Susnov stared at the various detailed data displayed on the monitor, his heart sank slightly, and he felt something bad. Huoran????wen w?ww. ranwena`com

This was the first time he encountered an attack that could threaten the defense system of this doomsday fortress. If such an attack happens a few more times, once the energy barrier recovers at a loss, the final result will be But it's hard to say.

Tian Xuanhao smiled softly and ordered the attack to continue. Just like this, both sides came and went. After more than twenty rounds, the energy barrier of the "Ice and Snow Goddess" fluctuated more and more, and the time required to regain stability became longer and longer. , there is a vague unsustainable trend.

On the surface of the fortress, the dark golden three-dimensional runes generated one after another surged out like crazy, competing to merge into the energy barrier, but they still could not reverse the fact that the energy barrier became increasingly unstable.

"Your Majesty, the fortress we are waiting for can't hold it any longer," Susnov spread his hands helplessly and said, "In five more rounds at most, we will see the outcome."

Ulionov V's expression changed: "What do you mean, we have no choice but to admit defeat and quit?"

"Although I don't want to accept such a result, the fierce combat effectiveness is inferior to others. This is a last resort," the admiral responded with a wry smile.

The emperor had a sullen face and said nothing, just staring at the star map.

What happened was just what the admiral expected. A few minutes later, as the void around the "Snow Goddess" trembled slightly, the energy barrier of the transparent and dark golden crystal finally disintegrated into pieces after a burst of photon development and changes. The light clouds dissipated in the vast starry sky.

"Twenty percent power injection can be used to fire a volley. After the attack is completed, everyone retreats," Tian Xuanhao ordered.

A few seconds later, the pillar of destruction arrived as expected, instantly melting the thick outer wall of the Doomsday Fortress into a huge crater with a depth of more than three kilometers. The high-strength alloy vaporized under the extremely high temperature and pressure, transforming into several shapes in a radius. Thousands of meters of steam cloud.

Ulionov V stood up and a violent whirlwind rolled up in the hall.

It really had been less than half an hour since the "Snow Goddess" had launched its attack, but the result of the duel was far beyond the expectations of the monarchs and ministers of the Gnaslok Empire.

For more than two months, the invincible image that the Doomsday Fortress had established in the hearts of the empire's monarchs and ministers was finally successfully shattered by this small fleet of the Dao Mang Empire.

This means that the current Gnaslok Empire has been restrained by the Daomang Empire until later. If the other side is willing, they can immediately launch a full-scale offensive to take back all the alliance territory that they captured not long ago. .

The generals looked at each other in confusion. After a long time, Shaluoke finally said bravely: "Your Majesty, the fleet of the Dao Mang Empire has withdrawn. What should we do now?"

The emperor took deep breaths and asked word by word: "Who can tell me why this is the result? Where did they get those various warships from this era?" "

Sha Luo Ke tactfully advised:

"Your Majesty, why the Doomsday Fortress failed was not because it was not powerful enough, but because the Miriams had done something wrong. Besides, their fleets were not invincible. Hundreds of warships of various types were destroyed before and after it. It can be seen that as long as We are waiting for the defensive barrier of Doomsday Fortress to be stronger, and we still don’t know who will lose and who will win.”

Since it only has second-level control authority, most of the functional modules on the "Snow Goddess" cannot be activated, causing the defense of its energy barrier and the operating efficiency of the main energy machine commando to be lower than normal. Only then was the Daomang Empire taken advantage of him.

If it were a fully functioning Doomsday Fortress, how could the Dao Mang Empire succeed so easily?

"Then what should we do now?" The emperor's face looked slightly better and he asked.

Susnov immediately responded:

"We can send the results of the battle to the Miriams and let them send manpower to repair the Doomsday Fortress. If we are given high control authority, we may be able to get more benefits from them."

"However, regarding the Dao Mang Empire opposite, we have no intention of a decisive battle at the moment anyway. If they want to put forward any excessive conditions, we might as well wait until our legions have rested, and then we can have a good fight with them. "

"Sounds like a good idea." Ulionov finally curled his lips slightly.

"That's good, as you see it. I will send someone to talk to them soon if necessary. I can also go and meet with the emperor in person."

The first confrontation between the two empires came to an end in less than a day, and within a foreseeable period of time, it is unlikely that there will be any large-scale and fierce battles between the two sides.

In the Daomang Empire, except for a few important officials in the core decision-making circle, many middle- and high-level generals did not understand His Majesty the Emperor's orders.

In their view, since the housekeeping skills that the Gnaslok Empire relies on the most have been successfully restrained by their side, then at this time they should take advantage of the other side's weakness to attack in one go and completely wipe out this former first empire.

However, only the important ministers in the decision-making circle know that it is easy to destroy the Genaslok Empire, but the direct result of doing so is to face the three established alien races who will spare no effort to attack them personally.

With the fierce combat power that the Dao Mang Empire currently possesses, if it is not a problem against one alien civilization, it will be difficult for two. If three alien races attack at the same time, the empire will inevitably lose or even fall apart.

The empire's army is still fighting in the southwest star sea, and complete peace is just around the corner. By then, there will be only two big countries left in the human world. This is already approaching the bottom line of what the three major alien race civilizations can tolerate.

Therefore, in order to paralyze them, the current time is not the time for a full-scale decisive battle between the two empires, because no matter which side wins, the remaining empire will gain the right to rule the entire human world, and this is precisely what the alien civilization is least likely to accept. Stop this at all costs before it becomes a reality.

Because of this, both sides need enough time to allow their legions to fully rest and recuperate, accumulate fierce fighting power, digest and sort out the territory they have won, and at the same time figure out ways to eliminate the threat of alien civilizations until they are ready. After sufficient, it is the right time to start a full-scale war between each other and compete for the dominance of the Star Sea World.

This confrontation is a tentative test of each other's fierce combat capabilities by the top leaders of the two countries. Only when they are sure that both sides have sufficient fierce combat capabilities and have a complete basis for equal cooperation will the two emperors give up other thoughts and truly sit down. discuss something.

Of course, there is no way to determine how feasible it is to combine the power of the two empires to jointly calculate the civilization of different races. We can only take it one step at a time.

In short, the current state of heavy military confrontation and no peace between the two sides can delay the direct large-scale intervention of foreign civilizations as much as possible. As long as this is achieved, the plan of the two emperors is almost initially successful.

Originally, according to Ye Qingyuan's plan, after taking over the Southwest Star Sea, he would take a good rest for a period of time, wait until the empire's preparations for the alien civilizations were completed, and then decide based on the situation why the plan to unify the Star Sea would be carried out. If it could be done, If those civilizations of different races could divide and conquer and overthrow them one by one, it would be perfect.

However, later, as the Miriams handed over the doomsday fortress derived from the ancient god race to the Gnathrock Empire, the evolution of the situation began to go beyond his control. Fortunately, he responded in time, before the situation really worsened. , successfully contained the other side's offensive and reached this tacit understanding with them.

In the following days, there was a complete ceasefire on both sides of the defense line. Although both sides did not stop the work of deploying troops and strengthening the star defense, the two His Majesty's emissaries shuttled back and forth across the border to exchange views and discuss issues of mutual concern. the possibility of joint action in certain situations.

"What do you think is the possibility of true cooperation between the two countries?" Ye Qingyuan asked the ministers before.

"Ulyonov V is so close to those red-skinned lizards. Will he really betray his master and think about future problems from the standpoint of the human race?"

Luo Qingyue said cautiously: "Your Majesty, based on the wise men's psychological analysis of the emperor, we can be sure that he is by no means a puppet who is willing to be controlled by others. As an emperor with achievements, how can he endure being ridden by a group of aliens every day? Pointing fingers at your head?"

"To a large extent, the current cooperation is just posturing and trying to make ends meet."

"That's not absolute," Tian Xuanhao said.

"The Miriams are not fools to allow them to spend so many resources to support the former First Empire. It is estimated that they must have also obtained a lot of benefits from that emperor, and they are extraordinary benefits. However, they are even willing to lend him things like the Doomsday Fortress for his use."

"Yes, I think so too." Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and said:

"I guess to dispel the wariness of that alien civilization, why not do some blood? However, Ulionov V's character is by no means a master who is willing to be inferior to others for a long time. If the opportunity is right, he will definitely fight back and take back Of all powers.”

Having said this, he looked at the ministers below with a smile: "Well, why did he estimate that it was his matter? The secret talks between the two parties can continue, but there is no need to have too high hopes whether they can produce results. Expected it.”

Luo Qingyue said: "August is not long now. The Death Starship we are waiting for will soon be completely assembled and will undergo actual combat testing. As long as the test plan is successfully completed, mass production can begin. In just one year, the Empire When you can have many such weapons of the country..."

"At that time, what will those alien civilizations mean?" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

While the emperor and his ministers were discussing the situation in the eastern sea of ​​stars, the war in the southwestern sea of ​​stars was almost coming to an end.

After Ye Qingyuan left, the top person in charge of this army became Queen Fang Yuqing. With the assistance of Yu Xinzhe, Liu Xiangyun, Leng Zhuo, Li Kai and others, the ensuing war was a smooth journey.

It was originally understood that the main army of the Rockefeller Empire had already suffered a lot of losses in the previous internal strife. Currently, there was not much room for resistance against the tiger and wolf divisions of the Daomang Empire.

Although later forced by the situation, the two factions of Aden and Weig reunited together, but the battle did not develop in the direction they hoped for. Instead, they lost troops, men and land.

Currently, the Daomang Empire's army has approached the Mitvik universe area, the capital of the empire.

Nowadays, the territory that the two factions can control is less than 500 fleets in the universe. However, there are 5 million warships of various types, most of which are legions with mediocre combat capabilities. The elite troops have long been depleted. .

Many powerful people in the country could no longer sit still and began to secretly contact Fang Yuqing to discuss the possibility of honorably submitting to the empire.

"Your Majesty the Queen, the special envoy sent by Adun is expected to pay a visit to you. I hope you can give him a chance to talk."

In the "Teng Yuan" palace, Manager Yan spoke to Fang Yuqing, who was concentrating on processing the memorial documents.

"Talk? Are they still qualified to talk to me?" Fang Yuqing said without raising her head.

"Go and tell those guys who feel good about themselves that I have nothing to talk to them about except unconditional surrender."

Arden's special envoy was disappointed, but not long after, the other two special envoys came to visit - Shu_) And the identity of the special envoys this time, even Fang Yuqing was a little surprised.

"Your Majesty the Queen, the eldest princess is already waiting outside the palace," Yan Mengbing came in again and said.

"Fang Yueying...what is she doing here at this time?" The Queen frowned slightly and said helplessly.

Yan Mengbing persuaded in a low voice: "The eldest princess is your sister after all. Since her marriage, she has not been back to the Tianhua Universe area for so many years. For the sake of the late emperor, why should we meet her?" .

"It stands to reason that this is the case, and I am not unreasonable." Fang Yuqing sighed softly,

"However, the current situation...the interests of the empire are above all else. If she makes some excessive demands, as my sister, I will be in a bit of a dilemma."

Tickling the corners of her eyes, she still said: "Well, for the sake of being from the same family, let her wait in the side hall. I will come later."

"My dear, will His Majesty the Emperor receive us this time?"

"I don't know. Maybe I can find Shuyuan"

"Hey, the fate of the country is so difficult. It's really heartbreaking to see the inheritance of our ancestors being ruined by those two guys..."

"Darling, you don't have to worry. My sister is now the Queen of the Empire. Even if His Majesty the Emperor refuses, we can still ask her for help."

In the side hall, a man and woman with luxurious clothes and elegant temperament were sitting on the sofa, talking with embarrassed expressions.

That handsome man in his forties was Banker Rockefeller, the prince of the empire. He was the fifth prince of Anderson. He always loved art, painting, music and other arts, but had no interest in political affairs. He had always stayed away from the empire. As the highest center of power, it was not feared by the two factions.

The empire encountered an unprecedented crisis. Although the two factions had to temporarily unite, the secret intrigues never stopped. Watching the building collapse, Wei Ge wanted to break his scalp, so he had to kill this person who was usually pleasing to the eye. Brother, please come out and let him use the eldest princess's relationship to talk to His Majesty the Emperor of the Daomang Empire to see if there is room for improvement.

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