Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1343 Jiaoyu

Tong Wan didn't favor anyone, and he didn't have any scruples in speaking. Hearing Luo Yan's words, he said: "I didn't see that Luo Bi didn't fit in, but you, my family seldom talk nonsense outside. She is your sister. Speaking of it, it's still a good idea." You are closer, we are farther away."

Luo Yan's face was ugly, red and white, everyone lowered their heads and pretended not to hear.

"Luo Yan just said it casually, and there is no other meaning." An aunt smoothed things over.

Tong Guan's mother-in-law thumped in her heart, and hurriedly took melon seeds to share on a plate: "Eat melon seeds, eat melon seeds, these melon seeds are full of seasonings, and they taste delicious when you eat them."

So, everyone ate melon seeds and turned the problem over.

Luo Bi didn't know that Luo Yan was being teased by Tong Guan, so she walked out quickly, and the parking space surrounded by flowers and plants was next to her. The children were playing, climbing up and down, and playing in the water from time to time.

"What did you take?" The younger brothers and nephews gathered around and reached out for the spiritual plant in Luo Bi's hand.

Because the two spiritual plants are not rare and the plants are not big, Luo Bi didn't put them away, and she was noticed by a group of children as she walked forward with them. The fleshy plant is very crisp and tender, and it is broken into several pieces when grasped by a small hand.

"Eh? Eh?" Luo Bi couldn't stop her, and she was furious, you brat!

Hitting a child depends on the face of the adults, and Luo Bi couldn't beat it. Seeing that the children didn't care, she was so angry that she stepped on Lingzhi's broken joint and crushed it hard. Glaring again, he got into the car and left angrily.

Luo Bi first went to the Emerald Bamboo Star Headquarters, and found Master Zhu to inquire about the situation of the rose-red spiritual plant: "The whole plant is fleshy, and the color is rose-red. Does Uncle Zhu know what kind of spiritual plant it is?"

"Let me think about it." Patriarch Zhu thought, and filtered the spiritual plants he had seen in his mind: "You are talking about Jiaoyu, right! It is a very beautiful spiritual plant, and it is said that its refining value is not high."

Wei Wei leaned over, and was more inclined to Zhu's statement: "It should be Jiaoyu. There are sporadic distributions in the Qingjue galaxy, but there are not many of them. I saw it once when I was on a mission many years ago. I didn't collect it because it was worthless. You can ask What does this spirit plant do?"

"I'm useful. If you go to the Qingjue galaxy, you can bring it to me if you collect Jiaoyu." After a pause, Luo Bi said: "If you collect it within a few days and give it to me, it will be beneficial. After a while The benefits might be gone.”

Luo Bi thought clearly that the land she had laid down was rich in materials, even if everyone started collecting yesterday, they could only collect a rough idea, and there were still many materials that had not been found.

Once it is discovered by other teams, it will inevitably be searched.

Again, rather than letting people you don’t know take advantage of it, it’s better to let acquaintances collect it first. The members of the Emerald Star's ruling team are not only strong in action, but also high in execution. It would be best to let them step on it first.

"You go back first!" Wei Wei sent Luo Bi away, and discussed with Patriarch Zhu whether to act.

Master Zhu has nothing to do: "It's not that it's good to be faster. If you believe her, send someone to go there. Of course, you can go by yourself."

"I'll go in person." Wei Wei ordered everyone to set off. He didn't do it for any benefit. There are many powerful forces in the Qingjue Galaxy, and he also wants to get a piece of the action. The collection of Jiaoyu is just a way.

After returning home, Luo Bi washed her hands and dialed Fengling again: "If anyone sees a rose-red spiritual plant like Jiaoyu, don't let it go, I'll use it when I collect it."

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