Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1342 I really want to try a furnace

Luo Bi declined: "Don't give it to me, let's leave it to Luo Cha and Luo Wan! They need it for refining." In fact, she really wanted colored stones, but Luo Bi didn't want anything related to Luo Cha and Luo Wan. want.

"Don't want it, Fifth Brother gave it to me, take it." Luo Qing handed the small box to Luo Rui.

Luo Rui transferred to Luo Bi's hands, but Luo Bi couldn't push it out, so she had to accept it. If someone gave it to you with good intentions, if you don't accept it, you will offend others. Her surname is Luo, and this cannot be changed. It is not wise to create a estrangement with the children of the clan.

How do you say something? Don't rely on ignorance.

Luo Heng added a chair, and Luo Huan asked Luo Bi to sit: "The kitchen can't take care of it for a while, you eat here first, and when you are full, go and do your work. If you have time, have dinner with Ertang Uncle and Ertang Aunt Come over to eat, and call your brother by the way."

Luo Bi nodded vaguely, couldn't walk away with chopsticks and couldn't do anything, Luo Huan didn't know why, so he was a little startled, and changed the most nutritious plate of eight abalones on the wine table to Luo Bi himself.

Luo Heng's thoughts changed instantly, and he looked at Luo Bi a few more times.

"Major Feng is on a mission?" Luo Huan asked, and the plate of melon seeds was also pushed in front of Luo Bi: "Your aunt likes to eat this kind of melon seeds, so she bought some more for guests, and said it has enough seasoning, you can try it."

Luo Bi let out a "hmm" and put down her chopsticks to eat melon seeds. She smelled the aroma when others were eating melon seeds just now. I ate one, and it was really crispy and fragrant. The more you eat, the better it is, which is different from the river melon seeds.

When the task was mentioned, the wine table immediately began to discuss this topic. In the middle, Liang Yu came to find Luo Heng, and sat down with an extra chair.

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment, and gave up the eight abalones. Liang Yu took the plate and ate it with gusto. She has eaten a lot of good things, and she is very aware of the nutritional value of eight abalones, and she eats some of them naturally.

"This beast swarm in the Qingjue galaxy has attracted many hunting teams and mercenary groups. I went to join in the fun. Hey, I collected a lot of supplies." Luo Qing was excited when he said it, and smiled: "I brought The team has limited manpower and strength, so I will withdraw after staying for two days, otherwise, I will definitely earn more."

While speaking, Luo Qing took out a rose-red spiritual plant, fleshy, both the stem and the leaves, were all delicate and charming.

Luo Bi's attention was immediately attracted. The spiritual plant of this color is quite fresh. If it is used as a refining material, I don't know what can be refined? Robbie would like to have a try.

"This is the spiritual plant I collected in the Qingjue galaxy. I asked many people and they said that the value is not high, and it doesn't seem to be used for refining." Luo Qing said it casually, and didn't take it seriously: "If you don't need it, then It doesn’t need to be used, it looks pretty good, if it’s not that the spiritual plant can’t be kept alive, it’s not bad to keep it as a potted plant.”

"Let me take a look." A side branch student took it in his hand, looked at it, and said, "I haven't seen it before."

"What I'm saying is, if I've seen it, I won't pick it, and it's useless." Luo Qing continued: "I just collected two plants. There are many plants that I haven't seen in the Qingjue galaxy."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. With a thought, Luo Bi took the pink spiritual plant into her hands, and the more she looked at it, the more interested she became.

Luo Qing saw that she liked it, so he said: "If you like it, I will give it to you. I have another plant, and I will give it to you too."

Luo Qing also took out the other plant and gave it to Luo Bi. Luo Bi couldn't sit still, so she said hello and left.

Seeing Luo Bi leave, Luo Yan curled her lips: "She's busy, and you still don't believe her when she says she doesn't fit in!"

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