Lord Ramkel said: "There are more than 40 trillion individuals in the human world. It is not unusual at all for such a surprisingly large racial group to have several stunning characters. Ran? Wen Novel ? ??www?w?.?r?a?n?w?e?n?a`com only understands that the human world did not expect that there is an ultimate force that can compete with us. This is too incredible. "

If there really is a person in the human world who is powerful enough to be on equal footing with their king. That means that they no longer have any strategic advantage over the human world until later. However, the inherent advantages of the human world will become even greater. The final result that followed was beyond their imagination.

Su Luo Youlong was silent for a long time, and then said dullly:

"Queen Bo Eridanus didn't expect that. It might as well have been her secret obstruction. We would have taken action against this human emperor a long time ago. By dragging it until now, he has become a climate. It will be even harder to kill him again. ”

"Because of their own advantages, the Bojiang race has always wanted to control the human world alone. So it is not surprising that she thinks so." King Zhanying said solemnly,

"However, at present, we can no longer hesitate. If the three races do not abandon their past grievances and truly unite to deal with this crisis, then there will never be a place for us and other three races in the future star sea world."

"Okay. I will transfer the situation here to the queen immediately. I hope she will make a choice that is in the interest of her race at this moment." Su Luo said loudly.

Ye Qingyuan did not know that today's unsuccessful assassination had prompted the top leaders of the three major alien civilizations to truly make up their minds to concentrate all the power within the race to eliminate him at all costs.

But then again, even if he knew, he wouldn't care. If the human world is to truly rise, these alien civilizations will definitely be suppressed. Just like everything they did to the human world before.

As the return date of the Empire's Southern Expedition draws closer, the situation in the Imperial Capital has also undergone some unknown changes.

His Majesty the Emperor's expedition to the Star Sea this time was just like his previous expeditions. However, in just one year, he successively wiped out three super-powerful countries and brought all the seven thousand or so cosmic areas of the southwest Star Sea into the empire's territory. During this period, they even completely disabled the main elite of an established alien civilization. .

Such an astonishing martial arts feat made Ye Qingyuan's prestige reach a height that others could hardly imagine. It also made some forces hiding in the dark begin to re-evaluate the feasibility of certain things.

Nowadays, the hearts of the people in the empire are moving towards the new ruling power, and all the people in the court are loyal to His Majesty the Emperor. Even those who have some strange thoughts understand the current situation and will never allow themselves to be the wall.

Therefore, they figured that in order to gain power, they had no other choice but to move closer to His Majesty the Emperor.

In the study room, Yuhuang Xingyan closed the list in her hand slowly and methodically, with a cold smile appearing on the corner of her mouth.

"There was quite a lot of fun earlier. Now that His Majesty is coming back, everyone is losing their energy." He said to himself,

"There is such a big difference between the behavior before and after this movement. If I still see where you all come from, I will have no shame to sit down in this position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Let me let you live for a few more days until His Majesty returns to court, which is when you will confiscate your homes and exterminate your race."

All he knew was that as soon as His Majesty's return date was approaching, he became more worried about that matter.

Whether to tell or not to tell, what kind of final result will be waiting for the two of them after telling, Yuhuang Xingyan is really unsure.

The door to the study room opened silently, and a pretty and interesting girl in a white skirt and stockings walked in holding a bowl of steaming ginseng soup.

"Brother, are you worrying about something again?" She put the ginseng soup on the desk and said to him with some annoyance.

"It's a matter of work." He said covertly,

"His Majesty is coming back soon, and I'm thinking about how I should behave then to satisfy him."

Zhu Ming walked around the desk and sat in his arms, put her hands around his neck and said: "It seems that you are very afraid of that emperor. Is he very fierce? However, you are his confidant, so it doesn't matter that he should I won’t embarrass you, right?”

"That's not what happened..." He wanted to explain, but after careful consideration, he decided not to worry her and said lightly:

"I'm afraid that if something goes wrong at work, it will make him unhappy."

She stared at him for a while, and then suddenly said: "When His Majesty comes back, why don't you let me meet him and see what is so great about this emperor. I didn't expect that you, brother, would be scared too."

Yuhuang Xingyan was startled and said quickly: "Absolutely not. There is no need to discuss this matter. Even if you beat me to death, I will not agree."

"I knew you would say that." She curled her lips unhappily and turned her head angrily.

He relented a little, but this matter was no small matter, and he would not be able to accommodate her under any circumstances. If His Majesty the Emperor really wanted to see her, their whole family would be severely punished, even if his sister was the imperial concubine.

Gently pulling her body over, he bent down and kissed the petal-like pink lips. The girl's delicate body trembled, and after a few symbolic fights between trapped animals, she reluctantly responded to his intrusion. The screen of two stunning beauties hugging each other and kissing passionately was projected on the tabletop.

After a long time, their lips parted. Zhu Ming's pretty face was blushing and she was panting. A bright silk thread was still hanging on their lips. It looked like it made people's blood boil.

Now, she has grown into an eighteen-year-old girl, with a charming and charming face, an astonishing beauty, an exquisite and flawless figure, and a peerless elegance that would captivate the entire country.

"Brother." She called in a low voice.

"Why?" he asked,

"You said you would take care of me for the rest of your life."

"um, yes."

"Then just marry her." Her bright beautiful eyes stared at him unblinkingly.

"...Okay." He only hesitated for a moment, then nodded gently and agreed.

A happy smile from the bottom of her heart appeared on the girl's beautiful face, and her arms tightly hugged his body, as if she was afraid that he would disappear if she let go.

forget it. No matter what, even if I give everything I have to protect her, I will bear it with her no matter what hardships and dangers arise. He swore privately in his heart.

At this moment, the personal photon computer made a rapid and low trembling sound. With a stern expression on his face, he gently let go of the girl in his arms and reached out to press the receive button. Zhu Ming got off him obediently and stepped aside.

A palm-sized pocket monitor formed, and Aster Blue's figure appeared above it.

The Minister of Security's face didn't look good. After seeing him, he simply said: "Base Zero, come here right away." Then he turned off the video.

Yuhuang Xingyan's heart sank, and she immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. She stood up in a hurry and said, "Ming, I have to leave right away. You can sleep alone tonight."

As he spoke, the person disappeared out the door.

"Hey. You..." Zhu Ming stared at the untouched ginseng soup on the table and sighed helplessly.

Suddenly, a whirlwind swept the familiar figure in again. I saw him hurriedly lifting the silver bowl, drinking it all in one breath, and in the blink of an eye he was out the door again, his voice coming from far away: "It tastes pretty good, I like it."

The so-called Base Zero is the final assembly center of the Empire's most important super project: the Death Starship.

This military center located near the imperial capital space area, which was upgraded and transformed from a mobile interstellar fortress production base, has now become the focus of the empire's core decision-makers.

After the unremitting efforts of countless elite scholars from all walks of life in the empire, this killer weapon, which holds the hope of the future of the empire, has completed the commando assembly process of all components at the end of August.

In other words, the development work has been largely completed. The next step is to conduct a comprehensive and comprehensive test of all components and the overall operating status of the body to identify problems and make improvements in a timely manner. Then there are a series of test processes such as sea trial drills, weapons system tests, extreme energy efficiency tests, etc.

Only after all these procedures are completed and confirmed to be correct, will this most expensive super project in the history of the human world truly achieve a complete success.

At that time, the empire truly had the fierce combat capability to fight head-on wars with other civilizations of different races.

At this time, in the general command room of Base Zero, Ziyuan Lan looked at the large group of scholars and officials in front of him with a gloomy face, and did not say anything for a long time.

"What's going on?" he finally asked,

"Why did the commando force install the core energy reactor without any problem, but suddenly there was a crack in the reactor? Who the bastard designed this core component? I didn't expect to make such a low-quality mistake. Believe it or not, I peeled off his skin? "

The place was quiet, and no one answered his question.

Although any of the scientific authorities present has a long list of extremely prestigious academic titles hanging on their heads, and they are all old enough to be his great-grandfather. However, facing this notorious imperial intelligence giant, there were not many people who dared to contradict him face to face. What's more, this matter is really a major mistake made by the project commando team members. .

The cause of the matter was the comprehensive system inspection that started a few days ago. Since the final assembly of the Death Star has been completed, according to the workflow, the next step is to start testing the operating status of all components, important compartments, and various functional areas.

However, not even one-third of the initial inspection process was carried out, a series of problems were discovered, such as system program incompatibility, the energy efficiency of some components failing to meet design requirements, and energy consumption in some functional areas being higher than expected. etc.

To say that these are nothing, after all, the scale of this super project is unprecedented, and many past experiences are no longer suitable for use. It is normal for things to go wrong. Because of this, the technical personnel of the engineering commando team immediately began to take targeted measures in accordance with the predetermined crisis management plan, listing all the problems discovered one by one, and the commando team organized a capable team of experts to consult and negotiate to come up with corresponding solutions. .

These days, tens of thousands of substandard components are dismantled, redesigned, manufactured, and refitted into commandos. Everything went smoothly.

However, some problems are not so easy to solve. After preliminary screening and filtering, several of the most difficult and redundant matters were reported layer by layer until they were finally placed in front of the important figures of the Supreme Decision-making Committee.

The energy core of the Death Starship is forty composite heavy element fusion reactors, with a total power injection of more than 100 billion megawatts, which is larger than the total installed capacity of the Empire's ultimate cosmic regional product energy base. Fifty times. Ziyuan Lan has seen it before. The base is located on an uninhabited planet near the Tianhua Universe area and stretches for hundreds of kilometers.

Currently, in order to meet the Death Starship's appalling demand for energy, in addition to the power injection requirements, the energy core must also be compressed to a size of no more than ten kilometers. It would be better to have a complete set of technical information from Yuangu Technology. The current empire would not even be able to build such a heaven-defying energy reactor in another three hundred years.

The operational test of the reactor machine commando and the extreme energy efficiency test started a month ago. Everything went smoothly at the beginning, but within a few days a big problem arose: once the operating power injection reached one-fifth of the design standard, the stability of the energy output of the entire machine commando team would fluctuate significantly. Seriously affecting the normal operation of other functional areas.

Moreover, if the operation time is slightly longer, the giant reactor body, which is up to 100 meters thick, will experience a series of problems such as tremors, temperature control, and inexplicable termination of the fusion reaction.

The authorities of the expert commando team conducted many simulation experiments on giant photon computers for this purpose, and based on the collected data, after careful analysis. It was initially determined that the materials used to build the reactor were not up to standard. Find bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com

At this time, the Supreme Committee decided to redesign the reactor and completely replace it with new materials with higher strength. As much as two trillion additional reserves were spent on this. Just a week ago, the new reactor machine Commando was finally installed again.

This time, before the equipment was put on the ship, experts conducted multiple ground tests to ensure that everything was normal before approving the installation. However, during the ongoing overall operational energy efficiency test, the reactor had another problem. What's more, the reactor body exploded more seriously, and the entire energy core was completely scrapped.

Two consecutive technical accidents made the members of the Supreme Committee very dissatisfied. Tongshan, the general leader of the engineering commando team, was called by the queen to reprimand. Ziyuan Lan put down all the matters at hand and came to the site to inspect the progress of the project in person. After knowing that the expert commandos were helpless, they finally couldn't help but get angry.

If the problem of the energy core is not resolved, it will greatly affect the energy efficiency of other functional areas, which means that this big thing will not be able to meet the expected technical indicators. At best, it's just better than an ordinary mobile interstellar fortress.

In this way, this super-quality project that consumed countless manpower and material resources of the empire became a big joke.

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