Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1325 Send out a group of spoons

Robbie fought several battles in the mountains and forests in one go, most of which were won by her, and some of them ended in draws. She stopped, and the beast didn't say a truce, and chased her for a long distance.

It's okay, she will remember this time, and she will come to find the place another day.

Looking up at the sky, it was just getting dark, Luo Bi planned to go home early this morning, first send Zhu Xingzhi and the others outside Xiaozhu Mountain, and then she went back the same way to transport supplies.

When Luo Bi dragged the soil pig back home, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening. Guan Zhuting didn't expect her to come back so early, so she hurriedly dropped the work she was doing and threw a few more pieces of energy wood into the grill.

The river fresh ingredients have been prepared for a long time, and Guan Zhuting put them all on the grill. This day's busy meal is not on time. If it wasn't for worrying that Luo Bi wouldn't be able to eat well, she and Luo Hang wouldn't cook, and would order a meal at will, and make it together.

Millet, like other crops, needs to be harvested quickly. Farmers know that during the harvest season, they are most afraid of bad weather. It can be dried in one day on a sunny day. Once it catches up with a rainy day, it will get moldy.

Luo Hang and his wife knew this very well, so they put all their efforts into drying the millet, turning the millet, and collecting all the millet into the material warehouse as much as possible.

It can be said that if Luo Bi doesn't go home with this nagging, the couple will stop talking about their busy schedules.

The red porcelain spoon was thrown away by Mi Gu, and Luo Bi beckoned, "Come back."

She told the red porcelain spoon to turn a deaf ear when she came back, but as soon as Wu Shaozi gave the order, the red porcelain spoon obediently went back. Luo Bi didn't care too much, picked out some small bundles of millet, divided them into five bundles, and gave them away on the red porcelain spoons.

Abilities cannot be borrowed in vain, Luo Bi asked someone to introduce abilities into the red porcelain spoon, and Zhu Patriarch, Wei Wei and the others did it without saying a word. Luo Bi did not forget that they were distributed according to work, and each person was given five bundles of millet.

At present, there are twenty red porcelain spoon soldiers, which means that there are twenty people. Here comes the problem, these twenty people do not live together together. As long as Luo Bi knew, Wei Wei and Master Zhu were not on the same street, so there was no need to mention the others.

Luo Bi didn't plan to go with them, so Wu Shaozi and Hongci Shao carried the supplies out, and they didn't know if they could be delivered.

This Luo Bi is not worried, whether it is the Wu Shaozi or the red porcelain spoon, they are all money lovers, even if they can't find the place, it is impossible for the supplies to be lost. Just to exercise their abilities, Robbie sent out a group of spoons.

Wu Shaozi's war robe was stripped off again, and he got emotional while wrapped in a small handkerchief. He wandered around the street for a while, and finally remembered to get down to business, so he led the red porcelain spoon to Zhu Qin's house first.

Mrs. Zhu had just received Luo Bi's message, and ran out of the door in a panic, just as Wu Shaozi and the others arrived.

"Oh, you really came here?" Mrs. Zhu couldn't close her mouth in surprise. She had seen a spiritual array before, and it was the first time she could recognize the door: "Wu Shaozi, you are too smart, hurry up!" come in!"

Wu Shaozi and his red porcelain spoon soldiers rushed into the yard at once. Mr. Zhu had just returned from a mission and was sitting in the yard talking with his nephews. When he turned around, a group of spoons came in carrying supplies.

At the beginning, Mr. Zhu and the others didn’t know what was going on. After Mrs. Zhu explained in a few words, a group of Thunder Flame warriors cheered and surrounded Wu Shaozi and the others. With those rare eyes, they almost grabbed a red porcelain spoon and put it in their arms. inside.

Arrays that can recognize doors are too rare, so you have to take a good look at them.

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