Walking a few steps forward, Luo Bi felt that it would be impossible without a weapon in his hand, so he took out a small machete and looked around at the surrounding trees, picked a smooth bamboo and chopped it, and waved it twice when he caught it in his hand.

You can't fight alien beasts by hand, but it's okay to fight pheasants.

As long as the pheasant comes out, she can kill the pheasant by whipping two sticks violently.

Robbie is good at bullying the small with the big.

As for the alien beast?

Naturally, it was handed over to Wu Shaozi. If it didn’t work, it was best to go with thirty-six tricks, and Sa Yazi hurried back to the sports car. To take a step back, she still has a small defensive array, and she can get out safely by opening the defensive array when encountering difficulties.

There were rustlings around, and Luo Bi was quite scared walking through the forest with Wu Shaozi, and she regretted not bringing a companion out. It's fine to bring a child to talk, Luo Bi let out a bad breath, and continued to walk forward bravely.

It's too late to say anything, it's impossible for her to go back without doing anything.

There is no shortage of tree holes in the forest, big and small, of all kinds, and I don't know which tree holes were dug out by some wicked thing. A fluffy little thing poked its head out of the tree hole, Robbie let out a "huh", walked over with his head tilted, poked it with a bamboo, the little thing jumped out and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Unable to catch it, Luo Bi kicked the tree angrily, lifted her foot and continued to walk forward.

Wu Shaozi didn't care about anything, he twisted his body and turned left and right, and he didn't fly forward properly, it was just beautiful.

From time to time, Luo Bi poked the tree hole with a bamboo, but none of the soil pigs came out. There were not many edible wild vegetables on the ground, and they were scattered among unknown weeds. After looking at it for a few times, Luo Bi didn't stop to dig wild vegetables. She planned to walk around the area first. If there was nothing good, she would find a place with a lot of wild vegetables to dig.

Ten minutes later, Luo Bi met a group of millet birds returning from hunting for food.

Luo Bi was startled, and took a step back subconsciously. The millet bird is a strange beast. Although its size cannot be compared with a bird of prey such as a bird of prey, it has an iron beak and is particularly powerful at pecking people.

If the Thunder Flame Warrior confronted the Mi Niao, she could fight directly, but Luo Bi was not a Thunder Flame Warrior, so she didn't dare, as long as the opponent didn't strike first, she didn't want to act rashly.

Luo Bi and Shu Niao stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. The ants under their feet hurriedly scrambled to avoid the right and wrong places.

The millet birds are never ambiguous in fights, and they are also good at cursing. A millet bird wanted to chirp a few words, but almost threw the millet in its beak when it moved its beak. Unable to move its mouth, the millet bird immediately chose to fight, and swooped down with millet grain in its mouth.

Damn, Robbie stepped back: "Wu Shaozi, beat me hard!"

Wu Shaozi's current body size is not big enough, and he immediately became bigger when he heard this, and his gorgeous battle robe was torn instantly. Wu Shaozi was stunned for a moment, then became anxious all of a sudden, and flew up to have sex with Shu Niao.

Wu Shaozi is used to shoot, and he can't be greeted by an enemy. Fortunately, he was stunned, caught a millet bird and beat it hard.

The millet bird didn't care about the millet in its mouth, and after throwing it away, the team split into two, one part chirped and pecked with its beak, and the other part spat, spitting Wu Shaozi all over.

Luo Bi was dumbfounded, and pointed at Mi Niao's anger: "Damn it, it's too shameless to spit out during a fight!"

A smaller millet bird scolded back, chirping: You are shameless, you are shameless.

The companion spat and chattered: If you have the ability, you spit, and you don't even have saliva, so you are shameless.

The team leader of the millet bird chirped: Spit together, spray them to death.

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