In the palace, Ye Qingyuan was discussing the empire's next strategic move with several important ministers. . .

Now that the Northeast Star Sea has been leveled, where the Imperial Sword should point has become a hotly debated topic among the ministers.

The Daomang Empire occupies one-third of the Star Sea World, and the remaining two-thirds. The eastern part is the battlefield between the Gnaslok Empire and the Salestine Alliance. The alliance is in a disadvantageous position, but it relies on solid resources. The family's financial resources can still be sustained for a long time on its own, and if Ye Qingyuan decides to continue to provide assistance, it can be sustained even longer!

There are still three big countries in the southwest! It's just that two of them have been seriously injured, and only the fierce fighting power of the Rockefeller Empire is the strongest!

Of course, this previously ranked second powerful country still does not have the fierce fighting power to unify the entire southwest star sea in the short term! What's more, Ye Qingyuan has sent an emissary to establish a line with the Black Republic. With the support of a large amount of aid, it is estimated that this regime will not collapse for the time being!

The current question is, in which direction should the empire focus its main energy in order to gain more benefits for the empire?

"...I believe that the Southwest Star Sea has not yet been unified. Except for the Rockefeller Empire, which has absolutely fierce fighting power, the other two major powers are already struggling to survive! Because of this, with the fierce fighting power of the Dao Mang Empire, we can completely defeat them together. Within two years, the entire southwest star sea will be included in the empire’s territory!”

In the imperial study room, Liu Xiangyun was explaining his views to everyone present. .

Luo Qingyue asked gently:

"Although this is the case in theory, if these countries feel the threat of national annihilation, in order to protect themselves, they temporarily put aside the hostility and join forces to fight against the empire, it will be like the previous Salestine Alliance and Sully Just like the Asian Republic! How should we respond then?"

Liu Xiangyun bowed and responded:

"What Her Royal Highness the Princess said makes sense. If we send out a large-scale army, this kind of situation will definitely occur! However, both the Tiloan Empire and the Black Republic have suffered major setbacks, and their elite legions have suffered heavy losses. They will not be able to calm down in the short term. Come on, only the Rockefeller Empire still has some fierce fighting power!"

"Even if these three big countries unite, plus some small and medium-sized countries, their overall fierce fighting power will not be able to compete with the Dao Mang Empire like us! More importantly, compared with the Gnaslok Empire, these few There is no foreign civilization behind this big country, so there is no need to worry about our uncontrollable casualties! If Your Majesty leads the army in person, it will not be difficult to plant the flag of the empire all over this starry sky!"

Luo Qingyue sighed softly: "Yang Qing's news is a bit behind. According to the latest information collected by the Imperial Intelligence Network, the guy from the Yanwei Tribal Alliance has already begun to contact the top officials of the Rockefeller Empire. It will not be used for a few days. It will definitely There will be some agreements that are not good for us!"

"Behind the Tyroa Empire stands the Yuanshuo Commando Organization. It will not collapse so easily! There is also the ghost race, which has been uncharacteristically hidden in the past few years. Recently, it has begun to pay attention to the situation in the star sea again, and there are people who have penetrated into the southwest star sea. sign!"

Yu Xinzhe frowned and said: "Since those half-human and half-snake guys are already plotting against the Southwest Xinghai, we can't just turn a blind eye to this! It's best to take action as soon as possible and try to kill them before their layout is completed. Get rid of those countries! Then we can truly have direct power, okay?"

Tian Xuanhao asked: "What you want is for the empire to position the strategic target of the lower star segment in the southwest star sea. How should the Gnaslok Empire be reorganized? However, the alliance cannot sustain it for too long. If these two If a big country collapses, then Ulyonov V will also be able to easily control one-third of the star sea world!"

"Besides, this empire is quite rich, and there are veteran alien civilizations who are directly helping us. In the future, we will be the strongest enemy of the Dao Mang Empire! If we can't take advantage of the fact that there is still a powerful force to block it for us, we can send troops." If we defeat it, the price the empire will have to pay will definitely be more, even unbearable!"

Ziyuan Lan shook his head and said: "Having said that, with the fierce fighting power of our empire, it is almost not difficult to defeat the Gnerslok Empire. However, with the addition of the Miriam civilization, the situation will be completely different! We and other Even if we can defeat the other party, we will inevitably suffer heavy losses, and such a price is something the current empire cannot afford!"

"What's more, given the strength of the other side, if we decide to start a war with it now, the war will be protracted to a large extent, and the results may not be achieved in a year and a half! If the Yanwei Tribal Alliance takes this opportunity to integrate the Southwest Star Sea, then Come and take advantage of me while we are hurting both sides, I will be at a huge disadvantage!"

Fu Chengxiang suggested: "Why don't we continue what we did before? Then provide various material aid to the alliance, including various warships, and let them spend as much time as possible with the Gnaslok Empire! Let's concentrate our efforts , capture the Southwest Star Sea as soon as possible!"

"When we have two-thirds of the territory and resources of the Star Sea World, we will then deal with the Gnaslok Empire and Miriam Civilization! The difficulty will naturally be much easier by then!"

Leng Zhuo sighed: "How can it be so simple? Although the Yanwei Tribal Alliance has suffered a lot of losses in the past two years, after all, it is an old civilization. Even if we can defeat it, the price we have to pay is absolutely amazing! If we start a war with the Miriam people of the Gnaslok Empire right after, we will undoubtedly suffer a great loss!"

"And when that happens, not only the Gnaslok Empire, but even the Eridanus Empire and the Ghost Race will not sit back and watch as we continue to expand! Lest we wait for this human empire to become overwhelming and threaten their status!"

There was silence in the imperial study room, and all the ministers were thinking about how to deal with this.

Obviously, what the wise man said makes sense! The Daomang Empire has reached this day, and its fierce fighting power has firmly ranked first in the human world! It has also approached the bottom line of tolerance of the major established alien civilizations. If we do not risk their intervention, the territorial expansion will only stop here for the time being!

However, the emperors and ministers of the empire are not weaklings who are accustomed to bowing to other races! In order to resist the invasion of the Kilizako Empire of Haoting Xiaodutian in the near future, and in order to prevent human civilization from extinction, the star sea world must be unified! I will never change this principle just because I care about them!

Ye Qingyuan stood around and smiled softly: "Why should you worry? The empire's fierce fighting power is not particularly strong, but it will never be too weak! And as time goes by, our strength will grow rapidly, Until we can compete with them head-on!"

Speaking of which, he asked Leng Zhuo: "How long can the Salestine Alliance survive the strong attack of the Gnerslok Empire if I have spared no effort to support it?"

She said cautiously: "In addition to directly sending troops, if they only provide supplies and intelligence support, they may still have about a year and a half, but no more than two years!"

"One and a half to two years? That's almost enough!" Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and announced loudly:

"In this case, I have decided! The strategic target of the next phase of the empire is the countries of the Southwest Star Sea! After the imperial army returns to the imperial capital, I will go out again within three months, and strive to win the battle within half a year to a year. Within, defeat the Yanwei civilization and incorporate the Southwest Star Sea into the empire’s territory!”

Zhuqing asked with some confusion: "Is Your Majesty sure you can deal with the interference of foreign civilizations?"

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "Of course, after returning to the imperial capital this time, I will start a commando team to organize the relevant institutions of the empire, and concentrate resources to build a few husbands! We and other human civilizations should also have some trump cards to use to suppress the energy!"

"As long as the plan is completed smoothly, those civilizations of different races will not be a problem at all!"

"In that case, I have nothing more to say!" Everyone stopped questioning and approved of His Majesty the Emperor's decision.

Yu Ming understood that Randall, who was still in the alliance capital, received a new order from the palace: In view of various opinions, the Daomang Empire is currently unable to directly send troops to help the alliance. However, as compensation, it can supply more funds and materials to the alliance. assistance.

In addition to many new models of equipment, they can be supplied in large quantities! Even the advanced "Qianyuan" warships of various types, Ye Qingyuan sent out millions of them at once, all of which were brand-new goods that were shipped out of the factory not long ago! The energy efficiency is not inferior to the Miriam civilization's fleet. I believe that with them, the alliance can block the enemy's offensive within an absolute period of time!

In addition, Ye Qingyuan also ordered the imperial intelligence system to cooperate with the relevant departments of the alliance and provide them with various confidential information on the Gansrock Imperial Fleet for a long time.

The monarchs and ministers of the empire just need the alliance to last as long as possible, and they have no hope at all whether they can defeat the other side! Anyway, as long as the Dao Mang Empire successfully solves the Southwest Star Sea, it will naturally focus all its forces to deal with the former most powerful country!

"The Xuanluo Federation and the Yilong Empire are just finished like this?"

In the "Ice Emperor" fortress, King Ulionov V played with a thick scepter in his hand and asked coldly.

Sha Luoke, the head attendant, responded respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty, the Yilong Empire has been occupied by the Daomang Empire army, and His Majesty Yuluo has committed suicide! However, regarding the Xuanluo Federation, those old and cunning guys saw that the empire was powerful , simply declare surrender!"

"Damn it!" Ulionov V was furious in an instant. The golden scepter as thick as a child's arm struck heavily several times, causing the heavy ice crystal floor tiles to make a dull "bang bang" sound!

"That Yuluo is really a piece of mud that can't hold up the wall. It's a waste that I was still like this before. I sent him a lot of material aid. I didn't know why he could hold off the Daomang Empire for me for a year and a half! Unexpectedly He was defeated so quickly! I heard that he was supported by the Eridanus Empire? I didn’t expect that he didn’t even survive two months! Is he a pig-brained person?” Ulionov V cursed in annoyance. ,

"And those old foxes in the Federation, who have benefited so much from me, didn't expect to surrender before even one shot was fired? They are a bunch of weaklings, even more incompetent than that Yuluo! I'm really pissed off!"

There was silence in the main hall, and all the servants were as silent as a cicada, and they did not dare to express their anger!

Sha Luo waited until the emperor had scolded him enough, then he bravely said:

"Your Majesty, the Northeast Star Sea has fallen into the hands of the Dao Mang Empire. Immediately afterwards, it is not clear which party Ye Qingyuan will point the finger at. If he decides to get involved in the war between us and the Alliance, I am afraid it will be our fault. It will be very stressful!”

"That's for sure, isn't it?" Suslov said coldly,

"In order to prevent the empire's army from conquering the Star Sea, I heard that those magicians have been colluding with them a few years ago! Now that there are no worries, Ye Qingyuan will definitely increase his support for the alliance, and even directly send troops to fight with us. Confrontation is also possible!”

The emperor's face sank slightly, and he frowned and said: "Although the Daomang Empire has a shallow foundation, in the end, it owns one-third of the star sea! The accumulated fierce fighting power is extremely surprising. If they all Isn’t it really good news for us to intervene with all our strength!”

Yegor said disapprovingly: "Why should your Majesty be worried? We are waiting for superior races to come forward to help. That Ye Qingyuan can't do anything to me! No matter how powerful he is, he can't deal with the great Miriam civilization!"

Tarillo rolled his eyes and said something back to him: "The Dao Mang Empire is also secretly supported by the Bojiang Civilization!"

Yegor looked slightly embarrassed, coughed and stopped talking.

Shaluoke gently nodded and said: "Really, if the Bojiang race takes action, this matter will become more unnecessary! However, we are not without options!"

Ulionov V thought for a moment and instantly understood what he meant. Not long ago, the Miriam Empire sent a message, unprepared to say that regarding the future power structure of the Star Sea World, the five races have reached a new covenant!

According to the content of that covenant, the Daomang Empire has obtained all the territory allowed in the covenant, and from now on it can no longer expand externally! The rest of the territory in the Star Sea belongs to the Gnaslok Empire and the Rockefeller Empire!

"You mean, looking for Shuyuan, we should issue a notice to His Majesty Ye Qingyuan to remind him not to make plans here again?" Ulionov V asked.

"Your Majesty, according to the covenant between the superior races, this starry sky of the alliance should belong to the empire! We can really make such a request!" Sharoko said.

"If he violates the covenant, he will undoubtedly be suppressed by the superior races! I believe that by then, he will know his duty!"

At first glance, what Leonov V meant cannot be said to be unreasonable. But the problem is clear. At present, no one among the rulers of the major countries in the Star Sea who are still eligible to participate in the competition will take this paper of covenant too seriously!

Not to mention the Dao Mang Empire. As the first force to seize the territory stipulated in the covenant, it is estimated that the emperor and his ministers will retreat in the face of difficulties and brake the wheels of the imperial chariot. In addition to the deterrence of strong enough fierce combat power, it is not possible to There will be a second thing! .

However, regarding the other forces, although they don’t say it with their mouths, they are not so willing to let several alien civilizations sit on their heads and dictate! Including Ulionov V! Amazing ass, plump and charming body! WeChat public: meinvmeng22 (press and hold for three seconds to copy) You understand and I understand!

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