Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 957: Change someone another day

Although these guys are of bad character, there are also some with outstanding abilities among them! In particular, they represent the empire's huge bureaucratic stratum. In order to quickly stabilize the empire in the future, they will have to rely on their strength in many aspects. After all, not all problems can be solved by the fleet!

Conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately! It is estimated that in order to truly incorporate this large territory into the empire's territory, these local forces will have to be kept aside! You can kill some of them to shock people, but you can’t kill them all!

Fang Yuqing, who was beside him, smiled and encouraged the guy for a while, then sent him away to rest for a while. Then he turned around and advised him:

"Your Majesty, I don't like these guys either! If the empire had enough time, there would be no need to treat them so favorably. They would just kill them all! However, at present, the most dangerous enemies of the empire are the alien civilizations that are eyeing them! For Unify and stabilize the human world as soon as possible so that we can concentrate resources to deal with them, and some things have to be compromised!"

"I know," Ye Qingyuan said with a slight smile.

"The Tiloan Empire is over! However, there are two big countries right after it. It's unclear how long it will take to pacify it! I really don't have much time to wait!"

Fang Yuqing muttered: "The Rockefeller Empire has been split, and the Black Republic is dying. It's just a breath of relief for now! With our current fierce fighting power, it's not difficult to sort it out! What I'm afraid of is that those alien civilizations are here again. There’s some trickery involved!”

"But then again, the Yanwei race has been severely damaged by this, and has even damaged its foundation! It will no longer have the ability to interfere in the human world for many years to come! The Bojiang Empire has not given up yet, because In this way, there is little chance of falling out with me at this time!"

"The attention of the Miriam civilization is currently focused on the Gnaslok Empire, and it will not penetrate things here for the time being! Then, there will only be one ghost race left!"

Ye Qingyuan agreed: "It's true. I'm also worried that those volleyball players will cause harm! Therefore, we must be prepared to deal with it now to avoid inexplicable losses in the future!"

"The current technological level of the empire is not low! Especially in terms of void technology, so it is not as difficult to deal with them as previously estimated! Of course, they are not too clear about this! So we just need to Carefully arranged, it will definitely give them a 'joy'!" she said with a smile.

As the two of them were talking, the palace was already close to the synchronous orbit of the fifth planet, and the three-dimensional projection faithfully presented everything on the planet before his eyes.

"What's going on?" I saw the palace palaces with burning marks. The fires in many places have not been completely extinguished! Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Li Mace said:

"Your Majesty, Philosis issued an order to do this! Fortunately, the Prime Minister's people have issued an order to put out the fire after taking control of the imperial palace! The dangerous situation is generally relieved now! Moreover, I heard that he has killed his concubine All the concubines and children were killed, and later on, I didn’t expect that they would kill everyone on sight! The palace was already a river of blood!"

"This guy... is completely crazy! I didn't expect to do such a thing." Ye Qingyuan sighed.

"A king who has been in power for hundreds of years will inevitably have some mental disorders when he falls into this situation! What's more, he is a violent and extreme guy!" Fang Yuqing said.

At this moment, Mu Qingya came in and reported: "Your Majesty, all the ministers of the former Tiloya Empire have gathered in the square in front of the Imperial Palace to welcome Your Majesty! What do you think we should do?"

"Since you're here, let's meet you!" Ye Qingyuan said.

Yu Ming understood that the huge "Teng Yuan" palace was anchored in the synchronous orbit, and then a large number of various warships escorted His Majesty the Emperor's ship and landed in the Imperial Palace Square.

The hatch opened, and groups of palace guards filed out, quickly taking control of the entire square.

Thousands of civil and military officials from the original Tiloan Empire were waiting in the square. They were all shocked when they saw these brightly armored and murderous guards!

"Isn't it? I didn't expect them to be all dry stars? Why maybe?" an admiral said in disbelief.

Just the thousands of guards that can be seen with the eyes, there is almost no fierce fighting power below Qianxing! There is even no shortage of eleven or twelve star experts!

How come there are so many high-star superpowers in the Daomang Empire?

A Duke frowned and said: "Looking at their age, they seem to be very young, which shows that their qualifications are quite excellent! Where did the Dao Mang Empire find so many superpower cultivation geniuses?"

"And their equipment is all... ninth-grade! This... this is too shocking, isn't it? Is the emperor so rich?"

"I heard that they defeated the main army of the Yanwei race not long ago. From this, the fierce fighting power of this empire is really far beyond our expectations..."

"Doesn't this just mean that our choice is correct? From now on, we will be the ministers of the Daomang Empire..."

Everyone was talking here and there.

"Okay, His Majesty the Emperor has walked out, I'll go and greet him!" the Prime Minister said, leading everyone to walk towards His Majesty the Emperor's ship.

Ye Qingyuan walked out of the cabin surrounded by a group of palace guards, and saw a place closer to the front. Thousands of well-dressed, fat-minded officials and high-ranking officials were kneeling in a large area in darkness, with expressions full of awe, respect, humility and flattery!

"The guilty minister respectfully welcomes His Majesty the Emperor! May Your Majesty..." The Prime Minister knelt down on one knee in front of him and said respectfully.

Ye Qingyuan interrupted him without humility and asked, "Where is your emperor?"

"This..." The Prime Minister did not expect that the new master would be so direct when meeting him. He choked, put away the set of carefully prepared eulogies, and replied carefully:

"Felosis is currently blocked in the Queen's Palace by the army of ministers. He refuses to surrender, so the two sides are in a stalemate!"

"Take me to have a look!" Ye Qingyuan ordered briefly.

"Understood, Your Majesty!" The Prime Minister thought for a moment and agreed.

In the Queen's Palace, a group of high-star awakened people surrounded the entire palace complex and were shouting to persuade them to surrender!

And it was not that there was no movement at all. There was a faint sound of women shouting and cursing, mixed with Feilosis's roar and the sick laughter.

In the palace, the old emperor covered in blood held a sword and blocked the entrance to the inner courtyard of the palace with a murderous look on his face. Dozens of corpses of palace residents were already lying on the ground!

"Bitch, can you even open the door? Believe it or not, I'll chop you all down!" Philosis suddenly roared,

"The empire is over! You are the empress of the empire and the mother of the world! Instead of living and dying with the empire with me, you are living an ignoble existence! What use will I have for you?"

The gate to the inner courtyard of the palace has been completely sealed! Shelia changed into a suit of light armor and nervously blocked the doorway with her sword in hand. There were dozens of female palace guards protecting her.

These people were all confidants brought from her family's race when she first married into the royal family. It was precisely because of this that they could still guard her at this time.

When Philosis rushed in, several palace guards desperately entangled him, allowing the queen to hide in the inner courtyard of the palace. The two emperors and queens confronted each other through a palace door.

Hearing the roar of the old emperor, Shelia scolded without showing any signs of weakness: "You crazy old dog, you didn't expect this day to happen! You probably asked me to bury you and live out your dreams!" I want to see how you end up dying today!!"

Feilosis was furious, and more unpleasant words came out of his mouth: "Bitch! I have to chop you alive today! Can you even open the door? Don't you just think I'm old? I guess Are you going to wait on that young bastard? You shameless, shameless bitch

son! Even if I die today, I will drag you with me on the road! "

Not all the blood on his body belongs to others! Along the way of killing, some people always resisted desperately, leaving half a hundred wounds of various kinds on his body. Because of this, he did not dare to rush in rashly, but only threatened the other side with words.

Ye Qingyuan stood quietly outside the palace gate, and everything there was naturally hidden from his perception.

The Prime Minister looked at him with an embarrassed face and asked tentatively: "Your Majesty! Are you going to..."

"How do you think that person should be dealt with?" He glanced at the other side and asked lightly.

"This..." The Prime Minister's face turned pale and he babbled.

For a former chief minister, this question was too sensitive, so no wonder he didn't dare to answer it.

Ye Qingyuan smiled calmly and said, "I'll go in later! Give that Majesty a ride!"

When Felosis was scolding vigorously, he heard a noise from behind. He subconsciously looked back and saw a young man with dark eyes and black hair walking in surrounded by countless palace guards.

The man was dressed in exquisite pure black light armor, with a handsome face and golden complexion. His dark eyes stared at him calmly. An indescribable pressure spread invisibly, and even he, who had been in power for a long time, felt deep in his heart. They all felt a chill involuntarily. .

"Who are you?" After calming down, he asked in a dignified tone.

In fact, he could guess Fang Fang's identity without asking! This young man, who looks more like a college student than a king, is the supreme ruler of the Dao Mang Empire who controls one-third of the star sea, has millions of warships under his command, and has as many strong men as the clouds!

As soon as he thought that the other side was the culprit that led to the demise of his empire, he had the urge to cut it into pieces! However, now, almost because of the flashback, his mind was unusually clear and he had no intention of taking such a meaningless move!

The aura on the other side has reached an unfathomable level, and Philosis himself is not even a demigod! If he really wanted to use his hands, Kanata could kill him a hundred times just by moving his little finger!

"Are you Feilosis?" Ye Qingyuan stared at him for a while and asked calmly.

The old emperor gritted his teeth, puffing up his chest with pride and dignity as a king, and responded proudly: "Yes, I am Philosis, the forty-fifth emperor of the Tiloan Empire! Young man, you are …”

"Ye Qingyuan, the first emperor of the Daomang Empire!" He introduced himself with a smile, "I am leading the army south this time to plant the empire's flag on every planet in the star sea world!"

A trace of extremely violent murderous intent appeared on the old emperor's face, and his red eyes suddenly stared at him, but dimmed again after a few seconds! It is obvious that he is aware of the current situation and does not allow him any room for bargaining!

"Young man, I have fallen into this state today. It's time and luck! It's useless to say more! I just ask...before you go on the road, you can fulfill my two wishes until later!" He sighed.

Ye Qingyuan raised his eyebrows and asked slightly unexpectedly: "Wish? Tell me!"

"First, I hope your majesty can kill all these shameless bastards!" Feilosis pointed at the former imperial prime minister Shinard and other officials beside him, gritting his teeth.

Shinard's expression changed, and a sinister coldness appeared in his eyes. He looked at His Majesty the Emperor beside him and said nothing. The officials from the original Tiloa Empire present looked a little ugly!

"This damn old ghost, when he is about to die, he still wants to drag me along with him! Do you think you are still the emperor? If you had known this, you should have..." Sinard cursed in his heart.

Ye Qingyuan glanced at them and asked calmly: "What about the second wish? You might as well say it together!"

"I'm going to kill that bitch over there!" Philosis said fiercely.

"The one over there is your queen, right?" He said thoughtfully,

"I heard that she is Yuanshuo Commando, the daughter of the head of the Xida chaebol family. She must have been of great help to your great cause! Why did you want to kill her?"

"Help? Almost there!" Feilosis snorted coldly,

"It cost me the permanent development and coordination rights of fifty first-class resource universe areas, plus a lot of political benefits, to get her! However, now, his father's commando organization has reaped all the benefits from the empire. Seeing that there is nothing I can do, I am ready to abandon my empire! Shouldn't she die?"

"Oh! That's it!" Ye Qingyuan became convinced, pondered for a while, and said to the head there:

"Queen, come out! The matter has come to this, and it's time to settle it!"

There was silence for a few seconds, and then the door to the inner courtyard of the palace slowly opened. A group of frightened palace guards and maids surrounded a beautiful woman with purple eyes and snow-skinned skin, a slim waist and plump hips, and a noble and mysterious temperament and walked out!

"I have met Your Majesty!" Shelia hesitated for a moment, then came over and bowed.

"Bitch!" Philosis suddenly roared and rushed over with a sword.

Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly, raised his hand and sent out a sword energy, breaking his forearm easily!

"Why...are you, Your Majesty...planning to break your promise?" the old emperor said, enduring the severe pain.

"I don't seem to remember that I agreed to your request before, right?" He said calmly.

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