disapprovingly.

"Don't forget, we have always provided many batches of aid almost free of charge, and from now on, in order to repel the First Empire, the price we have to pay is difficult to measure in detail. Figures! These conditions are actually unreasonable at all! Look at how much land you have lost since the war started, right?"

"If you find it difficult to accept, then I will no longer care about your affairs! Keep these supplies, and we will deal with Ulionov V by ourselves! With the Eridano Empire as our backing, we may not be able to I’m just afraid of Miriam’s civilization!”

Understandably, several people began to bicker and argue over the specific terms of the contract!

After hours of wrangling, the two parties finally reached an agreement! And the terms of the agreement are generally in line with the bottom line of the Daomang Empire! There is no way, the direct power now does not belong to the alliance at all. If they fall out, without this strong support, the alliance will not be able to survive this level!

Near noon, Randall was finally relieved, left the Central Heavenly Palace, and returned to the embassy area.

"My lord, is the matter done?" Antonio, his deputy, came out and asked. .

He had a straight face and nodded lightly! Walking into the cabin, he threw himself heavily on the sofa, took a few breaths, and cursed angrily: "This kind of negotiation is really not a human life! That stingy old man! He is almost dead, and yet he still You have to be so fussy! It’s annoying to watch!”

"It's better to think about it for the sake of His Majesty's great cause. I don't want to come over and have a war of words with this magic stick!"

Antonio became angry when he heard this: "I don't know if these guys are good or bad villains. I have given them so many benefits in the past, and now it's so unpleasant to ask them for something in return! He doesn't even look at it. If If I hadn’t waited, the alliance would have been finished long ago!”

"In my opinion, we should just ignore this matter! Let them have a war of words with that Ulionov V and those red-skinned lizards to see if they are as easy to talk to as I am! Damn it, they are a bunch of white-eyed wolves who turn their backs and refuse to admit their faults after getting benefits!"

Randall grabbed the teacup on the table, poured himself a glass of water, drank it all in one gulp, and then said: "Let's get over it for now, I'm just complaining here! Diplomatic negotiations are not for children. You are angry, we always put the interests of the empire first!"

"Now that they have signed the agreement, we have to fulfill our promise! I will send a message to His Majesty later, saying that the matter has been settled. The next step depends on why he decided!"

Bradley interjected at the side: "Actually, what are we talking to them about now? The empire we are waiting for was conquered by His Majesty under his leadership, not negotiated! They are not willing to give it to me. Just send your own fleet to get it! Wouldn’t the result be the same?”

"What you said makes sense!" Randall said with a smile, looking for Shuyuan

"However, we are currently at war with the Yilong Empire, and we can't get away for the time being! What's more, from our standpoint, this alliance is still useful, and the empire needs to use them to continue the fierce battle that is destroying the Genaslok Empire. Their fighting power! The harder they fight, the better it will be for us and others in the future! Don’t you think so?”

"Since that's the case, there's nothing to be angry about!" Bradley said with a smile, "Your Majesty said it well, no matter how much I have to leave for a while now, I will always get back double the amount in the future. ! These bastards, hey! Sometimes they cry!"

Within the Yilong Empire, the Mujing Universe area.

The legion led by Tian Xuanhao arrived at this industrial town in the eastern star sea two days ago, and encountered extremely fierce resistance here!

Although the capabilities of the generals on the other side are not outstanding, they have geographical advantages and the support of the Bojiang Superpower Legion. It is urgent to completely capture it, but it is not too easy!

"Is this the fleet of the Bojiang people? It seems that the energy efficiency is good, but I don't know whether the actual fierce combat effectiveness is guaranteed?" Tian Xuanhao rubbed his chin that seemed to have no beard and said thoughtfully.

In the vast starry sky, after a brief confrontation, two huge fleets began to arrive in unison, and then the first-level main battle cannon quickly charged up. Under the command of the generals of both sides, a fierce head-to-head fight began!

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