Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 958: It’s obvious who to target

"If you put these two conditions to me, it's not like I can't satisfy you! But what's the benefit to me?"

"Your Majesty, you have already obtained the entire empire, what benefits do you still expect?" Feilosis said with a wry smile.

"There must be a reason, right?" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Since you know that this empire is already in my hands, including your life! Then why do you still make these excessive demands?"

Felosis gritted his teeth and said: "There are many provinces in the western part of the empire that have not been occupied by your army. The troops there are quite strong. If you want to defeat them one by one, it will not be easy! I can issue an edict until later and ask them to surrender!"

"Well, that's a reasonable reason!" Ye Qingyuan said matter-of-factly.

"Your Majesty!" Xinade, Yu Bin and others suddenly became nervous. Shelia's pretty face turned pale, her teeth bit her lower lip tightly and remained silent.

To be fair, the old emperor’s advice is really good! He originally didn't like these shameless guys, so if he could kill them, it would be worth it! However, there are still places where they can be used, and some things can only be seen!

Sighing slightly, he said: "Your suggestion is very attractive to me. However, after the news of the change of ownership of the imperial capital spread, the governors of those provinces have already expressed their unconditional surrender! Therefore, Your edict has no meaning anymore!"

"Of course, I never like senseless killings! Well, if you can find ten people among the people here who don't want you to die and are willing to intercede for you! I will spare your life today. How about granting you an idle title and returning to the imperial capital to take care of yourself?"

"Your Majesty! Is everything you said true?" Feilosis looked happy, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw!

"You are not joking!" Ye Qingyuan said firmly, "You only need to find ten people around here who are willing to intercede for you, even the most ordinary palace maids!"

Felosis' hopeful eyes swept across the faces of those former imperial officials, but unfortunately he forgot that he had planned to kill them with Ye Qingyuan's hand just a moment ago! Why would they intercede for him at this time?

Led by Shinard, all the officials in high positions lowered their heads and did not even look at him!

After he wanted to get rid of his scalp, he turned his attention to the queen, slowed down and said: "Dear Shelia..."

"That's enough!" She said coldly, "I would rather die here than say a word of good for you! Don't even bother!"

"What about you?" He looked at the palace maids and guards beside the queen, but no one paid attention to him either!

"You... you! I didn't expect it to happen..." Feilosis was so angry that he trembled all over, "Why did I say that I was also your emperor! You didn't expect it to happen, I didn't expect it to happen..."

"It seems that what you did as an emperor is really not an ordinary failure!" Ye Qingyuan sighed, "Since no one intercedes for you, then..."


Feilosis jumped up like a mad tiger and suddenly grabbed Ye Qingyuan.

"When people go crazy, they can do anything!" He shook his head, and a silver-blue magnetic field appeared silently in front of him.

His fingers came into contact with the magnetic field not long ago, and it was as if he had been cast on a body-fixing technique, and his whole movements were frozen! Then, a bright sparkle of blue appeared on his fingertips, then expanded rapidly, and suddenly spread to the entire surface of his body, turning him into a silver-blue ice sculpture!

After a few seconds, the ice sculpture disintegrated silently and turned into a pile of crystalline debris!

A generation of heroes ended his life just like this!

Shinard and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the trace of guilt in their hearts disappeared without a trace! From now on, they can be the subjects of the Daomang Empire with peace of mind!

"I know that your father is one of the decision-makers of the Yuanshuo Commando Organization," Ye Qingyuan walked up to her and said,

"The empire fell and they decided to change the family. It's understandable! But for a son like you who has made great sacrifices and made contributions to your family's race in the past, isn't he willing to say something? At least he must let you return to your family's race. ?”

Shelia smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty's point of view is generous, but unfortunately not everyone can be like you! My father is really capable of protecting his daughter, but the problem is that he will never do this! And There are those nobles of the family race. In their eyes, apart from profit, there is no other kind of thing!"

She gently spread her slender hands, and the delicate jade bottle appeared in the palm of her hand. A trace of sadness appeared in her beautiful eyes: "This... is the 'reward' given by my father to his daughter! It is said that she can walk without any traces." It’s painless, and it’s almost as if his conscience has discovered it!”

This Constantine is really a ruthless and decisive character! In order to avoid bringing unnecessary trouble to the family race, even one's own biological daughter can be abandoned without hesitation! Just so as not to arouse my own suspicion and disgust!

People in the upper class seem to be so cold and heartless, so-called family affection is a joke in their eyes! And this is what disgusts him the most!

Ye Qingyuan's eyes narrowed and he was silent for a few seconds before saying: "Okay! I will give you a chance. If you can find ten people who are willing to intercede on your behalf, you don't have to use this!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the group of palace maids and guards beside her knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, we are all willing to plead for my lady! I beg your Majesty to let my lady go!"

Sinard and others secretly glanced at the emperor's expression and understood, so they also began to plead for mercy!

"Oh? It turns out that all of you palace maids are people brought by the queen from her parents' home!" He said with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

"That's good! It seems that you are much more popular than that old ghost! I still lack a maid by my side. From now on, you can follow me!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Shelia and the people beside her took a breath.

At the end of January in the interstellar calendar 7951, the capital of the Tiloa Empire was finally besieged by the army of the Daomang Empire! After a brief confrontation and fierce battle, a group of important ministers, led by the former Imperial Prime Minister Shinard and Foreign Minister Yu Bin, announced their unconditional surrender, directly opened the Void Tunnel, and welcomed His Majesty the Emperor's camp into the Imperial Capital!

After killing almost all the maids and concubines, the cruel and cruel Emperor Philosis was killed by Ye Qingyuan! The remaining important members of the royal family, as well as the wealthy and powerful officials who were loyal to the royal family, were basically all executed! .

The great purge only lasted for more than ten days and then ended! Part of the Daomang Empire's fleet has already sailed to the west to take over all the provinces that have not yet surrendered! At this point, this super-class country that was once famous in the Xinghai Sea has been completely lost in the long river of time!

In the palace, Ye Qingyuan stared at the thick stack of reports in front of him and sighed deeply.

This war lasted only a short time, but the loss of various resources was astonishing, and it was the worst in the empire's foreign war!

Since the goal of this battle is to capture the entire southwest star sea, it is precisely because of this that the empire dispatched a huge fleet of 20 million, hundreds of interstellar fortresses, and more than a thousand supernatural legions! Coupled with the auxiliary cooperation of many special equipment, the main army of the Yanwei race was finally defeated! And finally captured the Tiloan Empire!

Within a few months of the war, the cumulative losses to the fleet alone had exceeded five million and dozens of interstellar fortresses! All kinds of material losses, plus pensions for fallen officers and soldiers! Especially for those high-purity energy crystals required for special equipment, the total value of the inestimable losses is equivalent to the previous Shuofeng Empire's gross national product for one year!

Spending so much money in one and a half years would have been an immeasurable figure in the past! Not even the family of the Gnerslok Empire could afford such an astonishing war expenditure! Only the current Dao Mang Empire can support it!

"The Tiloa Empire has been captured! Immediately afterwards, should we continue to use troops against the remaining two big countries, or should we take a rest first?" He asked Fang Yuqing.

"Your Majesty! Judging from the current situation, the fleet we are waiting for really needs a period of rest!" She said,

"The high-purity energy crystals used in those special equipment have been exhausted this time! Once these war-killing weapons are activated, their power is really huge! However, we still have to bring the material reserves they need. Only if you have enough! Otherwise, I will be short of many means to use in the upcoming battle!"

"The country is still stepping up production, right?" Ye Qingyuan said,

"Anyway, if you urge me more, it's okay to spend more money! This thing can play a much greater role on the battlefield than an ordinary interstellar fortress!"

Fang Yuqing nodded lightly and added: "In the Tiloa Empire, all the assets belonging to the previous royal family have been counted. As well as those officials and high-ranking officials who were wiped out, their family properties have been confiscated and all have been classified as royal. Industry! You can check the specific quantity in detail!"

Although the attack range was deliberately restricted, hundreds of races were wiped out this time! Their combined wealth is an appalling figure! You can commando again and build dozens of reorganized main legions! Compared to the tribes of the three ghost races he had plundered, they were not much different! But then again, this refers to the 10% he received, not counting the 10% swallowed by Lan Yu!

"How do you want to deal with those high-ranking officials who have joined the empire?" Fang Yuqing asked.

"All were demoted to one rank, and the top 300 wealthy families moved their races to the Tianhua universe area. The Pamulay universe area is one of the imperial capitals. All administrative universe areas within the empire's territory will also be re-planned. Some Capable officials should be retained for use! It’s up to you to pay more attention to this matter!" Ye Qingyuan said.

Fang Yuqing said helplessly: "You really treat people like donkeys! Okay! Not to mention this, are you sure about how to fight the next battle?"

We already have a complete plan for conquering the Southwest Star Sea, so there is no need to elaborate on this. However, we currently have to deal with the new variable that alien civilization may intervene on a large scale, so certain plans must be reconsidered!

Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and said:

"I plan to station eight main legions and fifty supernatural legions here. After the two big countries are calmed down, we will increase our military strength by at least twice!"

"In addition, after the southwest star sea is unified, the southern territory of the empire will be bordered by the Tunguska Galaxy of the Genaslok Empire. At that time, we can divide our troops into two groups, one group starting from the Hell Soul Star Sea to attack its central hinterland, and the other group will attack its central hinterland. Tunguska Galaxy, as long as they capture this extremely resource-rich territory, they will lose their ultimate source of strategic supplies!"

"This is just a plan for human countries! However, as for the alien races, the ones who can definitely intervene are the volleyballs! We have already arranged some means. It will be fine if they don't come, and there is no need to leave if they come! "He snorted lightly and coldly,

"There are many tribal settlements of their species within the Southwest Star Sea, as well as the adjacent wild universe area! Just take advantage of this opportunity to sweep the Southwest Star Sea and clean them up! This will save you unnecessary trouble in the future. !”

According to the information he has, the ghost race has nearly a hundred tribal settlements in this star sea, most of which are hidden in the wild cosmic areas close to the human world, and a few are located in the human country.

In his eyes, these round guys are just piles of crystal core treasures. As long as they are all destroyed, the power of Zhan Ying's race in the southwest star sea will definitely suffer a devastating blow! It is no longer possible to easily interfere and influence the human world!

Fang Yuqing nodded lightly, and then said: "What do you want to do with that biological chemical mothership? Are you really sure of repairing it? People have done some calculations in the past few days, and the various resources it has eaten have been worth Let’s go to the commando team and build three main legions!”

"But then again, it's no problem to find Shuyuan!" Ye Qingyuan said, "As long as it recovers and fully exerts its power, it can be worth at least ten Death Starships!"

The biological chemical mothership has been hidden in a secret military base in the Baimulai universe area. Then Ye Qingyuan followed the material list and checked the treasury of the Tiloa Empire, and collected most of the resources. A small amount of it is also being transported through various channels!

The intelligence department has compiled detailed information on the habitats, types, quantities, fierce combat capabilities, etc. of all the cosmic ferocious beasts in the empire and presented them to him!

Lan Yu has selected several areas and plans to set off in these two days alone, so he can act as soon as possible! He will also accompany him personally!

This biological chemical mothership can be said to be the first strategic weapon of sufficient weight in the human world. As long as it can be restored, the empire's military power and its strategic deterrence against foreign civilizations will be greatly improved! In comparison, a little resource loss is nothing at all!

According to the plan agreed upon by Ye Qingyuan and Lan Yu, the Life Chemical Mothership will serve as an important boost in the ensuing military operation to wipe out the Southwest Star Sea! To ensure that this round of campaign plan is completed as soon as possible!

According to the news obtained from several secret channels, Zhanying Royal Court is summoning strong men from various tribes to gather in the Moluo Universe area. It is estimated that there will be a big action soon! It is already obvious who the target is!

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