That graceful, elegant and generous woman was Fang Yuqing's sister. Her Royal Highness Fang Yueying, the eldest princess of the Shuofeng Empire, married into the Royal Family of the Rockefeller Empire two years before the outbreak of the Kilizako War and became the fifth prince, Prince Banker. WWW..lā

The eldest princess has never returned to the Shuofeng Empire since her marriage. Even when the late emperor passed away, she only sent a special envoy back to express condolences. She had not seen Fang Yuqing for many years.

Later, the Queen came to the throne, but was attacked and fell asleep within two years. Zhu Zhaoyuan came to the throne through mass killing; later, the Daomang Empire rose from the Soul Star Sea, fought all the way, and finally broke into the Tianhua Universe area, officially replacing the ancient empire. Although she had heard about the changes in the southwest star sea, she had never been able to see them with her own eyes.

She knew her sister's temperament very well. As for the outcome of the matter, she actually didn't have much expectations and could only do her best.

After a while, the sweet jingle of rings came from outside the door. The queen, who was bright and radiant, entered the palace door. The prince and his wife quickly stood up and saluted.

Fang Yuqing smiled lightly and said: "You two are welcome, sit down and talk, Sister Yueying, I've been waiting for you, but I haven't seen you for a long time."

The former eldest princess and now the princess Fang Yueying looked at her sister with a complicated expression, and sighed softly:

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a few years. The world of Xinghai has been changing. Everything has changed. Sister, you have married someone else and we are waiting... By the way, why don't you see my brother-in-law, the beloved man who can make you trust me with all your heart, sister?" , why should I, sister, take a good look at it?"

"Well... we will naturally have a chance to catch up with each other in the future. Let's talk about it later. How about we talk about business first?" A decent and polite smile appeared on the queen's face, and she said gently:

"Dear Your Highness, what matters do you have when you come here this time? Do you think you need to discuss it with the empire?"

Banker looked at his princess, then at her, and said hesitantly: "I want to chat, but... I will probably meet His Majesty the Emperor later. I don't know if the Queen can report on my behalf?"

Fang Yuqing said calmly: "Then I might disappoint His Highness the Prince. His Majesty the Emperor has already left the camp and gone to the Gnaslok Empire. However, this palace has been authorized to fully handle all affairs in the Southwest Star Sea."

"Really? Isn't that..." Fang Yueying's face lit up, and she was about to speak, but was stopped by the prince's eyes.

Regardless of whether it is His Majesty or the Princess's sister who is currently making the decision, national interests should come first, and the Queen has no obligation to take care of them on matters of principle.

"Your Majesty the Queen, on behalf of the Royal Family of the Rockefeller Empire, I am here to discuss peace talks with you," Banker said in a serious tone.

"We hope to reach an agreement that is beneficial to both parties on the basis of taking into account each other's interests. I don't know what the queen wants?"

"Negotiation? Is it beneficial to both parties?" Fang Yuqing couldn't help but make a "Puch" sound and slightly raised the corners of her mouth.

"Dear Your Highness, you don't know what the current situation has become? Do you think the current Rockefeller Empire is still qualified to negotiate with us?"

Banker's expression couldn't help but froze, and he smiled slightly and said:

"Your Majesty the Queen, although the empire has suffered heavy losses, it still has millions of elite troops. We have already formed an alliance with the Black Republic, and their reinforcements will arrive soon. By then, even if your side's fierce fighting power is strong, Isn’t it possible to guarantee that I won’t suffer a loss?”

"Your Highness, please don't forget that the current territory of the Dao Mang Empire was conquered by His Majesty the Emperor himself with his own army," Fang Yuqing said, neither humble nor arrogant.

"Even the arrogant and arrogant main force of the Yanwei race was defeated by us. Your remaining fierce fighting power is really not looked down upon by the empire."

The faces of the prince and his wife were a little unnatural, and Fang Yueying said helplessly: "Does the Daomang Empire absolutely want to kill them all? If we are willing to surrender to the empire, I don't know whether we can retain the current territory and imperial power?"

"This is impossible," Fang Yuqing flatly refused.

"Since the imperial army conquered the Star Sea, His Majesty the Emperor has conquered cities and territories and destroyed countless countries. I have never heard of any other regime that can retain its territory and imperial title. This will never happen."

The war has reached this point, but you didn't expect that you didn't realize that you came to ask for peace talks and made such excessive demands. You didn't even look at your own fierce fighting power. How qualified are you? She thought disdainfully.

"However, we are willing to bow our heads," Prince Banker said helplessly, "Her Majesty the Queen's Foreign Minister has brought a personal letter from the Emperor. How about you read it before making a decision?"

With that said, he took out a letter and handed it to Fang Yuqing from the eldest princess.

She opened it and browsed it hastily, feeling very disdainful in her heart.

In order to keep his throne, Weige has lost any moral bottom line and put forward all the treason terms that can and cannot be agreed to, without any regard for what kind of treason this will cause among the subjects of the empire. Negative impact.

"Sister, His Majesty Weige said that as long as the peace negotiation is successful, he is willing to send all three of his underage princes to the Tianhua Universe area as hostages," Fang Yueying added,

"Furthermore, I heard that His Majesty's princess is already eight years old. How about the royal families of the two countries marry and become in-laws? When the children come of age, one of the best among the three princes can be chosen to marry the princess. The two countries will always be good neighbors. how do you feel?"

Fang Yuqing laughed angrily: "Did that Wei Ge take the wrong medicine? His Majesty's princess, but the queen who will rule the entire star sea world in the future is worthy of his children?"

The eldest princess's face turned red, and Banker also felt that such a suggestion was too ridiculous, so he coughed and said:

"Your Majesty, the foreign minister feels that with the fierce fighting power of the Dao Mang Empire, it is almost possible to conquer this starry sky, but it is not an easy task to manage it well. For this reason, it is necessary for you to support it here. Several vassal states are guarding and stabilizing the situation here for the central government of the imperial capital, what do you think?"

"Your Highness, it seems that you still haven't corrected yourself. I'm here to tell you clearly that you must unconditionally surrender and hand over all your troops and territories within three days. In exchange, I can make the decision on your behalf. , gave those two the title of first-class duke of the empire, and from then on they lived in the Tianhua Universe area." The Queen's voice was stern and undeniable.

"However, other members of the royal family and families of superiors must also move to the Xinghai southwest of the imperial capital. They will become an inseparable part of the territory of the Daomang Empire. This matter is non-negotiable."

Fang Yueying said angrily: "What if I don't agree?"

"Then, I have no choice but to do what I need to do," Fang Yuqing said calmly.

"Although our Majesty is not a cruel and murderous person, bloodshed is normal when dynasties change. In the face of national interests, there has never been any mercy."

"Could it be that you want us to come too..." the eldest princess said with a pale face.

"And your two nephews, they are less than eight years old. Do you... really have the heart to be so heartless?"

Fang Yuqing pursed her red lips, as if hesitating, and remained silent for a few seconds before saying, "If you can surrender unconditionally, everything will be easier to talk about. Otherwise, my sister will just feel sorry for you."

Although Prince Banker was by nature undisciplined and uninterested in power, and was not a very important figure in the Rockefeller empire, his bloodline was a direct lineage of the royal family, which naturally became his irreparable original sin.

If the subsequent steps to change the dynasty were to be completed with bloodshed, all the royal members of the empire would not be pardoned and would have to be executed.

The prince gently pulled his princess and said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty the Queen, actually we are not optimistic about the current situation, but those two guys still haven't given up, so... the imperial family, I'm afraid We are really going to be killed by them all.”

"In this case, you don't need to go back, just stay here," the queen said slowly, "When the war is over, I will go and plead with His Majesty on your behalf."

"But what about the child I am waiting for?" The eldest princess already knew what her sister meant.

"Don't worry, when that day comes, I will send someone to pick them up."

I'll post it before 12 o'clock next time. There will be recommendations on wireless tomorrow. I don't know how good it is?


On the border between the two countries, there is a "Mammoth" mobile interstellar fortress.

The spacecraft take-off and landing center in the fortress is located on the outer edge of the central axis. At this moment, the thick alloy dome on the top has been opened. A group of luxurious ships are being guided to enter the fortress in an orderly manner. The eye-catching bright sword emblem on the golden hull of the fortress highlights the spaceship. The excellence of the master.

Surrounded by a group of high-ranking commanders, King Ulionov V stood at the edge of the landing field, watching the Daomang Empire's envoys slowly land. His rough and tough face showed nothing but joy and anger.

"Tariro" the emperor called calmly.

The intelligence chief quickly stepped forward and responded respectfully: "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

He glanced at the other side and asked expressionlessly: "Tell me, how big is the gap between our army and the Daomang Empire?"

Before the other party could think about how to answer, the emperor added: "I just need to listen to the truth and don't fool me with those irrelevant things, otherwise you will know the final result."

Tarero carefully looked at Ulionov V's face, gritted his teeth in private, and decided to stay away for a while.

"Your Majesty, based on the efforts of the imperial intelligence system over the past few years, as well as some recent gains, it can be judged that their military strength has reached a point where it is far superior to our imperial regiment."

"Be more specific." The emperor's tone was still calm.

"After comprehensive analysis and deduction by experts from the Strategic Command and a team of wise men, as well as various information collected on the battlefield, it can be found that the overall energy efficiency of their ordinary warships is comparable to our most advanced Fury Xiong's warships of all kinds are comparable to each other."

The intelligence chief had calmed down at this moment. Whether he lived or died depended on this. He continued:

"Among the more than ten main armies in the opposite defense line, nearly 70% of the various warships are their various warships named 'Qianyuan' products, and the remaining 30% are advanced." Kunluo Pinchen has seen its battle videos before. Not to mention the human world, even the Miriam civilization, their latest warships do not have any obvious advantages. They all use the same technology. High-quality product”

Moreover, in these legions, even the lowest-grade handyman soldiers on various warships have fifth-grade DNA awakening physiques. Their physical fitness, reaction speed, intelligence and other key indicators have been greatly improved. They can control them easily and freely. The fierce fighting power exerted by various complex and advanced warships will naturally increase as the tide goes up.

Among the legions of the Gnaslok Empire, only the most elite legions around the emperor, and their fleet officers and soldiers can have the opportunity to awaken free DNA of level three or above. However, for those ordinary legions, it is obvious that such treatment is not possible. .

Because of this, even though the fleet gathered by the Genasrock Empire on the front line at this time has exceeded 20 million, which is more than three times that of the Daomang Empire, if a fight is to begin, Tarillo still does not think that his side will have How much chance of winning.

"In our view, the technological level of the Dao Mang Empire is far beyond the Imperial Academy of Sciences' estimate that the elephant will not be used for long. They will also come up with various types of most advanced warships and the powerful energy efficiency of the mobile interstellar fortress. , which is also unmatched by the similar products I’ve been waiting for.”

"We have never been able to figure it out. Find out why the interstellar fortress over there has the ability to follow the assault fleet. According to common sense, even if the engines of these big guys are burned out, it is impossible to achieve the goal of cooperating with each other. However, they just managed to achieve the same speed as a conventional warship."

The most important indicator of a mobile interstellar fortress is speed, which includes mobility and first-level main battle cannon charging. The former is related to whether it can be deployed quickly and catch up with the marching speed of the large fleet; the latter is directly related to The actual combat ability of the fortress.

Those bulky guys in the past had to charge at least two hours for a first-level main battle cannon to fire. However, the Dao Mang Empire's "Ancestral Dragon" interstellar fortress can be fired once in about fifteen minutes, and it can still bombard with full power. There is no need to elaborate on the enemy's huge deterrent power.

Ulionov V listened to his explanation with a gloomy expression on his face, and quietly watched the members of the Daomang Empire's envoy walking down the ramp of the spaceship in an orderly manner.

The groups of palace guards wearing sealed light armor made His Majesty the Emperor frown again.

Black closed heavy light armor, a green-edged gold-handled energy knife, a dark gold-based wide cloak, and a transparent helmet with young and serious faces. They are all strong men above Qianxing, and the equipment on each of them is They are all brand new ninth-level supernatural powers.

A total of 3,000 Qianxing guards poured out of the ship before and after. It was unheard of in the past for so many high-star awakened people to appear at the same time, guarding the core members of the mission group.

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