Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1321 Feed the Children

In the morning, the millet mountain was quiet, there was no scolding of the millet bird, and the strange beasts disappeared, but some small animals jumped out unscrupulously.

The children were puzzled, and even more enthusiastic, wishing to get out of the car and catch one immediately. Luo Bi didn't stop, Zhu Xingzhi had no choice but to follow behind eagerly, Qi Yan clenched his small fists to suppress the urgency.

When they entered the valley, everyone was stunned by the millet field in front of them, and stood there for several minutes without moving.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and work." Luo Bizhi sent someone to look at a spring, threw out a small table by the way, took out a set of tea sets, grills, kettles and the like: "When you work for me During this time, I will take care of the meals."

After speaking, a bull's head and a cauldron were thrown out, and the children came back to their senses immediately, their faces full of excitement.

Although this piece of millet field is owned by Luo Bi, and their daily salary is only one bundle of millet, it is the first time they have seen such a good crop, and they can't restrain their joy no matter what they look at.

"I... I, my mother is a senior planter and has never grown such good crops." Zhu Xingrong couldn't see enough, climbed to a high place by stepping on small stones, and looked into the distance: "Oh, what a big piece."

"How many acres does this cost!" Zhu Xingzhi was confused.

Qi Rong and Qi Zhan stood there blankly, without moving a bit from the beginning to the end, only to hear Qi Rong murmur: "It's all high-level nutritional millet, it's all high-level nutritional millet...!" No sound.

Luo Bi turned her head to look over, Qi Rong seemed to have lost her soul, her eyes were dull, she was startled. She is reincarnated through time travel, and she believes in the theory of bewitched, they are in the wild, so the child should not be bewitched.

Seeing Qi Yan from the corner of the eye, Luo Bi felt even more frightened, Qi Yan's eyes were red, as if he was crying.

"I've never seen so many advanced nutritious foods...!" Qi Yan said in a low voice, sad without words.

Damn, Luo Bi's eyes suddenly turned hot, she is a person with delicate emotions, she can't say that she empathizes with other people's emotions, but she can also feel them all. The three children surnamed Qi were in a bad mood, and she was instantly affected.

Luo Bi's eyes fell on the bull's head, and changed the subject: "Zhu Xingzhi, before you start working, you should stew the bull's head first. I heard that this stuff is not easy to cook. Maybe you can eat it at noon after stewing now."

The bull's head was given by Xue Yue, and Luo Bi couldn't finish the stew at home alone, so he simply took it out for the children to eat.

Children in the future interstellar era eat a lot, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I will eat it to death. One ox head can't finish it in one meal, and two meals can definitely solve it. It is much more cost-effective than eating other things.

Zhu Xingzhi agreed, and first communicated excitedly with a few children, and watched Mi Gutian's eyes shine, which caught up with the luminosity of the little sun.

The children found the angle, pursed their mouths and smiled, waved a small sickle to start harvesting, and put down a small piece. Luo Bi turned her head silently, she didn't care about this side, and said hello, planning to search outside the valley and inspect the site by the way.

Zhu Xingzhi looked left and right: "Luo Bi, there are high-level alien beasts on Mount Mi, can you go around alone? In my opinion, you should not go, we all stay together to be safe."

"That's right, Luo Bi, don't run around." Qi Rong looked around and frowned: "It is said that the strange beasts on Mishan Mountain are powerful, but the whole mountain is too peaceful now, so we better be careful."

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