Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1303 Mishan

Luo Bi has a very good eye, and she chose a moon-white brocade to make into a battle robe. Wearing a similar color on Wu Shaozi's body matched the blue-and-white porcelain quite well.

The jacquard jacquard on the jersey, Wu Shaozimei didn't even know that he was holding the spoon, the spoon stood up, turned left and right, showing off his new clothes. Ever since it became enlightened, it always felt that something was missing, and it couldn't figure it out. Now Wu Shaozi finally understood that it lacked clothes.

It used to have no clothes, naked! Wu Shaozi suddenly felt awkward.

Luo Bi looked up and down, and said, "With clothes, I finally look like a human being."

It's no wonder that Luo Bi had this idea, Wu Shaozi already opened up his mind, put on his clothes and then stand them up, then he will look like a human. As soon as Luo Bi said this, Wu Shaozi was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up happily.

"Bang" hit the roof of the car!

Robbie couldn't help laughing, she wanted to be an adult, what the hell was going on? Raising his hand to pat the car seat, Luo Bi looked at Wu Shaozi without saying a word. He really looked like a human when he put on his clothes, but unfortunately he had no arms.

As soon as this idea came to Luo Bi's mind, the array can be opened to intelligence, and it's not impossible to have arms, there are blue and white flowers on the array, if she is Wu Shaozi, she can use it.

The idea was a little absurd, and Robbie laughed to herself.

"You wear the clothes I made, so you have to cooperate with me." Luo Bi smiled enough, pointed in the direction of Mishan and said, "Did you see that direction? After this mountain is a deep mountain, and the deep mountain is rich in resources , let’s go to Mishan first today.”

Wu Shaozi nodded his spoon to express his agreement.

Robbie didn't say any more, started the sports car and drove out, it's too silly to talk about a spoon. Because of the unskilled control, the sports car flew up to the tree, and Luo Bi was startled. Fortunately, the sports car flew to the top of several trees and drove slowly.

In the field that Luo Bi had plowed yesterday, Zhu Xingzhi, his mother Yu Jingxian, Zhu Xingbao, and Zhu Xingrong were picking up the weeds. They came early in the morning, and they estimated that they would finish the work by noon.

Zhu Xingzhi raised his head, blinked vigorously, and pointed to the military suspension sports car in the distance: "Look, that's Luo Bi's sports car, right?!"

Holding a handful of grass, Zhu Xingrong opened his mouth wide: "Yes, I flew towards Xiaozhu Mountain."

Several people stopped their movements, stared in the direction of Xiaozhu Mountain and did not speak for a long time. Yesterday they went to the sky for a while and dug the ground for a while, but today they drove into Xiaozhu Mountain. Luo Bi is so awesome!

Luo Bi was a little nervous at the moment, not long after entering Xiaozhushan, he found a few groups of mission teams along the way, and avoided them in a dozen directions. After letting go of courage, the speed of the car increased a little bit, and flew all the way towards Mishan.

Millet Mountain is a large mountain with high and low terrain. It produces millet. There are valleys, streams and lush trees.

At this time, the morning sun rises, the plants are covered with dew, and the residents in the mountains and forests come out one after another to move around, and the sounds of insects and birds are chaotic. Robbie aimed at an open space and lowered the suspended military sports car.

After observing for a while, seeing that there were no strange beasts, Luo Bi opened the door and jumped out of the car, and Wu Shaozi twisted and followed. Its clothes are beautiful, soft and comfortable, with flowers on them, so beautiful!

Luo Bi was not familiar with Mishan, so after observing the surrounding environment, he chose a direction at random and walked forward with Wu Shaozi. Dangers are everywhere in the mountains and forests, Luo Bi didn't dare to be careless with Wu Shaozi, and moved forward tentatively, and she would be startled by the slightest sign of trouble.

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