Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1305: Hitting the Spoon Too Much

Luo Bi doesn't understand bird language and knows that the words spit out of the bird's beak are not good. She is thinking that the millet bird team will launch a saliva attack shamelessly.

Wu Shaozi was vomited solidly in the middle, and his combat strength was greatly reduced. Luo Bi retreated steadily, and his three views were ruined. Nima, she had never heard that strange beasts could attack with saliva.

Maybe there is, but Luo Bi doesn't know, the first time I entered Mishan, I met a group of people who didn't play cards according to common sense.

The air in the morning was relatively cool, but Luo Bi was sweating all over in a hurry. She couldn't beat him and had to retreat, calling Wu Shaozi to run quickly. In the corner of Mishan Mountain in the morning, one person ran forward with one spoon, while a small team of Miniao chased after him, spitting wildly.

The small animals on the ground just came out for a stroll, and immediately ran back to their nests when they heard the sound.

"My god!" Luo Bi was angry and anxious, and ran with her legs open. She has a cleanliness fetish and didn't want her saliva sprayed on her body.

Wu Shaozi's drool was already so sticky that it couldn't be any more sticky, and he vaguely knew that saliva was not a good thing, so he ran after Luo Bi. Usually Luo Bi is pampered, and her health is back to normal, but she doesn't move around very much. This time she was chased by the millet bird, and her ankle shook after a short while.

Fortunately, it wasn't serious, and Luo Bi didn't go far away. One person and one spoon boarded the sports car as fast as possible, catching up with the last wave of saliva.

Mi Niao chased and cursed until the hovering sports car flew away, then turned back to pick up Mi Gu and went back to the valley.

The millet team had a good harvest today. They grabbed food from the millet territory early in the morning and drove away the intruders when they came back. The millet in a good mood chirped all morning.

Luo Bi took a deep breath, drove away from the border of Mishan Mountain, entered Xiaozhushan and found a small river, and asked Wu Shaozi to go down and wash his saliva.

Wu Shaozi was listless without his new clothes, plunged into the water and slapped him hard. Robbie opened the hood and threw a piece of milk-flavored soap to Wu Shaobao, the kind that cost tens of thousands of interstellar coins.

Robbie respects Wu Shaozi and gives him the nutritious high-end soap out of kindness.

Unfortunately, the wrong object was sent.

Wu's spoon is made of porcelain, and as soon as he took the soap and applied it on one side, the soap became slippery. The slippery one swirled on the spoon, no matter how busy Wu spoon was, he couldn't control the slippery soap.

With a "plop", the newly opened soap fell into the water.

Wu Shaozi plunged into the water in a hurry to find the soap. It was not difficult to find the soap, but it was so slippery that even Wu Shaozi couldn't get it out. This was undoubtedly a blow to Shaozi too much, and Wu Shaozi got out of the water and lay there waiting to die.

The new clothes are gone, and the fragrant soap is gone, and it's gone.

So stupid, just die.

Luo Bi saw the end from beginning to end, but she didn't know what to say. After waiting for Wu Shaozi to be negative enough, she went back the same way one by one.

Back in the safe area, Wu Shaozi ran towards Wu's house without saying hello. Luo Bi was worried that it would not know the way, so he drove after him to Wu's house. Wu Cheng was talking on the phone in the yard, and Wu Shaozi threw himself into his arms when he entered the door and was wronged, just like a child meeting his parents.

"What's the matter?" Wu Cheng patted Wu Shaozi in his arms, and asked Luo Bi who got out of the car: "Did you play tricks on it again? It was fine when you went out, why did you come back like this? "

Luo Bi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and she didn't say too much, just said: "I'm not happy if my favorite thing is broken!"

Wu Cheng was dubious: "Why did you come back so soon?"

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