An angry expression appeared on the emperor's face, and then he knew that now was not the time for an attack, so he had to suppress his anger and asked in a deep voice:

"The Daomang Empire's army has besieged the imperial capital for so many days. What are the military commanders in various parts of the empire doing? I have issued an edict for them to lead troops to reinforce the imperial capital! But so far, there is no sign of a supporting army at all! Have they all forgotten their responsibilities as Imperial citizens?"

"Your Majesty!" the Prime Minister said helplessly.

"The military power of the Daomang Empire is too powerful! Our fleet did not have an advantage in terms of quantity or quality, so we were dispersed by them before we even had time to approach the imperial capital! This was true even when there were more than a dozen supporting troops at the front and back. !”

"In other words, there is no hope for the empire?" Feilosis's voice became extremely heavy and hoarse.

He, who had been bedridden for the past few days, suddenly miraculously got up from the bed and began to personally take charge of the defense of the imperial capital, and mobilized all available forces from all over the country to rescue the imperial capital!

He even optimistically estimated that the war between the Yanwei race and the Daomang Empire would end with both sides hurting! In that way, the empire will truly gain a breathing space, be able to regain lost ground, and almost be able to rejoin the struggle for star sea hegemony!

However, destiny did not favor the Tiloan Empire! Unexpectedly, the young emperor completely defeated the main army of the Yanwei race, and then used the power of victory to completely surround the imperial capital universe area!

At present, all possibilities of turning defeat into victory no longer exist!

The Prime Minister hesitated for a moment and finally plucked up the courage to say: "Your Majesty, the matter is now over. For the welfare of the trillions of citizens of the empire and the safety of many members of the royal family, we should think of another solution!"

Feilosis couldn't help but was shocked and lost his voice: "You mean, you want me to surrender to that Ye Qingyuan? Don't you think this is too ridiculous?"

"Your Majesty! This is a notice from the emperor!" said the Prime Minister.

"He said that as long as your majesty is willing to lead the ministers to surrender, he can guarantee not to harm your majesty's life, and will treat you like a prince, and live your life in Tianhua Imperial Capital! He will not embarrass other members of the royal family!"

"However, as for all the superior officials of the empire, as long as they are willing to sincerely submit to the Dao Mang Empire, he can forget about it!"

Felosis's face was uncertain, and he was silent for a long time without making a sound.

However, the officials below were very hesitant. In their view, it was quite wrong to achieve such a result! As long as His Majesty is willing to surrender, they will no longer have any burden on their conscience. Not only will their own interests and that of their family's race be guaranteed, but they can also continue to be ministers of the Dao Mang Empire with peace of mind!

They didn't know that at this time, the emperor was already brewing extremely violent murderous intentions in his heart!

This bunch of shameless, bastards are worse than pigs and dogs! It’s in vain that I took you so kindly before and gave you high-ranking officials and generous salaries, riches, beauties, and land titles! Now that the empire is in trouble, you all have nothing to do, and you are trying to make me sacrifice my own ancestral foundation to help you! In this case, what use do I have for you if I keep you?

"Do all the ministers have such a view?" Philosis asked calmly.

"Your Majesty, I think that the promise made by His Majesty Ye Qingyuan should be credible!" Yu Bin said tentatively.

"Yes, I think so too," another Duke agreed.

"I think it's feasible!"

"I am willing to accompany His Majesty to surrender!"

Everyone agreed, and except for the royal family members present, almost no official spoke out against surrender! But he didn't notice that the emperor's expression on the throne had become more sinister!

Feilosis gave a long sigh and said slowly: "Since all the ministers think so, then"

Seeing that all the ministers were looking at him unblinkingly, a hint of cold murderous intent appeared in the corner of the emperor's skinny mouth, and he continued: "You can take action!"

Take action? The ministers were a little stunned when they did not hear the emperor say what they expected to hear. They did not realize the meaning of this sentence for a while.

However, what happened immediately made their hearts sink to the bottom!

The main door of the hall suddenly closed, and groups of heavily armed palace guards rushed out from every corner! All these normally aloof and arrogant courtiers were surrounded!

"Kill them all!" The emperor's eerie voice echoed in the hall.

There was deathly silence in the hall!

Upon hearing such an order, the palace guards were a little unsure.

They can still understand killing one or two people and will implement it without hesitation! However, the emperor's order was too shocking. In one sentence, all the civil and military officials in the palace would be killed! This makes it difficult for them, who are most loyal to His Majesty, to accept it!

"Kill them all!" Feilosis gritted his teeth and repeated it coldly.

"Your Majesty, are you crazy?" A courtier asked in shock and anger, "What mistake have we made? Are you going to give such an order?"

"What's your fault?" Philosis snorted coldly,

"You are officials of the empire. You receive the salary of the empire and are supported by the billions of people of the empire! You are supposed to work for the welfare of the empire and defend the interests of the empire to the death! Who knew that you are all a group of shameless, cold-blooded and selfish white-eyed wolves! "

"When the country is in crisis, you don't want to share my worries and be loyal to the country! Instead, you are willing to grovel to the enemy country and beg for mercy in exchange for your own wealth! You even force me to temporarily abandon the dignity of your emperor and the inheritance of your ancestors to please me. Foreign enemies! In that case, what use do I have for you bastards?"

One call made the officials turn pale and ashamed! However, the matter has reached this point, and there is no point in pursuing these further! Now that their faces were broken, the ministers simply stopped covering up. Yu Bin said disdainfully:

"Your Majesty, you personally know the current situation of the empire. It's not that the ministers are unwilling to serve the empire, but the general situation dictates! The Daomang Empire has come to the city. For the safety of the lives and property of hundreds of millions of people in the imperial capital, we can only do this as a last resort. Got it!"

"Okay! What a 'last resort'!" Philosis laughed angrily,

"This is the first time I have seen you traitoring your country so confidently! In this case, I don't need to talk nonsense with you anymore! Just sacrifice yourselves to the empire!"

"Who dares to take action?" the Prime Minister shouted angrily, and the palace guards could not help but hesitate for a moment.

He took this opportunity and suddenly reached into his pocket, grabbed a signal transmitter there and pressed it!

Immediately afterwards, there was a dull banging sound outside the door! In just a few seconds, the thick and gorgeous palace door was knocked open, and another group of strong warriors with special abilities rushed in, protecting all the panic-stricken courtiers.

"It seems that you have been prepared for this, right?" Upon seeing this, Feilosis calmed down, glanced at his most trusted chief assistant, and said calmly.

"Your Majesty! I have served you for many years and I think I know a little bit about your temperament, so I made this move!" The Prime Minister said calmly,

"I actually don't want to use this move, but Your Majesty will definitely force me to do it, so I have no choice but to be disloyal!"

"Your Majesty, as long as you take back your orders and lead everyone to surrender! How about putting an end to all the past grudges?" Yu Bin said.

Philosis glanced at him with disdain and snorted coldly: "My decision is the same! Since you have a plan to force me to marry you, you must have the consciousness of death! Kill me!"

In an instant, the awakened people on both sides became involved! In the hall, the shadows of sword energy flashed continuously, and the sounds of weapons clashing and dying screams came one after another! From time to time, there were thrilling explosions, making the whole hall full of smoke.

Philosis left the hall and came to the harem under the escort of a group of close palace guards!

"Is this country really going to end?" He stared at the familiar palace in the distance, predicting it with great bitterness.

Although he lived a heroic life, he never expected that he would face the danger of national subjugation in the end! This not only caused him pain, but also completely aroused the violent and extreme side of his heart! Issuing orders to massacre ministers is the most intuitive manifestation of his tyrannical and crazy character!

Ye Qingyuan, my child, even if the fate of the Tiloya Empire is irreversible, I will never let you have it easy! Felosis thought suddenly in his heart.

"Go and burn all these places for me!" He pointed to the magnificent and continuous palaces in the distance and said disdainfully:

"Even if the emperor attacks, he will only get a piece of ruins! These things belong to me, no one can take them away!"

Several palace guards looked at each other and went to carry out the order without saying a word! After a while, these palaces, which were at least hundreds of years old, or even thousands of years old, were all covered by fires that shot up into the sky!

Looking at the growing fire, Felosis finally showed a trace of satisfied pleasure on his face.

Very good, I will burn all the valuable things in this palace, leaving not a cent to that damn Ye Qingyuan!

But then again, not only this, but also other good things will be destroyed together! He held an energy knife in his hand and walked quickly and neatly through the intricate corridors of the harem. After a while, he came to an exquisite courtyard.

"Your Majesty! You" A gentle and elegant woman in gorgeous palace clothes came out with a joyful face. Seeing the emperor's sinister expression, a hint of fear appeared on her pretty face!

"My dear concubine! Are you mine?" Seeing this concubine who was less than eighteen years old and had been in the palace for less than a year and a half, he had a warm smile on his face and Wen Yan asked. explain.

"Of course I am your Majesty's concubine!" the woman responded shyly and uneasily.

"That's good!" Philosis nodded lightly, and suddenly stabbed the woman to the core with a sword! The red blood spurted out and splashed all over his head and face!

Looking at the woman's frightened and dead-eyed expression, he let out a burst of sick laughter and rushed towards the next palace palace with his sword in hand.

These concubines are all the most beautiful in a million, and each one of them is still in perfect shape. Even I can't enjoy the beauties, why should I leave them to that boy? Since I am going to another world soon, I might as well take them on the road with me!

After a while, the second palace arrived. There lived a noble concubine who had been in the palace for some years and had given birth to a princess. She was not yet fifteen years old this year.

After meeting, without saying a word, he killed him with one sword! Even the princess was not spared!

When he thought that these women might be favored by that bastard, he couldn't help but feel jealous! He has lost his ability as a male, but he is young and will not be able to use it for long. These women will just remember his good qualities and will not think about him anymore, right?

Therefore, they all must die! They are my women when they are alive, and they can only be mine when they die!

At this time, the emperor's eyes were blood red, his body was covered in blood, and his mind had fallen into a state of madness! For a whole afternoon, he wandered around Nuoda's palace complex, killing everyone he saw! The palace was already filled with blood!

However, what he didn't know was that because of his crazy orders in the court, some courtiers had already broken out of the encirclement, brought in reinforcements and took control of the imperial palace, and were sending more manpower to search for his whereabouts!

The Prime Minister has communicated with Ye Qingyuan via video on behalf of the imperial ministers, announcing unconditional surrender! The fleet stationed at the entrance to the void tunnel was all disarmed under their orders! Welcoming the emperor's camp into the imperial capital!

Guarded by a large number of warships of all kinds, the "Teng Yuan" palace passed through the void tunnel and entered the star system where the imperial capital is located.

There are ten planets in the entire star system. After hundreds of years of continuous transformation, the environment is extremely beautiful. Among them, the Imperial Palace is located on the fifth planet, and the key departments of the empire are located on the fifth planet.

Since the Prime Minister announced the unconditional surrender on behalf of all the officials in the Imperial City, most of the more than three million fleets stationed in the void tunnel have temporarily broken down the resistance. Only a handful of troops who are loyal to the emperor have not temporarily broken down the resistance. Soon, They were wiped out by the elites of the empire!

"Your Majesty, the news we obtained not long ago is that a resistance force has been eliminated until later!"

In the palace, looking for Shuyuan Li Maci reported:

"Currently, all the high-ranking officials of the Tiloan Empire have gathered at the Imperial Palace, waiting for His Majesty's arrival!"

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and asked Yu Bin, who was standing aside: "Where is your emperor? Have you found him yet?"

Yu Bin responded hurriedly and humbly: "Your Majesty, I have sent troops to blockade the imperial palace and are intensifying the search! However, regarding other members of the royal family, as well as some of the superiors who were loyal to the previous royal family, at this time, all Under control! Always at your Majesty's mercy!"

"Well, you did a good job!" Ye Qingyuan responded lightly and said nothing more.

To be fair, he had some contempt for these bureaucrats who acted according to the prevailing situation and had no moral integrity at all! If possible, he would never like to deal with such people, and there should be no place for them in the empire's political system!

The problem is clear. As a competent king and a qualified politician, the ultimate physical quality is not to use personal likes and dislikes as the basis for decision-making! You can't say that you can accept things you like, but you can completely ignore people or things you hate!

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