When the group arrived at Mishan Mountain, everyone instinctively tensed up.

"Luo Bi, have you really taken over this site?" Mrs. Huang looked serious, waiting for Huang Chao's hover car to approach Luo Bi, and asked dryly, "It's too quiet around here, something is wrong."

This is purely a psychological hint, to scare myself, there is not a single large strange beast on Mishan Mountain.

"Don't think too much, there is no movement because all the big beasts have run away." Luo Bi didn't say that she was beaten away by her with Wu Shao. She always doesn't like to brag. It's the same thing that others guessed. She brought it up herself. It's just a matter of mentality.

People who are unwilling to be mediocre show off in every word and deed.

Mrs. Huang believed three points, Hua Ran and Huang Chao did not let down their guard as Thunder Flame fighters.

Luo Bi knew it well, and drove ahead to lead the way, leading the team through his own territory, and pointing out the places with a lot of supplies to everyone. For example, where there are millet fields, where vegetables may grow, and where there are spiritual plants and medicinal plants, she guides them as they walk.

It's not that Robido is selfless, the main reason is that the territory is too big, she has trampled through everything she can find, and she can't collect the rest, even the team she brought can't handle it.

She roughly explained the distribution of materials clearly, saving everyone from detours and wasting time.

All the way to the new site, Luo Bi asked for everyone's opinions: "There are many scattered millet fields in Mishan, and this new site has a lot of vegetables and ingredients. You decide for yourself, where to start first?"

The vehicles gathered together, everyone discussed a lot, and unanimously decided to start with Mishan.

Millet is a staple food and cannot be compared with vegetables. Spiritual plants are of high value and cannot be compared with real food.

Therefore, everyone is more inclined to millet.

After discussing it, the team returned the same way.

Back at Mishan, Luo Bi led the team out of the valley, Zhu Xingzhi and the other children ran out when they heard the movement, seeing so many people, they were still their own, jumped up excitedly, and called out for their mother.

It is one thing for children to be diligent, but they are still children after all.

"You guys are harvesting millet here these days?" Yu Jingxian stood at the mouth of the valley, glanced inside, and took out a box of snacks from the storage bracelet to her son: "Have you eaten yet? Share the snacks you bought earlier." , pad your stomach."

Zhu Xingzhi opened the box and divided among his friends: "Luo Bi, all the millet in the valley has been harvested."

"So fast?" Luo Bi was surprised, and looked into the distance: "It just so happens that there are still scattered millet fields outside the valley. Everyone looks for it separately. When whoever finds it, whoever finds it, spread out and look for each other."

The meaning is self-evident, Mishan is so big, so it is conceivable that there are a lot of supplies, Luo Bi brought them here, but never mentioned the reward, that means no.

What does this mean? Favor of face, good friendship, not to talk about benefits.

Everyone knew it in their hearts but didn't show it, and they dispersed in groups of three or five. Although most of the women came to Mishan for the first time, they flew around once they came, and they could see clearly where there was Migu, and excitedly went straight to the place they looked forward to.

"This, this, this... I can't believe it." Xu Qi found a millet field, then stared at another millet field, took a sickle and stared at it: "I have been planting since I was a child, but I have never planted it. With such a good growing millet, these two pieces are mine, mine, don’t take it from anyone.”

"Look at your promise, no one will snatch you." Lan Hing stopped going out with a sickle.

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