Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1308 This is a Capable Man

That's all Wei Wei said, and the head of the Zhu family gave a few more instructions, and Luo Bi got in the car and left.

Luo Bi just learned how to drive. Some people saw her nervous, and when she was nervous, she deviated from the direction. Therefore, Wei Wei and Zhu Qin watched the sports car brushing towards the rocks on the side of the road, their expressions tensed subconsciously.

Just when the distance between the car and the rock was getting closer, the sports car suddenly suspended and slowly returned to the right path.

Wei Wei exhaled and sneered, "This is a capable man!"

Master Zhu laughed and agreed.

Luo Bi was frightened into a cold sweat, slowed down and calmed down, and went straight out of the safe zone. At the place where he entered the mountain in the morning, Robbie lowered the suspension sports car and took out the shirt from the storage bracelet.

Wu Shaozi didn't need Luo Bi to yell, but happily leaned over and asked Luo Bi to put it on.

Luo Bi shook the shirt and showed it to Wu Shaozi: "It was worn during the battle. It doesn't suit your current body shape. Have you seen the size of the clothes? I'll put them on for you when they get bigger. Look, the brocade material is rich. Well, even if the size is almost the same, you will look better than others."

Hearing this, Wu Shaozi was so beautiful that he couldn't find Bei before he put on his battle robe, and he fluttered to the size that was most suitable for dealing with the millet bird.

As soon as Luo Bi made a gesture, the proportion of the clothes and the spoon was almost the same, the belt was thrown aside first, and Wu Shaozi put on the battle robe first. With his left hand, he held the skirt of the skirt on the side, and with his right hand, he took a belt of the same color and tied it to Wu Shao.

"Okay." Following Luo Bi's voice, Wu Shaozi began to turn left and right smugly.

Luo Bi just wanted to laugh when she saw it, and praised Wu Shaozi like a child: "You are so handsome and smart."

After complimenting Wu Shaozi, Luo Bi didn't forget to bring a piece of praise with her, and there was no one around at the moment, she praised without any consideration: "I am also good-looking, and I am also smart, we are the smartest and most beautiful in the world. "

Thinking about not being able to leave Zhan Shaobai behind, he added: "If Zhan Shaobai plays with us in the future, it will count as one. It is also the smartest and best-looking one. If the orange spoon can't do it, it will make trouble. I don't like playing with it. Play."

Obviously always remembering that Wu Shaozi is a person who is an array weapon, but now he puts Wu Shaozi in the position of a human being to talk, and speaks out his preferences without reservation. Robbie really doesn't like Orange Spoon very much. Now that Orange Spoon is not here, she is chatting with Wu Shaozi.

Wu Shaozi swayed happily, and put aside Luo Bi's words about not liking Orange Spoon, and listened to the words of praise for it, so happy that he almost rushed out of the car and ran around.

Luo Bi didn't dare to let it go out, fearing that it wouldn't be found, and Wu Cheng would have to fight her desperately by then!

The atmosphere in the car was very cheerful, and it was about to set off, but Wu Shaozi suddenly made a fuss.

As for the reason?

Wu Shaozi was wearing clothes, but he didn't have the two red porcelain spoons. Wu Shaozi felt ashamed and didn't want to bring the red porcelain spoons.

"Where do you have so many problems? There are so many things." Luo Bi said a few words to Wu Shaozi, slandering her heart, you have not put on clothes for a day, why do you have the face to dislike other spoons? Thinking like this in my heart, but said on my face: "Okay, I will make clothes for them when I have time, but not now, I don't have time."

Wu Shaozi barely complied, and Luo Bi didn't talk to Wu Shaozi about anything, and the cucumber dish was cold.

At this moment, Luo Bi can see that if you treat Wu Shaozi and the others with their spiritual intelligence as human beings, they are human beings, and if you treat them as formation weapons, they are at most spiritual formation weapons.

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