Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1349 The surprise came too suddenly

When Wu Shao came back from the south courtyard, his reaction to Luo Bi was somewhat inexplicable. Wu Cheng was more direct: "What do you think Wu Shao is doing? He has it, and my mother bought it."

"Yes, I bought them for them." Mrs. Wu quickly pointed to the place where the spoons usually play: "Look, they are all placed over there. I prepared three boxes of gadgets and others, enough for them to play for a while. of."

No one in the Wu family would lose. Mrs. Wu usually buys gadgets when she sees them when she goes shopping. She has saved a lot for Wu Spoon and brought them all over. This was because time was short and it was in a hurry, otherwise Mrs. Wu could have bought more.

Mrs. Wu was willing to buy something for his family, Wu Spoon.

Luo Bi smiled, eating watermelon and still looking at Wu Shao. Ever since Wu Shao opened his spiritual intelligence, he had been listening to it and understood some truth. He stared at it for a while, waved his little hand, and asked Luo Bi to move away.

It didn't matter that Wu Laoshao waved his hand, it was done casually, but it shocked Mrs. Wu and his wife.

For the first time in his life, Wu Shao showed a state of shock: "..." What did he see?

Wu Cheng numbly took a bite of the watermelon and chewed it carefully, his eyes widened: "..." He couldn't believe it, his young eyes were not working well, and he saw Wu Laoshao waving his hands.

Mrs. Wu wiped her eyes: "!!!??" There was too much work today and the sun was so poisonous that you were hallucinating.

However, no, the mother and son quickly came to their senses and almost cried with joy when looking at Wu Shao. His Wu Shaolin looked more and more like a human child. Mrs. Wu's eyes were red and she didn't know what to say for a while.

This surprise came so suddenly that even Wu Shao, who had always been steady, couldn't bear to show his emotions and immediately told the head of the Wu family in the Emperor Star about the good news.

When the head of the Wu family got the news, he clapped his hands on the table happily. That night, he summoned the elders and the most promising members of the Wu family to make preparations. He boarded the spaceship and rushed to the Jade Bamboo Star.

His family's array equipment has grown up, which is a big deal.

Now it's good, as soon as Wu Shaolin comes out, Luo Bi can't leave even if she wants to. Wu Cheng and Mrs. Wu hold Luo Bi away and insist on keeping her for dinner.

"I still have to go home to refine." Luo Bi wanted to leave, but Wu Cheng and his son were too enthusiastic and couldn't leave. They had to say: "My father and the others have all gone on a mission. It's already this time. I have to go home and cook for them." meal."

"This is not easy to handle. Let them all come to my house to eat." Mrs. Wu insisted on keeping Luo Bi to eat no matter what.

What can Luo Bi do? Had to stay.

What is all this about? She was here to see Wu Shan and the others off, but she couldn't leave without finishing a piece of watermelon. Seeing the joy of the Wu family mother and son, Luo Bi was extremely depressed. She was not surprised, not at all. She already knew that there was nothing to be happy about.

As if the orange spoon wasn't exciting enough, he flew up to the Wu family and showed off his hand, which made the Wu family extremely happy. Wu Spoon belongs to my family, and Orange Spoon does not belong to anyone else. After raising it for such a long time, it is just like their children.

With a wave of his hand, Wu Shao not only invited Luo Hang's family, but also other people who were on the mission, and booked several private rooms in the hotel to treat them.

Wen Xiao came back from delivering spiritual plants to Luo Bi, and when he caught up, Wu Shao took him to visit him. Wei Yu collected the spiritual plants that Luo Bi wanted, and after sending a message, Wu Shao also asked him to go drink.

Group after group of people joined in, and it was lively all night long.

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