Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1374 Warcraft above level seven

The small pockets on the shirt were not big, and could hold at most five supernatural equipment. After the ladles threw water swords, thunder and lightning, gold nuggets, etc., a small group of home soldiers were intercepted from the side by Warcraft.

When the spoons saw someone falling behind, they immediately became furious.

At this time, Wu Laopo quickly rushed to the rescue without Wu Laobu's order. Facing a team of level 7 or above monsters whose combat power was higher than theirs, the Five Spoons showed no fear and forced their abilities to fight against the monsters.

Then three red porcelain spoons responded and escorted the straggler Wu Jiajun back to the team.

The speed was so fast that it only took a minute from the time the spoons rushed out to the time they brought the people back. The two armies faced each other, and the battle was changing rapidly. The spoons raced against time, and all the Wu Jiajun were brought back without any casualties.

Unwilling to lose, the demonic beasts roared, and more than a dozen level seven or above demonic beasts rushed towards the Wu Jiajun team.

The five rescue spoons fought and retreated, forming a row to intercept. After the three rescue spoons were broken, Wu Spoon and other red porcelain spoons protected the entire Wu Jiajun team.

If there is a side attack from a monster, the spoons will immediately rush out to meet the enemy, and the guarding spoons will immediately fill the gap.

Subconsciously, the spoons only know that they must protect their own people, and no one is missing. Even if they are shattered to pieces, the Wu family army will never suffer any casualties.


The red light flashed on the spoons, which was difficult to face.

At the back of the team, the spoon that intercepted the monsters fought against the water. The water-based superpowers forcibly drained out all the superpowers, rolled up the surrounding springs and streams, and threw them at the monster team.

Wu Jiajun's eyes turned red when he saw that death-defying posture.

"Damn, our spoon has just opened its spiritual intelligence. This is a life-threatening situation." A big man wiped his tears and said to Wu Shao: "Young Master, we can't save you, please retreat quickly!"

Wu Mao, the youngest among the Wu brothers, cried bitterly: "These spoons are all brought by our family, we can't destroy them all here, brother, brother, I can't bear to part with them, let me see those few..." ···.”

Wu Ma couldn't talk any more and forced his powers to activate. Once the overdraft was exceeded, the consequences could be imagined.

The roars of the monsters touched people's hearts. Listening to the pleadings of his clan brothers, Wu Shao's heart was as sharp as a knife and he nodded: "Retreat, go to the ship parking area as quickly as possible."

Wu Jiajun moved towards the parking place of the ship while fighting. Seeing that Wu Jiajun was still capable of fighting, the surrounding aristocratic teams saw that Wu Jiajun still had the strength to fight. As if they saw a savior, they rushed out of the encirclement and joined Wu Jiajun.

When Wu Jiajun rushed out of the competition venue, the team dragged along many people, including Thunder Flame warriors, women and children. The Lei Yan warriors spontaneously joined forces with Wu Jiajun to fight, with women and children protected in the middle.

The spoons looked ahead and blocked the powerful monsters at the periphery of the team.

Not far away, another team was attacked by birds and beasts. Hundreds of birds and beasts swooped down from the sky. The women and children immediately screamed and became chaotic.

The team broke up and many people died among them. Bai Qin'er vomited blood and was scratched by a bird and beast on her chest.

The Bai family guard's eyes were splitting, and he rushed to snatch the person away. Bai Yang picked up Bai Qin'er, who was vomiting blood, and rushed out with a sword in one hand and red eyes.

At this time, everyone understood that the talented students could not escape, and the Thunder Flame Warriors might not be able to escape intact. The only way forward was to fight for a bloody path.

The Lan family's escort team was intercepted by a group of seventh-level beasts. They were unable to retreat or advance.

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