"Gentlemen, you are all the most outstanding technical elites in the empire. That is why His Majesty the Emperor has entrusted you with such an important project that is related to the national destiny of the empire." The Minister of Security suppressed his anger and reprimanded with a gloomy face:

"But now, you bunch of losers have handed over such a bad report card to the imperial government. All the empire's huge investment has been wasted. Do you know what you are doing? This is a crime. . is an unforgivable crime.”

"If you are soldiers, if you fight such a bad war, you may not even have a chance to go to a military court. The commander will kill you all." Link gritted his teeth.

A thin, bald-headed academician stood up tremblingly and said helplessly:

"My lords, we have discussed all possible solutions, but we are still unable to come up with a satisfactory result. This is because the technical requirements for certain key materials of the Energy Core Machine Commando are too high. It is even far away. Far beyond our previous estimates..."

In his narration, the dignitaries present at the meeting could be said to have discovered the cause and final outcome of the matter.

The energy efficiency of the Reactor Machine Commando is low because certain scarce materials cannot be found on the empire's territory and cannot be obtained through outsourcing. The only feasible method is to immediately send an expedition fleet to search for the wild space area. However, this also depends on luck, and there is simply no time.

For this reason, after discussion, the expert commando team decided to use some alternative materials. As a result, the various problems mentioned above appeared.

During the heyday of the Yuangu God race, the territory it controlled was far beyond what current humans can match. Countless known or unknown wild galaxies are under its rule. Therefore, their strategic weapons manufacturing system can choose from a much wider range of rare materials.

Although the Daomang Empire already controls two-thirds of the known star sea worlds, it still cannot have such a strong resource base. Therefore, it is estimated that it is generally an impossible task to bring the strategic weapons of the ancient god race back to the star sea.

Marshal Gurungs, who had always had a gloomy face, asked in a deep voice: "Don't tell me that these are unused. I just ask you, what are the conditions required to come up with substitute materials that meet the requirements?"

Kanata gritted his teeth and said: "This requires greater investment and support for the empire's new materials field. If we invest at all costs like the Death Star project, we will be able to come up with suitable materials in about another year. .”

"Another year?" Yuhuang Xingyan was also a little annoyed.

"You put it lightly. Now that the situation facing the empire is getting more and more dangerous, how can you still have a year to waste?"

"My lords, there is nothing we can do in this case." The old academician spread his hands and said.

Tongshan slapped the table and said suddenly: "One month. I will give you another month at most. If you can't complete the task, huh. His Majesty the Emperor's camp will return to the capital soon. He is not as easy to talk to as me. By then, , you can handle it yourself."

After saying that, he stormed out of the top-secret conference room.

The remaining big guys looked at each other, shook their heads and walked away for a while. Ziyuan Lan paused at the door, turned back and snorted coldly at them:

"If possible, I hope to invite you to the Royal Supervisory Council in a month. At that time, I will be very happy to use the electric chair to entertain you!"

The eighth planet, in the secret room.

"In more than half a month, His Majesty will be back." The bleak voice of the man in black echoed in the empty room.

"Yes. By then, I will have to hibernate for a while." The afterimage of the No. 1 figure sighed softly.

No. 5’s feminine voice sounded again:

"This is what it should be. Not long ago, His Majesty destroyed three super powers and nearly doubled the size of the empire. His prestige in the army and the court was at its peak, and his fortune was at its peak. At this time, no matter who dares to challenge him, All authority will die without a burial place. Therefore, we must endure it."

"But then again, I don't think there's anything wrong with this." No. 5 said calmly,

"It's just that the plan I was waiting for will be greatly postponed again. Hey. I thought this war would last three to five years. In the end, it is three super powers. I didn't expect it to be over as soon as it was said. .”

No. 1 sighed: "This shows that the majesty we are waiting for is indeed the favored son of destiny. I have lived for most of my life, and I have never heard of such an outstanding person as him, let alone knowledge. If it weren't for him, how could this star sea world be unified so quickly?"

"Yes. I admit this." Number Zero said calmly,

"If His Majesty can act like a true superior, we will not be at a disadvantage even if we sincerely serve him. Unfortunately, he grew up among the people, and we are not the same people at all."

"After all, it's just that idiot Yuntianque who wants to save face. Now that he knows his grandson is still alive, he didn't expect to ignore it." No. 2 probably got very angry when he thought about this.

"If he could have returned to his family and received the most orthodox elite education from a superior, the empire would be in a completely different situation now, wouldn't it?"

No. 5 said slightly unhappily:

"Speaking of which, I really don't know why that old ghost Daoyuntianque thought that his only grandson had such an astonishing talent, but he didn't expect to just leave it among the people like this. If he had originally He will be able to take drastic measures and use all his strength to cultivate Ye Qingyuan to ascend to the throne. Now the Yun family's status in the imperial capital is by no means limited to this, right?"

"Up to now, my grandson has become the emperor, but the family race has not benefited at all, and the status of the imperial race is not even recognized. Hey. It is a joke to outsiders for no reason."

No. 0 nodded lightly, shook his head again, and said with a wry smile:

"If I had such a grandson, of course I would train him at all costs. I believe everyone here means the same thing. Unfortunately, everything in the future is uncertain. Until it becomes a fact, no one will He thinks that his original intention was wrong. Including that Yuntianque, can he estimate that his grandson will become the number one person in Xinghai in more than 20 years?"

"Therefore, it is useless to talk about this at the moment. Let's discuss how to deal with the upcoming situation."

When talking about the next move, the secret room couldn't help but fall silent.

No. 5 thought for a while, then tentatively said:

"I feel that since His Majesty is about to return to the court, in order to ensure the safety of the commando organization, in addition to hiding in hiding, it is best for us to deal with all the chess pieces on the periphery."

"Dispose of it? Why?" Number 2 asked puzzledly,

"Although these guys are just pawns, they are all people who agree with our ideas and have always taken great risks to support us. Several of them have performed well, and I have already considered that they should be officially admitted into the commando team. Knitted.”

No. 5 explained: "Of course I know that they are people close to the Commando Organization. But the problem is clear. During the period when Your Majesty went on the expedition, many things outside the Commando Organization were handled by them. Because of this, there are Many people have attracted the attention of the Imperial Intelligence Department."

"Ziyuan Lan and Yuhuang Xingyan are both His Majesty's best friends, and Zhao Zhixiong. As long as they are targeting anyone, no matter who they are, they dare to bite them. Except for Your Majesty, no one of them has any dignity. Yes. Why haven't you taken action yet? I guess I'm just waiting until His Majesty returns to court before closing the net. So I feel that instead of waiting for me to be passive then, it's better to clean it up myself now."

Number 1’s attitude was obviously hesitant:

"That's what I said. However, those people still have a lot of use to us. They have made a lot of contributions to the commando organization in the past. It would be too cruel to just discard them like this. What's more, It will chill the hearts of other members of the commando organization. Once this case is opened, who will dare to be loyal to us in the future?"

"However, if we don't do this, the safety of many formal members of the commando organization will be threatened because of this. It will even affect the interests of some core members. This is also a last resort." No. 5 insisted.

Yu Mingming, several people present began to argue in low voices about this issue.

In fact, neither side's views can be said to be wrong. The intelligence department of the empire is not a decoration. Those people have been carrying out various activities before. Although they are extremely careful, it is impossible not to reveal clues for such a long time.

Once the empire decides to take action, these people will not be able to escape to a large extent. Once they enter the security department's gate, aren't they going to be at the mercy of the other party? With the technological level of this era, it is completely possible for the so-called eighteen levels of hell to reappear in the human world. No matter how strong your will is, when you get to such a powerful place, you have to surrender honestly and confess everything you know. .

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is that life is worse than death. What's more, even if you are a dead person, the Empire still has many technical means to get what it wants from your brain. Only by completely destroying the body and eliminating traces can the secret be truly kept.

No. 5's decision was also a helpless one. Of course, he knew how much negative impact his actions would have on the commando organization. However, the empire's fortunes were booming and the control of the state machine was unprecedentedly powerful. As a shady underground commando, Weaving, its survival void must be extremely limited, and a little carelessness will lead to a situation of no return. Therefore, he had no choice at all.

Until later, No. 0 finally said:

"Everyone, please follow No. 5's advice. The situation is difficult now. For the sake of our descendants and the glory of the empire's superiors, we have to do the hot-blooded thing with a cold-blooded attitude."

"At most, I will just promise to treat their families well after the matter is completed."

Several people sighed in unison, but said nothing more. The resolution was almost passed.

Langyun universe area.

The majestic imperial fleet was teleported out of the void tunnel one after another. The emperor's palace was in the middle of the fleet and was closely guarded by a large number of elite imperial guards.

After all the fleets have passed, it will be the huge biological chemical mothership.

After evolution, the mothership has the ability to travel through the void gap, and can catch up with the large fleet even without relying on void tunnel transmission. Only in order to save energy, they still use this method to move with the main army.

Along the way, the biological chemical mothership would occasionally leave to hunt various cosmic beasts in the nearby cosmic area and collect life energy to supply to Lan Yu. There were ghost race tribes nearby, not to mention none of them. Let it go.

However, what makes Ye Qingyuan and the woman in black a little depressed is that in the recently discovered tribal settlements, various harvests have become less and less. Later, in several settlements that were obviously larger than the Kotila tribe, there was no treasure in the treasure house. I thought it was actually clean, cleaner than a dog licking it.

The angry woman in black violently interrogated the venerables in the tribe, only to be told innocently by those chubby guys that in view of the fact that more and more tribes in the Star Sea World have been massacred and robbed by unknown forces recently, Therefore, at the suggestion of King Zhanying, the remaining tribes all packed up all the wealth of the tribe and sent it to the royal court for centralized custody.

Such an answer made her even more angry. They simply kept doing nothing and slaughtered all these tribes that had no profit and water to gain. The life energy essence in all the volleyballs has been plundered. Although there are not many powerful individuals anymore, the tens of millions of individuals in each tribe add up, and the total amount is extremely considerable.

Ye Qingyuan is naturally optimistic about this. The number of this group of volleyball players is not large to begin with, and they are divided into hundreds of tribes. The size of each tribe is between millions and hundreds of millions. No matter which tribe is destroyed, it is an unbearable loss for the entire ghost race.

The large-scale plundering and killing during this period has resulted in the death of more than 10 billion ghost race people, accounting for about one-eighth of the entire race group. It can be said that it has seriously damaged the foundation of this old heterogeneous civilization. Find the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com

They do not have the extremely powerful reproductive ability of humans. After such a heavy loss, it is impossible to recover even if it takes tens of thousands of years.

After this matter spread within the ghost race, it caused widespread panic. As a result, the tribal chiefs who were originally very fearful and wary of Wang Ting had to accept King Zhanying's suggestion and put their own All the wealth within the race was sent to the royal court.

"I have a suggestion. I don't know what your opinion is?" Ye Qingyuan said to her with a smile.

The woman in black blinked and said: "You understand what you mean, kill their royal court directly and destroy their lair in one fell swoop?"

"Otherwise, what else could it be?" Ye Qingyuan said,

"All the essence of this alien civilization is in the ten tribes of Wangting. If they can be wiped out in one fell swoop, the harvest will be amazing. Their threat to the human world will also be completely eliminated."

"It's a good idea, but it's not feasible yet." She shook her head and rejected his suggestion.

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