Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1320 It's Too Early

"Tomorrow morning." Luo Bi was puzzled for a moment and then put it aside, telling the child to get him up early in the morning.

"No problem." The child assured.

While talking, the furnace in Luo Bi's house exploded with a "bang".

"Didn't disturb you?" Robbie asked, knowing that the fryer was making a lot of noise.

Qi Yan waved his hand: "No."

Luo Bi walked home: "Then I'll go back and make another furnace."

Qi Yan: "..."

Before going to bed, Feng Ling called, and Luo Bi told her that she led Wu Shaozi to beat down Mishan. She wasn't worried about Feng Ling getting angry, the advanced defense device she was wearing had been added layer after layer, so self-protection was no problem at all.

Feng Ling thought of this at once, and after a long silence, he stared at Luo Bi with fierce eyes: "You can play outside if you want, but you must bring Wu Shao and the red porcelain spoon soldiers."

"I know." Robbie nodded obediently.

Feng Ling chuckled, chatted with Luo Bi for a while in gentle words, roughly figured out Luo Bi's actions in the past few days, and hung up the communication to make people sleep. He dialed the communication every night just to watch Robbie go to bed on time.

Luo Bi asked Qi Yan to get up early in the morning, but this kid came to call the door at 5:30, and Luo Bi sent a text message: "It's early, go back and sleep again, come to my house at 6:30."

What can Qi Yan do? Going back to lie on the bed and squinting again.

Zhu Xingzhi was the first to get up at half past six, dragged the little lazy pig Zhu Xingbao off the bed, and opened the door. Qi Yan, Qi Rong, Qi Zhan, and Zhu Xingrong all came and were sitting at the door chatting.

At this moment, Luo Bi also got up when she heard the commotion. Seeing that everyone had arrived, she beckoned them to get in the car and set off.

Zhu Xingrong got into Zhu Xingzhi's sports car, and Qi Yan, Qi Rong, and Qi Zhan got into Luo Bi's military suspension sports car. As for Zhu Xingbao? Give him a bag of snacks and kick him home. This kid can't work well, and it won't do much to bring it with him.

Luo Hang sent a large portion of breakfast and dinner, and Luo Bi received it, ready to eat it somewhere else. Last night, Luo Bi made an agreement with her parents to let her prepare breakfast, and Guan Zhuting got up early in the morning to get busy.

Knowing that his daughter likes to sleep late, Luo Hang ordered it to be delivered.

"You can't play alone, why do you still play with Zhu Xingzhi and the others?" Luo Hang obviously disagreed: "They can also help adults with work at home, so they may not be free to play with you."

"Don't worry about it." Robbie closed the car door and drove away.

Leave the family alone and leave it to her father. The father in the previous life, Luo Bi, didn't trust her, but the father in this life didn't say anything. As long as it belongs to her, keep an eye on it so closely that no one will touch it.

As soon as Luo Bi and the others left, Luo Hang entered the yard. He would go to the plantation field to feed poultry every day when he was free. These days, Luo Bi went out to play every day, but he didn't come in. When Luo Hang raised his eyes and saw the millet pile in the yard, he was stunned.

The millet pile was not small, and the ears of grain were also big, so it was gratifying to see. Luo Hang came back to his senses and hurriedly chopped off the ears of grain, dried them in the yard, put the straw in another place, and took them home to feed the livestock.

On the way, the children Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong already knew that they were going to Mount Mishan. Apart from being a little nervous, they were not worried about safety issues. After all, Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong, Qi Rong, and Qi Zhan knew Wu Shaozi's combat strength best. but.

Qi Yan had heard about Wu Shaozi's prowess, looked around, Qi Rong whispered to him, and the child calmed down.

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