Shiriya said arrogantly: "If you dare to hurt us, you are violating the majesty of our great race! You will surely bear the anger from your race, and even your empire will pay an unbearable price!"

"Your Highness, I admire your courage," Ye Qingyuan said with a soft smile.

"However, I can still afford to offend a mere family. Even your Eridanus Empire, I don't care that much! Besides, because of your disobedient words just now, you don't need to go back today!"

"You..." Shiriya's expression changed, and she said calmly: "You only dare to hurt one of my hairs! The great family race will never let you go! By then, no one can save you!"

Ye Qingyuan was no longer too lazy to follow this arrogant and ignorant woman. He waved the ancient divine halberd and sent out a dark golden thunder. She was reduced to ashes by the extremely high temperature of the thunder without even making a sound!

Yu Luo's face became increasingly pale, mixed with an abnormal touch of gray, and her body began to tremble slightly.

"Okay, Your Majesty Yuluo, now it's your turn to go on the road!" He said calmly, "Since you were once the king of a country, I will give you a more dignified way to die!"

He took out the Sky Sword and threw it to him: "This is an artifact that I originally obtained from a strong man of a different race. Over the past few years, I don't know how many powerful beings died under this sword, and most of them were of different races! You...just use it to kill yourself!"

Yu Luo subconsciously stretched out her hand to catch the divine sword, hesitated for a moment, and sighed softly: "Okay! Everyone is bound to go through such a test! I can die in front of His Majesty today, and I have nothing to say! It's just... "

"My children are all underage. I don't know if Your Majesty can spare their lives in the future!"

Ye Qingyuan shook his head and said: "When you guys left separately, I only had time to keep an eye on you, but as for your queen and several princes and princesses, I don't have the ability to control their whereabouts! It's even less possible to catch up now! "

"Therefore, they should be safe now. It is unlikely that they will fall into my hands, but you don't have to worry about it!"

"In this case, I have nothing to worry about!" Yu Luo nodded gently, placed the divine sword across his neck, and gently used force. The sharp blade with the power of the void was easily lifted. The ground cut open his throat, and bright red blood shot out like a fountain!

As the blood continued to drain, Yu Luo's eyes gradually became blurred, and finally she slowly stopped breathing! Without the protection of the source energy in his body, the ultra-low temperature environment of outer space has caused irreparable damage to his body. Even if the gods come here, they can't save him!

This emperor who was once famous in the sea of ​​stars ended his short life!

Ye Qingyuan sighed sadly, raised his hand and took his body into the artifact void, planning to find a cemetery to bury him when he went back!

In late May of the seventh thousand nine hundred and fifty years of the interstellar calendar, the Daomang Empire's army captured the Wenelke universe area, the capital of the Yilong Empire. Emperor Yu Luo committed suicide, and all the clan nobles, civil servants, generals, and high-ranking officials all surrendered! The whereabouts of the queen and several princes and princesses are unknown!

This once unparalleled empire, which even affected the general changes in the northern star sea, suddenly collapsed and was lost in the long river of history!

The remaining Xuanluo Federation suffered too heavy losses and was unable to resist the Tiger and Wolf divisions of the Daomang Empire! The big bosses who controlled the federation had to calm down and immediately declared their submission to the Dao Mang Empire!

Ye Qingyuan followed his good deeds and announced that the heads of the five major chaebols would be granted the title of third-class duke, and he would recruit all the remaining legions of the federation!

At this point, the Southeast Star Sea has been completely pacified, and the territory of the Daomang Empire has exceeded 7,000 universe areas! No matter in terms of population, military power, technological level, gross national product and many other key indicators, it has surpassed the Gnaslok Empire, becoming the most powerful country in the human world in one fell swoop!

The capital of the Xuanluo Federation, the Tierbon universe area.

To be precise, it should be the former federal capital! Since the Daomang Empire's army stationed here, this place has been designated as the imperial capital by His Majesty the Emperor. It has become one of the five capitals of the Daomang Empire together with Zhiyuan Universe Area, Tengyuan Universe Area, and Chunyan Universe Area! .

This is done to strengthen the central government's control over these newly acquired lands! Since it is a companion capital, the troops stationed there are naturally extremely strong! Ye Qingyuan has decided to let Liu Xiangyun lead a fleet of five million to be stationed here permanently to deter some uneasy forces in this starry sky!

The Royal Oversight Council, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and some secret forces will also be stationed one after another, and then weave an overt or covert network to closely monitor all disturbances! Keep this starry sky firmly in the hands of the empire!

Southeast Star Sea, this is relative to the location of the Dao Mang Empire; from the perspective of the entire Star Sea world, this previously existing federal government was located in the northeast, close to the wild universe area, so it is called It is more appropriate to call it Northeast Xinghai!

The administrative areas of Northeast Xinghai have been redefined. The combined territory of the two regimes exceeds more than 1,500 cosmic areas, and a total of 55 provinces have been established. Specific candidates are nominated by the emperor, and the cabinet and parliament can also propose some. Then leave it to the emperor to decide!

A large number of administrative officials sent by the imperial capital have arrived. After they meet with the emperor, they will be stationed in each major cosmic region and on each administrative planet to take over specific co-ordination affairs, restore the living order of the local people as soon as possible, and allow them to truly integrate Imperial administrative coordination system!

Of course, except for certain important places that must be filled by officials sent by the imperial capital, whether it is for the purpose of winning over, stabilizing people's hearts, or improving administrative efficiency, it is essential to absorb a large number of officials from local forces to participate in governance! Such a policy has achieved good results in the Prison Soul Star Sea. After being slightly modified by Ye Qingyuan, it was promulgated and implemented.

On the planet Peidu, the mansion of the William family is located in a beautiful and picturesque valley, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. It is one of the few scenic spots on the entire planet!

In the study, Zachary William huddled his fat body on the oversized sandalwood couch, staring blankly at the sky outside the window, half of the cigar in his hand having been extinguished for a long time.

His Majesty the Emperor's palace is currently parked in the synchronous orbit of the planet, and can be clearly seen from his angle!

"Grandpa, I'm here!" A young man with a delicate face walked into the study door with brisk steps, came to his side, and whispered.

"Yeah!" Zach Qi withdrew his eyes, moved his bloated body with great effort, and then said:

"How was everything handled beforehand? Nothing went wrong, right?"

"According to your order, all the children of the family race on the list have been properly resettled. Some are hiding in the Federation, and some have gone to other big countries in the Star Sea! Since everything was planned in advance, the plan went smoothly!" The young man was humble. responded.

Zach Qi nodded gently and said with satisfaction:

"As long as there is no problem! I was worried about making mistakes before, so I left this matter to you, who is always cautious. Now it seems that you have not let me down, and you are much better than your incompetent brothers. !”

"Grandpa, you are very grateful. This is what a grandson should do. Everything is for the glory of the family race!" He responded humbly.

After a pause, he looked at his grandfather's face, and finally said: "My grandson always thinks that it is a bit hasty to dispose of certain properties of our race in such a hurry! The total of various losses is already an extremely disappointing situation." Surprising numbers! It will even affect the future development of our race! Therefore..."

"Well, Lorne, you don't know! Our race is no longer what it used to be. The Federation has become history. From now on, we will all be subjects of the Dao Mang Empire!" William's head said in a somewhat cold tone,

"Therefore, for the sake of the safety of my family's race, I asked you to sell off some properties at low prices, and secretly move some of my family's children into hiding, in order to preserve some vitality for my family's race. After all, we will follow the emperor soon. Your Majesty has returned to the Imperial Capital!"

Lorne's expression changed slightly and he whispered:

"You mean, His Majesty the Emperor, he will... Or is it related? My grandson has studied this king's information over and over again, and I feel that he does not seem to be a narrow-minded and intolerant person! Besides, since he started his career, , and I didn’t find that he had crossed rivers, demolished bridges, or massacred surrendered subjects. As long as I wait and stay on my own terms, he shouldn’t have a hard time waiting for me. Your worries seem to be a bit unnecessary!”

"Of course I hope my worries are unnecessary!" Zack sighed,

"That way, all the members of the family race who are going to the imperial capital will have nothing to fear! I did this just in case. After all, such a large family race cannot completely pin its destiny on someone. The conscience and kindness of a king! If some irresistible accident really happens, it will be difficult to save the members of the family race in the imperial capital, but these children of the family race living outside can also shoulder the responsibility of continuing the inheritance and glory of the family race! "

"Since...that's the case, then my grandson has no objections!" Lorne said sincerely.

Zach breathed out, looked at the extinguished cigar in his hand, and raised his hand to signal gently. Ron quickly stepped forward to take it, pondered for a moment, and planned to exchange it for his grandfather's new one. However, in the end, he failed to take action. Instead, he took a small and exquisite blue-gold lighter inlaid with precious crystal diamonds from the desk, lit the half of the cigar, and then presented it to him.

Although the owner of the house usually uses it extravagantly, he is not a person who likes to waste. Even if there is only half a cigarette left, he will definitely smoke it all before throwing it away. Lorne knew his grandfather's habits, so he would not displease him in such a situation.

Zack took the cigar, took a satisfied puff, and said:

"In a few days, the emperor's camp will start. There are still other things that can be done. I don't know how many years will have to wait until I come back again! Hey!"

"The properties of the family race must be dealt with as soon as possible. Keep what you can keep, and transfer what you can't keep as soon as possible. Bring more free money on hand. After going to the imperial capital, wait until everything stabilizes, and then consider the means to purchase some properties! The family race With so many people living up and down, we must have a stable source of income!"

Lorne said sheepishly: "In the imperial capital, it is estimated that it will not be difficult to purchase some properties. However, as outsiders, we estimate that we will establish a foothold there and even develop in the upper-level power system of the empire. This is too difficult! I’m afraid I’ll have a hard time!”

"This is also a helpless matter!" William's head gently blew out a smoke ring and said:

"In order to integrate into the upper class society of the empire as soon as possible, some things must be planned now! Not to mention the other three families, we will all advance and retreat together by then! Even the five people from the Prison Soul Star Sea can also be considered to be united, so If the nine dukes are tied together, they will become a considerable force, and even His Majesty's words will have some weight!"

"Actually, there is another family who is also an outsider!" Lorne added,

"The Imperial Queen's family migrated from the Gnaslok Empire. Even with the support of His Majesty the Emperor, life in the Imperial Capital is not as easy as outsiders estimate! In a sense, we are the same. We can cooperate with them or even form a secret alliance!"

Zacqi couldn't help but feel horrified. After thinking for a moment, a new smile appeared on his fat face: "Lorne, you are very good! This idea is really feasible! The Dao Mang Empire conquers the Star Sea, and everyone who comes here will join us in the future. There must be many ethnic groups and big plutocrats! We are also outsiders, so we have the necessity and basis for cooperation!"

"On the one hand, we keep ourselves safe, and on the other hand, we support and help each other! We can definitely gain a foothold in the imperial capital, or even go one step further and occupy a place in the court! Now it seems that this goal is not difficult to achieve! "

"Then, my grandson will go and make peace with the other three families immediately. After arriving in the Imperial Capital, he will find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.comm and then contact the remaining families!" Luo En said with a smile,

"In order for the alliance plan to proceed smoothly, maybe we should select girls of suitable age from some races and marry them respectively to those races to consolidate the relationship between us!"

"Well, this is what it should be!" Zacqi nodded gently in affirmation,

"Of course, these are all secondary plans. The most important thing is to find ways to win the favor of His Majesty the Emperor and to bring the relationship between the family race and the royal family! As long as His Majesty is satisfied, the prosperity of the family race will be guaranteed! By the way, I told you that time that I would give some of His Majesty’s information to your two sisters so that they could get acquainted with it. I guess they should be aware of it, right?”

Lorne said: "The two sisters know what their grandfather means. For the future of their family race, they have already accepted this matter! After marrying into the royal family in the future, based on their own conditions, it should not be difficult to gain His Majesty's favor. If they are lucky, Well, if you can give birth to an heir, your family’s race will be revived in advance because of this!”

"That's good!" Zach Qi felt relieved, "There are still things that need to be dealt with, so do what you can as soon as possible! I guess the heads of those races who came here are also working hard to prepare. I'll wait. We can’t fall behind!”

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