Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1375 What a beautiful thought

Zhan Hui was helpless. The Bai family's team just rushed all the way to where the ship was parked. He didn't care about the others.

At this moment, everyone understood that only by boarding the spacecraft would they have a chance of survival. However, the journey that was not far away originally turned out to be difficult for everyone in the face of powerful monsters.

Huang Xinling and Bai Rui just came to Qixing yesterday to join in the fun, and today they caught up with the invasion of monsters. They were so frightened that they stumbled out of the competition venue under the escort of the Huang family's guards.

Huang Xinling staggered under her feet and fell down. One of Bai Rui's hands was grabbed by Huang Xinling, and she fell down with a strong pull.

The guard had quick eyesight and quick hands. He picked up the two people on the left and right and ran away. The bird of prey neighed and swooped down. The Huang family guards fought hard, Huang Xinling was frightened, raised her head and widened her eyes, seeing birds and beasts flying towards them one by one.

Huang Xinling was so frightened that she could no longer cry and let the Huang family guards hold her under her arm and run away.

A few meters away, screams flew away in the wind. Bai Yu was frightened and was dragged down by the guards several times. She got up crying and continued running. In the past, Bai Rui would have been held back by crying, but after a few missions, she understood that crying at critical moments was useless.

There was a thunder in the sky. Wen Fei and Wen Ya fell down and got up. The ten guards of the Wen family dragged people away and attacked at the same time.

Tang Wen shouted loudly to Hang Yifan: "The two teams rushing at the front are strong. If they charge in that direction, they have array weapons."

At this time, only array weapons can fight. Without array weapons, there is no way to fight back. Warcraft above level seven? What I usually wouldn't dare to think about, but now I encountered them.

"I saw it, their array is a small spoon array, and they are probably from the Zhihuang Star." Hang Yifan vomited blood, covered his chest, and moved forward to protect the women and children around him. When he got closer to Tang Wen, he He also smiled wryly and teased: "Looks like I'm going to stay here."

Tang Wen felt uncomfortable, so he pulled Wen Ruoxin who fell down and replied: "Don't talk nonsense, follow the team in front, and we can hope to leave."

Hang Yifan laughed: "What a beautiful thought!"

Wen Ruoxin grabbed Tang Wen's clothes and said, "What should we do? What should we do? There are monsters everywhere, all monsters."

If you ask what to do at this time, no one can answer. You can just get on the spacecraft and leave.

Too late? He can only die on Qi planet.

Tang Wen didn't have time to comfort Wen Ruoxin and directed the guards to catch up with the team in front.

When each escort team approached the Wu Jiajun and Bai Jiajun guards, with a distance of fifty meters, they were intercepted by birds of prey. Everyone was in despair. They were so close but could not move forward. Some people almost collapsed.

Wu Shao didn't want to care at first, but when he learned that the Wen family, Huang Xinling, and Bai Rui were also trapped in the rear, he personally led a small team back to rescue. Five red porcelain spoons rushed forward to clear the way. Under attack from two sides, the two teams merged.

But in one morning, the entire Qixing was already in fall. The Qixing garrison and the Wu Family Army, Bai Family Guards, Lan Family Guards, and Leng Family Guards worked together, and the formations and arrays were deployed together, but they still suffered heavy losses.

However, the spoons did not allow Wu Jiajun to suffer any losses. Once the team was dispersed, they would quickly fight against the monsters and draw Wu Jiajun one by one into their own protection circle.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and there was a heavy rain. In the wind and rain, Wu Mao fell off the team and fell behind. He didn't come back for a long time.

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