Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1348 No matter how rich a family can afford it

Luo Bi thought for a moment, it's okay to go in and sit down, opened the door and got out of the car.

Wu Shaozi leads the way. This is his home, his territory, so it is only natural to lead the way. The red porcelain spoon dragged two fat geese behind, and the orange spoon carried energy flowers and plants. Wu Shao was the last one with a conniving smile on his face.

When Luo Bi turned her head, her teeth became gritty. This is still a weapon for opening her mind. If a woman gives birth to Wu Shao, no matter if the woman is a green tea whore or a white lotus, Wu Shao can confess to her.

What kind of helplessness is it to want to be a father but have no chance!

"Come and eat watermelon, I just cut it open, red soil." Wu Cheng held a piece of watermelon, greeted Luo Bi, and shouted to the kitchen area: "Mom, my classmate is here, wash more fruits, she loves fruits .”

Mrs. Wu had already washed it without him calling, and Luo Bi looked towards the kitchen area: "Auntie is here?"

Wu Cheng agreed, busy eating watermelon: "It's here in the morning."

"There is a pile of millet at home, I don't have time, Wu Cheng is too busy, my mother came to collect the millet." Wu Shao took over the supplies brought back by the spoons, and the orange spoon carried energy flowers and plants as tails, booming The poultry went to the south side of the yard.

The courtyard villas of each household are similar in size, and they are basically surrounded by mountains and rivers. The villas of the Wu family are in a row, and there is an ornamental hill in the south, with mountains and greens, and poultry and the like are raised there.

A hill separated two courtyards.

The Wu Shao brothers also had no choice. Wu Shaozi went out with Luo Bi, and the amount of supplies increased gradually. There were millet, poultry, and miscellaneous things. It would be impossible to resettle them in a courtyard.

Wu Cheng had dried millet in the sun for several days, and he couldn't bear it at home. Yesterday, he went out with the team for a day's mission, so he called his mother over.

Mrs. Wu didn't want to listen to nutritious ingredients, so she answered her youngest son's call at night, and rushed to Emerald Bamboo Star in the morning.

In the future interstellar era, wheat, rice, and the like are nutritional staple foods, which are divided into three levels: low-level, intermediate, and high-level. Low-level ingredients are higher than those grown by planting robots, middle-level ingredients are suitable for middle- and upper-class people, and high-level ingredients are only available to women from top families.

It's fine for a man to eat with a woman, no matter how rich a family is, they can't afford it.

Knowing the number of millet valleys, Mrs. Wu couldn't sit still. She was so excited that she didn't fall asleep all night, and she started to work when she arrived at Feizhuxing in the morning. No, I haven't had time to make dinner yet.

Mrs. Wu washed a plate of fresh fruit, and Luo Bi called for someone, and Mrs. Wu agreed, happily bringing a box of fresh gadgets to Luo Bi. There are exquisite small potted plants, small accessories for wearing, and exquisite jade products.

Although things are small, the price is high but not low.

"Why do you give me so many things?" Luo Bi was embarrassed, and ate the watermelon.

"What more? Not much." Mrs. Wu felt that she had bought too little. She bought a total of five boxes, one for Luo Bi, three for Wu Shaozi, and the other for relatives and friends. Not much at all: "I went shopping with a few ladies and bought them casually. If you like something, let me know and I'll buy it next time."

still buy? Robbie is convinced, she doesn't spend interstellar coins on these little things.

When Wu Shaozi saw the funny one, he immediately came over. Luo Bi knew the nature of these spiritual arrays. She was eating watermelon and watching Wu Shaozi. If Wu Shaozi didn't give it, she wouldn't.

For some gadgets, there is no need to mess with Wu Shaozi.

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