Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 970: With the power of victory

Then, with the power of victory, the Imperial Regiment moved south, and in more than two months, they completely wiped out the divided Rockefeller Empire! Then, it’s Black Republic’s turn!

There is something about a powerful empire that can challenge the main force of alien civilizations and win them! Xiang Dan knows very well that the little wealth his country has left is not even enough to fill the gap between people's teeth!

Looking for foreign aid? There are only three countries left in the human world today... I heard that the Gnaslok Empire also suffered a dark loss in front of the emperor. Who else can he find to save his country?

It seems that if you don't risk death, surrender is the only feasible method. Maybe the emperor is in a good mood and he can become a hereditary duke of the empire! Although he lost his power after that, relying on the wealth he had collected over the years was enough for him and his family to live a life of fine clothing and food.

I just understand that I am the head of a democratic country, a hawk who has always been known for his tough foreign policy. If he surrenders without a fight, not only will the people around me look down on him, but also in front of trillions of citizens in the country. There’s no way to explain it! No matter what he is doing behind his back, he still cares about his face!

However, now, the pressure from the empire is increasing on him. Half of the land he once regained was lost in the blink of an eye! The rest is also in jeopardy. If you don't bow your head at this time, when the chips in your hand become less and less, the benefits you can obtain after passing will be reduced accordingly!

But then again, after having controlled the highest power in this country for so long, why do you say that you have some emotions! When he thought that the history and glory of the Republic would end in his own hands, his mood was not much better, at least that was the case before.

Looking at the time, he felt that it was almost time. He finally made up his mind, struggled to push himself up, and staggered to the bathroom. The sound of rushing water was heard, and when he came out a moment later, his whole appearance had changed.

In the cloakroom, he chose another formal suit and put it on, and straightened his appearance in front of the mirror. When he walked out of the room again, he regained the dignity, stability, and calmness of the first man of the Republic!

"Lord Consul, you finally walked out!" A group of military and political officials quickly gathered around, saying nothing but greetings.

Xiang Dan nodded reservedly and asked calmly: "What's the situation outside? Is there any news from over there?"

"Sir, the situation is not optimistic!" Foreign Minister Sims said embarrassedly and uneasily.

"Their emperor has sent a notice asking me to give an answer of unconditional surrender within seventy-two hours!"

"Seventy-two hours? That young man is really impatient!" Xiang Dan pretended to be leisurely and asked with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth:

"If I don't agree, what will he do?"

Sims looked at his face and said softly: "His Majesty the Emperor said, if I don't surrender! Then there will never be a chance to surrender in the future! He will kill the royal bloodline of the two empires just like he did. Kill all the senior officials of the entire Republic!"

"Damn it!" Xiang Dan was finally angry, and a livid look appeared on his slightly thin face:

"Daomang Empire? Ye Qingyuan's child is simply too bullying. Isn't he afraid that I will wait...will..."

What could happen, he couldn’t say it after all! From a practical point of view, he also knows that the current Republic has no means to threaten the imperial group outside! This is just for venting!

Defense Minister Kelda sighed bitterly:

"Sir, we don't have many available troops at the moment! Even if we continue to fight, the result will not change at all! So, how to decide, you can just issue the order?"

The matter has come to this, and if we don't make up our minds, it may be impossible to go into exile abroad in the future. The world of Star Sea is almost unified, where can they go?

The core figures of power in the entire republic are here at the moment, looking at their leader with eager faces.

The supreme consul looked at the most loyal subordinates and confidants of the group beside him expressionlessly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

In the past, these guys were indeed loyal to him, and he was the only one who followed his lead. But all of this was based on his rock-solid power and position! Now, even the big ship of the Republic is about to sink! Only God knows how much loyalty they have to themselves.

Maybe privately, they have already hooked up with the empire! But now he eagerly came over to ask for advice. It seemed that he still cared about him as the leader. The real purpose was to let him bear the infamy of surrendering and betraying the country! It is not an exaggeration to say that they are forcing the palace.

No matter why, he is still the most powerful figure in the Republic. If he leaves the tank for a period of time, it will be much worse than if they come forward on their own! Even if His Majesty the Emperor has different intentions in the future, he will only take action on himself, the former supreme consul! Rather than putting the idea on their heads.

To put it bluntly, these guys are just a group of snobbish and sycophantic people, white-eyed wolves! If I had known this, I should have put you all in the electric chair! Xiang Dan cursed bitterly in his heart, but his face did not look angry at all. He just said calmly:

"Since war can no longer solve the problem, I don't know what you think we should do to truly solve the current crisis?"

"Perhaps, I can send someone to talk to the empire later!" Sims said tentatively.

"That being the case, it's good!" the supreme consul said in a sincere manner,

"Then I'll leave it to you to meet the emperor! See if there is any way to eliminate the war in front of you, so that the trillions of citizens of the Republic will no longer have to suffer from war disasters!"

Sims's face changed slightly, and he restrained himself from getting angry. He just lowered his eyebrows and said submissively: "I will obey the orders of the consul! I don't know what kind of conditions you can promise? Please explain in detail! "

Since you want to negotiate, you have to bring enough bargaining chips, or in other words, sincerity. Now that the Daomang Empire has the absolute upper hand, the top leaders of the Republic have few options! However, this mouth still needs to be opened by the supreme consul. He has no intention of preserving the other party's reputation and taking the blame!

The consul sighed lightly and finally said:

"As long as you can satisfy the emperor, you can agree to whatever conditions are available! I am waiting for this government to no longer be able to protect the trillions of citizens of the Republic! I hope that they can live a better life under that emperor's rule. better!"

This is almost true submission! The Foreign Minister breathed a sigh of relief and said respectfully:

"Please rest assured, Lord Consul, my subordinates will definitely live up to their destiny! They must strive for as many benefits as possible for the Republic!"

"Go! I have always been extremely reassured about your abilities!" Xiang Dan hummed coldly in his heart and spoke to him gently.

After the Foreign Minister left, he said to the remaining dignitaries:

"Everyone, please go prepare yourself! Time is running out, and soon we will no longer be citizens of the Republic! I hope that His Majesty the Emperor is kind enough to make the days ahead not too difficult for me!"

Everyone was relatively speechless. After bowing to him silently, they left one after another.

This was the first time they came to meet the supreme consul as subordinates until later. However, from now on, everyone is a subject of the empire and serves as ministers in the same palace, and no one needs to look at anyone else's face!

When Xiang Dan was the only one left in the study, he gently turned the pocket photon computer on his forearm, and soon two men in black with cold expressions came in from outside.

"What's the master's order?" one of them asked.

Xiang Dan looked at Wu Zhou and said in a low voice: "You immediately take people to Shilan Planet, and according to the address I gave you, immediately transfer the woman there and her two children to the public. No matter if I go out No matter what, don’t reveal your identities!”

He handed them a pocket chip and said:

"There is also a hiding place for a batch of treasures there. The market value is about 4 billion crystal cores. Take them all. When the time is right, it can be used as funds for the restoration of the country!"

The man in black looked more serious and agreed in a deep voice. Xiang Dan asked them some more details before letting them leave!

In the next hour or so, he sent out half a hundred such teams, plus some plans that had been planned in detail for a long time, and they were all started one after another under his secret instructions! From then on, his family race, and a large part of the power of the Republic, turned from light to darkness, quietly dormant! Just wait until the time is right in the future to be great again!

However, it is unknown whether there will be such a day!

"Has your supreme governor finally figured it out?"

In the palace, Ye Qingyuan smiled and spoke to the foreign minister who came to see him.

"My great Majesty, the Archon has decided to accept all your requests unconditionally! In twenty-five hours, all fleets and superpower legions of the Republic will lay down their weapons and accept the reorganization and transformation of the Imperial regiment! There are hundreds of universes in the Republic All regions will also be planted with the flag of the empire!" Sims said respectfully to the emperor on the throne.

"Very good! Those who know the current affairs are heroes! Since you have made the most correct choice, I do not absolutely want to kill them all! Regarding the high-level officials of the former Republic, the empire will not hesitate to reward them. Those with outstanding talents will even receive Then the opportunity to serve in the empire!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

Sims said humbly: "Your great Majesty, your glory will shine in every corner of the Republic. In the vast sea of ​​​​stars and billions of sentient beings, no one will dare to disobey your will! As long as you have something to do, I will serve you. I will do my best to serve the empire!”

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently and obediently: "This is the best! Now that the agreement has been finalized, tell them when you go back and ask them to come to see you tomorrow! I can also announce the reward to them!"

At present, the monarchs and ministers began to discuss the post-war treatment of many chaebol families in the Republic, based on a series of factors such as their power, amount of funds, industrial scale, network resources in all walks of life, comprehensive influence, etc. It also depends on Their attitude toward the new rulership will determine the level of title and fiefdom treatment they can receive.

But then again, with the current structure of the Daomang Empire, no matter how high their status is, these big shots will not be able to receive the expected preferential treatment! Except for the supreme consul who can obtain the title of third-class duke, the rest can only receive the treatment of a marquis at best.

And according to usual practice, after the situation stabilizes, these people will still move their races to the Imperial Capital universe area.

On July 21st, year 7952 of the interstellar calendar, after nearly a year of fighting, the army of the Daomang Empire finally forced the then-biggest country in the southwest star sea: the Black Republic to surrender! There are also a few small and medium-sized countries that have also expressed their unconditional submission to the empire! As a result, more than 7,000 cosmic regions in the entire southwest star sea, hundreds of billions of citizens, and countless resources have all been included in the territory of the Daomang Empire!

The seven bosses of the Yuanshuo Commando Organization, plus the numerous chaebol commando organizations in this starry sky, after assessing the situation, all chose to be loyal to the empire in exchange for their own safety and inviolability of their rights and interests.

There are also those who are really unwilling to accept the rule of the empire, so they secretly take their family wealth and run away to seek asylum in the Gnerslok Empire!

But as for how long they can hide, only the devil knows!

At present, look for Shuyuan Except for the territories of alien civilizations, two-thirds of the entire Star Sea World has been planted with the sword-flag of the empire! More than 33,770 cosmic regions, nine thousand administrative planets, and nearly 2.9 billion people are all unified under one banner. His Majesty the Emperor's illustrious military exploits have surpassed anything in human history. An emperor! Become the well-deserved number one in the Star Sea World.

In the following month, the imperial army was busy taking over the surrendered fleets and supernatural legions, the administrative coordinating power of the major cosmic regions, various important industries left over from the previous government, and taking stock of all the resource reserves in this starry sky! This will serve as an important basis for the central government of the empire to formulate the next policy agenda.

In addition, we must try to restore the administrative coordination, economic and financial order in this starry sky, and re-record all human citizenship information! Immediately afterwards,. Various important policies of the central empire related to the national economy and people's livelihood will soon cover the entire southwest star sea, so all kinds of affairs are intricate and extremely complicated! The team of wise men who accompanied the army and the large number of staff members of the strategic command have been very busy these days.

However, as an emperor, everything is done by his subordinates, so he feels much more relaxed at this time! Only a very small number of important matters, for which the Queen cannot make the final decision, will be submitted to him for review. To a large extent, he spent a lot of time shutting himself in a secret room to practice, or having fun with the girls in his harem! It is said that it is only at this time that he is most relaxed!

In the bedroom, with the lanterns shining brightly, the brocade curtains and embroidered curtains, and the large carved ivory bed, a faint sweet fragrance filled the air.

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