Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 971 Assassination Plot

The soft light shines through the bead curtain and inadvertently falls on the two naked, enchanting and seductive bodies, casting a layer of warm jade light, like a flawless work of art!

Ekaterina stretched her body lazily, raised her arms slightly, took a glass of red wine from the bracket next to her, took a sip slowly, then leaned down and kissed her graceful red lips gently She got on top of the man beside her and gently put the bright red wine into his mouth.

Xia Qiying, who was small and exquisite, as pretty and interesting as a pearl, wrapped around him like an octopus. Her tall and straight jade peaks rubbed against his body lightly and heavily. The wonderful soft and smooth touch made the night Qingyuan's eyes became more intense.

After a while, the wine was finished, and the fire in his heart boiled to the edge of exploding.

Feeling his reaction, Xia Qiying gently raised her head. Her delicate face was full of hot spring, and she showed him an extremely charming smile. Her jade body twisted like a water snake and slid down to his waist. , then bowed his head and gently bit the male's vital part...

Ekaterina was so moved by the sight that she put down the wine glass in her hand, wrapped her white lotus-rooted arms around his neck, buried his face in her plump and upright jade peaks, and gently rubbed it. He reached out and grabbed the pair of huge plump breasts, and rubbed them roughly.

After squeezing for a while, he opened his mouth and took the attractive red bud on the top of the mountain...

After the passionate caressing and tenderness, the sound of heavy breathing was mixed with the charming and seductive moans, and then echoed in the palace for a long time...

After several fierce battles, the soft and luxurious big bed finally calmed down. The two voluptuous and uneven breasts still hugged him tightly, never relaxing for a moment.

"Your Majesty, you haven't been here for a long time!" Ekaterina's charming voice was filled with resentment, "You should come here more often these days to keep me company!"

"Well, I was busy fighting a while ago, so I really didn't have any free time!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "Not to mention you two, I don't go to their place very often. I don't mean to favor one over the other!"

Xia Qiying said softly: "Do you know that state affairs are of paramount importance! However, the current battle is over, and your Majesty will have more time from now on! Don't make excuses to ignore me again!"

"Well... of course!" Ye Qingyuan agreed with a smile.

"That's good!" Ekaterina turned her anger into joy,

"The blood of the royal family is weak, and the sisters in this palace are all eager to give birth to an heir for your majesty as soon as possible! You must work harder and never slack off!"

When Ye Qingyuan heard this, he smiled bitterly in his heart. The fierce battle outside ended not long ago, and the "fierce battle" in the palace is about to begin, and we must also use all our strength to fight! Never stop for a moment, this is the fate of a man!

His hands gently rubbed and played with their delicate and smooth buttocks, and he said:

"In a few days, the army will return to the imperial capital! After being away for so long, we can finally go home again! In the following period, the imperial center will focus on digesting and integrating the existing results, and will not think of another attack for the time being. The war is about to begin!”

Xia Qiying blinked her beautiful eyes and asked with some confusion: "We, the Daomang Empire, have already occupied two of the three-thirds of the world. If we take advantage of the power of this victory and the extremely high morale, we can win the battle in one go." Nasrok Empire! Wouldn’t it be better?”

"The Gnaslok Empire is actually nothing to worry about. The problem is that if this happens, the three major alien civilizations will never stand idly by and will definitely take action themselves!" Ekaterina explained with a smile.

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently: "Yes, the current fierce fighting power of the empire is not strong enough, and many preparations have not been completed. Therefore, a truce must be held for a period of time. When the time is right, we can start to think about the unification matters until later!"

"Our main task at the moment is to stabilize the situation in the Southwest Star Sea and ensure that it can be integrated into the empire's administrative coordination system as quickly as possible. Only in this way can we ensure that the empire's national power truly and steadily grows! Instead of being held back by this newly acquired land !”

Xia Qiying said: "Southwest Xinghai, the new administrative division plan has been finalized, right?"

"Yes! I have decided to designate the capitals of those three big countries as the companion capitals of the empire. In this way, the Daomang Empire will have seven companion capitals! When the capital of the Genaslok Empire is captured in the future, we will Transform into nine capitals including the imperial capital! Work together to suppress the fate of the human world!" Ye Qingyuan said,

"In addition, the more than 7,000 cosmic regions in the Southwest Star Sea will be divided into 300 provinces. The selection of governors and related administrative teams must be implemented as soon as possible. I have ordered the imperial cabinet to discuss and draw up a list for implementation. appointment!"

Yekaterina and Xia Qiying looked at each other and hesitated to speak.

After looking at the expressions of the two women, Ye Qingyuan smiled and said:

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry! The selection of these local military and political officials must be discussed by the ministers! Of course, the final decision-making power is still mine! Therefore, there is no need to estimate certain things. It’s too complicated!”

"I have decided to transfer all the governors who previously served in the Prison Soul Star Sea to the Southwest Star Sea, and also transfer some people from the country! There is also the administrative team of the Northeast Star Sea, including the local garrison, and there is also going to be a big battle. Adjust the scale! And from now on, we must change the routine!"

Such a view is, of course, to prevent some frontier officials from staying in one place for a long time, and their influence and connections are deep-rooted, until later they become unstoppable! Especially those high-quality generals who hold heavy troops must always pay attention to avoid unnecessary unnecessary troubles!

Especially among these people, there are many former ministers of the former dynasty. Although it cannot be said that they will definitely have different intentions, it is correct to be prepared!

The two women took a breath after hearing this. They were worried about this. Since their men were already on guard, that was for the best!

"In the future, the Southwest Star Sea will also be guarded by heavy troops, right?" Ekaterina said thoughtfully, "I don't know which important minister your Majesty plans to arrange to stay in this newly acquired land?"

"Let Liu Xiangyun do it!" Ye Qingyuan shrugged.

"In addition, half of all the armies going out will be left behind. Ten million fleets, plus hundreds of supernatural legions, should be able to protect the peace of this starry sky!"

This is the arrangement for now. After returning to the Imperial Capital, of course, we will make corresponding adjustments. Ye Qingyuan has already made a plan in his mind to divide the entire empire into an absolute number of war zones, and assign trusted generals to guard each war zone! Many secret agencies such as the Royal Oversight Council, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Imperial Household Office will also be stationed one after another to strengthen their control over various parts of the empire!

In addition to these powerful measures, economic and financial actions are also essential! The major chaebol families and corporate commando organizations within the empire will invest in newly acquired lands with the support of relevant policies of the central government to promote local economic development!

In early September, His Majesty the Emperor finally embarked on his return journey from his camp!

Ye Qingyuan appointed Yu Xinzhe as the supreme commander of the southwest Xinghai garrison, and left half of the fleet and two-thirds of the supernatural army under his unified command! .

Originally, his preferred candidate was Liu Xiangyun, but Fang Yuqing firmly refused, so he was replaced by this one! But then again, why he changed his original intention was because Lan Yu also put forward the same opinion. *1*1* Anyway, these two famous generals are equally capable, and either one is qualified for this task!

Since the situation in the Prison Soul Star Sea has truly stabilized, Cameron and Crassus who guarded the place have successfully completed their tasks, and Ye Qingyuan issued an order to be transferred back to the imperial capital to await rewards!

This resource-rich starry sky will be divided into ten war zones. Ten confidant generals who started their careers with His Majesty the Emperor will serve as war zone commanders. Most of the original provincial governors and space regional governors will also be transferred to the southwest star sea, and then from the imperial capital. Send someone else to take over! In short, everything is for the sake of political stability!

In the future, as time goes by, the authority of the central government of the empire will gradually take root in the hearts of the people. Only when the next generation is fully grown will the country be considered completely stable!

Starting from the capital of the former Republic, the emperor's camp will pass through the former Rockefeller Empire and the Tiroan Empire, pass through the buffer zone formed by the commandos of small and medium-sized countries, and then enter the empire.

"The emperor has finally left!"

In the Void Fault, on a golden spherical spaceship from Wang Ting, King Zhanying stared at the Daomang Empire fleet that was marching at first-level speed in the distance, and spoke slowly.

A rich, majestic, and domineering voice sounded from beside him: "It seems that the Southwest Star Sea has been completely pacified! How long has it been like this? The efficiency of this human empire really surprises us!"

"Dear His Majesty Emperor Suluo Erlong, human beings are indeed a race that is good at creating miracles!" King Zhanying said gently and authentically,

"A single human being, no matter how fierce the battle is, does not pose much of a threat to us. However, when human beings are truly united, they are extremely terrifying! Even if they are weak and have a short life span! They are all fatal to us. The threat! The most important thing for us at the moment is that the human world must not be unified into one political power! This will endanger our fundamental interests!"

"In this case, Your Majesty, Your Majesty King Zhanying, do we need to start a full-scale war against mankind now?" Lord Ramkel asked at the side.

"No, we should not directly intervene in the civil war in the human world!" King Zhanying said unhurriedly,

"Human beings are a species with a very powerful potential! If we take action directly, we can almost gain a big advantage in a short time! However, in the long run, we will not gain enough benefits to make up for the consequences of the war. Incoming losses!”

"Therefore, the safest way is to let humans deal with humans! Let them fight with each other, hate each other, and kill each other! This is the best way to meet our interests and needs!"

Emperor Miriam, Su Luo'erlong heard this and said: "Dear Your Majesty, do you want us to continue to support the Gnaslok Empire and use them to deal with the Saber Empire?"

"Yes! The current situation in the Star Sea has reached a very pessimistic point. The Dao Mang Empire is only one step away from unifying the Star Sea world! Therefore, from our standpoint, we must support the Gnaslok Empire at all costs to benefit the Use them to deal with the Dao Mang Empire!" King Zhanying said firmly,

"As long as these two countries continue to fight internally, they can be greatly weakened. Only then can we sit back and relax and develop slowly with peace of mind!"

"That's not absolute!" Urozirag said,

"It is said that the emperor of the Dao Mang Empire has the legendary perfect genes! This means that as long as there is enough time, they can cultivate enough powerful people with super powers! They will transform into an irreversible threat to my race! "

King Zhanying smiled and said: "Dear Lord Wuluoqilage! You must know that although potential is a type of fierce combat power, it is not completely equivalent to fierce combat power! A powerful existence higher than the Youhuang Commander level is not It can be mass-produced at will!”

"It will take at least ten or eight years for them to cultivate at all costs before they can create a team of high-star awakeners that can threaten us and others! However, before that, due to the obstruction of the Gnaslok Empire, and the The Kilizako people from the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy invaded, and they had no chance to develop!"

Su Luo'er said solemnly: "Although all this is within our expectations, I feel that it is not advisable to place all hope on another human country!"

"I don't know if you have any more reasonable suggestions?" King Zhanying said.

"I feel that the royal family of the Daomang Empire is sparse, but the emperor still likes to lead his troops on expeditions. Whenever he goes on an expedition, he will risk his own life to kill the enemy! Without any concern for his own safety, in this case, why don't we organize a commando team? Let's attack the elites and kill him in a sneak attack at the right time?" Su Luo You'erlong said slowly,

"His safety is directly related to the stability and survival of this great empire! Therefore, I believe that as long as he dies, the threat to us from the Dao Mang Empire will cease to exist!"

King Zhanying hesitated for a while, then said after pondering for a moment:

"Assassinating the emperor is not an easy task! If we fail, the price we have to pay to find Shuyuan, even if we share it with both parties, will be an unbearable huge loss, not to mention the inevitable loss on the other side. Some revenge!

Su Luo Erlong smiled and said: "As far as I know, the fierce fighting power of His Majesty the Emperor is at the level of the Youhuang God King! This level of power is almost powerful in the human world, but among the many strong men of my race Right now, there is still no possibility of any miracle happening!"

"As long as we can really kill him, it will be worth sacrificing an absolute number of strong men in the race! I don't know what you think, Your Majesty?"

"I feel that someone who can remain unharmed in front of the main force of the Yanwei race may not be so easy to be killed!" King Zhanying said calmly,

"However, I still feel that this matter is worth a try!"

"Very good! I will send ten elite warriors from the race to participate in this operation!" Su Luo said loudly, "I don't know how you feel about it, Your Majesty?"

King Zhanying pondered for a long time and said: "In that case, let's send out ten strong men from my race! As long as the Bojiang Empire ignores it, our plan will almost be successful!"

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