Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1307 Run away with Wu Shaozi

When Zhu Xingzhi came back, Luo Bi had almost finished the work, she said to the child: "Wait a while, it will be ready soon."

The child put four dishes and one soup on the table, and ran to Luo Bi to tell about his achievements in the morning. Several people hurried and finally cleaned up the new planting field that Luo Bi had plowed.

"The weather forecast said that there will be no rain these days. I will call Shang Xingrong and Bao'er to irrigate in the afternoon, and I can start planting tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Zhu Xingzhi sat on the chair and kicked his legs: "My family is going to plant wheat , what are you going to plant?"

"I don't know." Luo Bi didn't have the heart to think about anything else, she just wanted to go to Mishan to fight Miu Niao.

The child said "Oh", staring at the work in Robbie's hands and asking, "What did you do? It looks like a child's clothes."

With lessons learned from the past, Luo Bi increased the size when cutting the fabric. At that time, she had visually measured Wu Shaozi's body shape when he was fighting the millet bird, and she cut it according to that size. You can't wear it normally, but you should be able to wear it in combat state.

Of course, it would be hard to say if Wu Shaozi gets bigger.

"Guess." Luo Bi avoided Zhu Xingzhi's question.

"I can't guess." Zhu Xingzhi answered honestly.

Luo Bi smiled: "It's fine if you can't guess it."

Luo Bi was so angry, Zhu Xingzhi: "...."

After the shirt was made, Luo Bi couldn't suppress her excitement, so she hurriedly ate lunch and went out with Zhu Xingzhi. Zhu Xingzhi drove a sports car and called for someone to irrigate the fields, while Luo Bi went to Wu Shaozi.

Wu Shaozi was hit too hard in the morning, and he hasn't recovered yet, and he is lying on the big rock in the yard dying.

When Luo Bi entered the door, Wu Cheng was going back and forth to give Wu Shaozi the ingredients and seasonings for cooking. Luo Bi did not disturb Wu Cheng's busy work, and pretended to watch the two fruitful purple persimmon trees.

When Wu Cheng turned around, Luo Bi quickly turned to let Wu Shaozi glance at the corner of the shirt, and called Wu Shaozi in a low voice: "Hey, I made you a new shirt, come with me if you want to wear it."

Wu Shaozi, who was still listless just now, jumped up from the rock. Luo Bi was overjoyed, and greeted Wu Cheng who came back with the ingredients, and walked out of the yard with Wu Shaozi. Wu Cheng yelled several times from behind, climbed into the car one by one and ran away.

Wu Cheng was alone in the wind: "...."

Luo Bi drove straight to the headquarters of Emerald Star's ruling headquarters in a brisk drive. It was time for meals, and she had an early lunch, but no one else had it yet. Just as Master Zhu and Lan Xun were about to go to the restaurant for dinner, Luo Bi came looking for them.

"Luo Bi, what are you doing here?" Patriarch Zhu walked towards Luo Bi.

From time to time, someone walked by, and Luo Bi called Master Zhu aside and grabbed two red porcelain spoons: "Uncle Zhu, do me a favor, I want to take Wu Shaoba out of the safe zone to play, you can introduce supernatural powers into these two red porcelain spoons." , I'm going to take them with me."

Zhu Qin took the red porcelain spoon, and Luo Bi reminded him: "You import one, the other is another person."

Zhu Qin didn't ask anything, turned around and went away for more than ten minutes. When he came back, he was followed by Wei Wei and two red porcelain spoons. The red porcelain spoon had already been introduced with supernatural powers by Master Zhu and Wei Wei respectively, and followed them all the way, attracting many curious eyes.

"Are you going out of the safe zone again?" Wei Wei looked at Luo Bi sideways, and said suspiciously: "Going out twice a day, what are you up to? I didn't say that, except for Xiaozhushan, other places outside the safe zone are not safe. "

Wei Wei had good intentions, Luo Bi smiled: "I'll just go out for a walk and not run around."

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