Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1331 It's Like a Treasure Hunt

Not far away, Wei Tiao looked left and right. There was a millet field on the left and a millet field on the right. Which one should we start with? The little girl was very tangled, and finally stomped her feet and ran towards the half-square-sized piece.

The other piece is only one cluster, compare the two sides, and choose the one with the largest area first.

Hua Ran and Huang Chao looked at each other, and they dispersed. The distribution of millet and valley fields was too scattered, with one piece in the east and one piece in the west, and everyone couldn't get together if they wanted to get together.

The smallest millet field was dropped, and it was gone.

The biggest ones don't need a few sickles, so they separate, keep a distance, and guard a piece of land by themselves, bowing their heads and harvesting in a muffled voice. Huang Chao has the strength to harvest, and the speed of harvesting is very fast, Hua Ran and his father are not as quick as him.

Huang Chao also had no choice, he had a wife to support, with his little family background, he might not be able to afford it if he wanted to be rich.

Therefore, he was more desperate, who asked him to marry a young wife, especially to prevent him from running away with others.

Huang Chao didn't learn from others, so he doted on his wife better than Feng Ling. Look at Feng Ling, it hurts Luo Bi to the bone. He was so blind that he couldn't see what Luo Bi was wearing all over his body, but a sensible person could see clearly, and anything he took out was a defensive treasure.

So what if Robbie has no combat power? If you dare to try it, the defensive treasure will make you doubt your life every minute.

Look at Feng Ling who raised Luo Bi. He is obviously talented, but he is so obsessed with staying on Jade Bamboo Star that he doesn't go anywhere.

It would be a lie to say that Huang Chao is not envious.

Unless it is a last resort, who the hell is willing to change wives? Although Bai Zhi has flaws in character, Huang Chao doesn't want to change at every turn. As long as Bai Zhi doesn't have other thoughts, Huang Chao wants to maintain this marriage.

Yang Xianqin didn't talk much, the little brothers Qi Rong and Qi Zhan dragged her a little further away, and the three of them separated to harvest millet.

At noon, the eyes were fierce, and the mountains and forests were even more sultry. Qi Yan found a piece of millet and grain field and put it in quickly, pulled up a handful of long grass and tied it with a knot. Looking back and seeing the green eggplants, the child wiped off his sweat and ran over to pick them with a smile.

There are several!

Everyone was busy for a while, and the collection area gradually expanded to the surrounding area. Soon, everyone discovered a problem. There was no large area of ​​millet and grain fields. To be more honest, it's not that there are stubbles on the ground, and it looks like they have been taken away by someone.

As for who is the first to arrive? No need to ask, it must be Luo Bi, she picked up the big ones and harvested them. The ones that are small in size and those that grow together with weeds are all left out by her.

She is too busy with the big ones, so she has no time to harvest the small ones.

Harvesting a piece, walking a few steps, and another piece, it's like a treasure hunt, and everyone is very excited. The little heart was pounding, his hands were busy, his eyes were still searching, hoping for a sudden surprise.

A group of people didn't even bother to eat lunch, and ran all over the mountain.

The millet mountain is so big, there must be fruit trees, such as apricot, pear, persimmon, pomegranate, the predecessor of durian fruit, orange peel and orange seeds, even the small ones are pleasing to look at. I saw a tree all of a sudden. I was so surprised. Is there anything?

Everyone has their own gains, and they are overjoyed.

Luo Bi didn't participate in the collection. She took Wu Shaozi and its red porcelain spoon soldiers to find a place by herself. Last time she stopped according to the rules, but the alien beast didn't follow the rules. Just stop at the border of Mishan.

Because of this, she was so angry that she didn't sleep well at night.

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