For several days in a row, Luo Hang and his wife were very busy, drying and turning the ears of corn during the day, and chopping the ears of corn at night, so they didn't have to stay up late to sleep.

Every night, Feng Ling's phone calls come over, reminding Luo Bi that she must go to bed before ten o'clock, and no one else should do anything at this time, pack up and go, and go to bed when you need to sleep.

It was impossible for Luo Bi to finish refining on time. She waited for the fryer to start before washing in a hurry.

"What the hell are you practicing?" Zhu Xingzhi brushed his teeth in the yard with a toothbrush. Fryer, I think you don't care about refining, and you don't even know what you want to do?"

"Could it be that you want to refine a top array like a feeding bottle again?" Zhu Xingzhi's eyes lit up as he spoke.

"No." Luo Bi wiped out the child's hope at once, looked up at the sky, the stars were sparsely distributed, and it might rain tomorrow: "I practiced for fun, don't think about it, it must not be a baby bottle array Kind of like that."

Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting finished tidying up the yard and were about to leave. Hearing the conversation between the two, Luo Hang said: "Then you should refine it well! No one is around, and the fire is running around. If you don't fry the furnace, whoever will fry it ?”

Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingbao nodded fiercely: "Yes, yes."

Zhu Xingbao was just making a fuss, he didn't care about anything except eating.

Hua Ran started the hover car, and Luo Bi followed Luo Hang and his wife to close the door, muttering: "I am willing." She was willing to fry the furnace, and no one could control it.

Luo Hang ignored her, Guan Zhuting got into the car with a smile, waited for Luo Bi to click on the remote control to close the door, and then Hua Ran drove away. Luo Bi is sometimes bold, sometimes very timid, and every time he closes the door at night, he has to be accompanied by someone.

Qi Yan returned home half an hour later, he didn't put the millet in his home, he thought about it, but Luo Bi refused to let him say that he would pass Yang Haozhe's test if he brought the millet home.

Instead of that, it's better to put it in Qi Rong's house.

Qi Rong had no objection to this, so Qi Yan ran to Qi Rong's house every night.

During the day, when he went to Mishan, he had no time to take care of the millet, so he had to go to Qi Rong's house at night to cut the ears of corn, and play for a while, usually returning home very late. At this time Yang Haozhe had already fallen asleep, Qi Yan washed up, went back to the room lightly, closed the door and climbed onto the bed.

Lying on the child's bed, the child counted with his fingers how much millet he could produce from the millet he allocated, and fell asleep after counting.

It didn't rain the next day, and Luo Bi led the team out of the safe zone again. Several small hunting teams glanced at them and followed behind.

Someone finally fell in love, Luo Bi smiled, and let all the children squeeze into her sports car. When the accelerator button was pressed, the other party lost her in the blink of an eye. People are more popular than people, and cars are better than cars? Enough to vomit to death.

The other party cursed and thought of another way.

The children went into the valley to cut millet as usual, and Robbie went to inspect the field first.

The monsters patrol the site every day, and she has to patrol every day, so as not to worry about Mishan as an unowned land.

During the period when the children were harvesting the millet in the valley, Luo Bi was not idle, she was busier than anyone else, she searched the good things on the millet mountain, and then went to another mountain to step on the land.

Luo Bi was warlike, and led Wu Shaozi and its red porcelain spoon soldiers to fight several times a day to gain a piece of territory.

With a new site, Robbie drove a sports car around and got a lot of good things.

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