Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1377 Cheng Hangxing

The spoons boarded the spaceship, and dozens of spacecraft quickly took off and left the Qi planet.

Birds and beasts gathered from all sides, forming a large army in a moment and chasing after him. The people on the spaceship were frightened. When the army of birds and beasts caught up, five spoons sat on the spacecraft and the other twenty red porcelain spoons flew out to fight.

The battles went on one after another, with Wu Shao guarding the spacecraft alone to prevent attacks by birds and beasts.

Twenty red porcelain spoons responded calmly outside, blocking the birds and beasts from the defensive line.

After getting rid of the army of birds and beasts, dozens of spaceships arrived at the safe planet Hanging Star half an hour later. At this time, twenty red porcelain spoons broke into pieces and exploded after the spacecraft landed due to exhaustion of energy.

Wu Jiajun broke down and cried, and everyone onlookers shed tears.

At this moment, Wu Jiajun, General Xiao Rong, Leng family, Bai family, Lan family and other elites understood that the spoons had long been exhausted because they had to escort the spacecraft, so they kept holding on.

The spoons didn't blow up until everyone was safe.

How can such sentiment and integrity not shock and distress people.

Wu Shaojun's situation is not optimistic either. The energy is exhausted but it has not yet exploded. Wu Jiajun is panicking and doesn't know how to save Wu Shaojun. Twenty spoons were destroyed, and only this one was left. If it exploded again, a group of men would not be able to bear it.

I wiped my eyes with tears, but there was nothing I could do.

The fall of Qixing quickly spread throughout the Fengyao Empire. The talented genius Bai Qiner died, and several talented students from the empire also died in this wave of Warcraft.

Statistics show that each major legion in the empire has suffered losses, and the situation of the children of aristocratic families who have suffered losses varies.

There were many injured people this time, and those who had the conditions were taken to the Emperor Star by their families, but most of them stayed on the Chenghang Star. Chenghang Star is a central planet with very high-end conditions in all aspects, so there is no need to go to the Emperor Star.

The combat team on a mission in the Qingyao Galaxy heard the news and immediately ended their mission and returned to the Jade Bamboo Star.

Qixing is a habitable and prosperous planet with a large population and a safety factor ranked high on the Fengyao Empire list. However, planets like this are suddenly invaded by a large-scale wave of monsters. Anyone who hears this will feel uneasy. All teams that have sent out missions have ended their missions. go back.

Wu Shao called Luo Bi, his voice was hoarse, and he explained Wu Shao's situation and asked: "Is there anything you can do? Wu Shao's situation is not very good, why don't you come over here!"

Luo Bi was stunned for a while, then quickly digested it, and then said: "I don't know what to do. If it's a Thunder Flame warrior, you can use elixir, but I don't know about the array."

She only cares about refining and doesn't know anything else.

"Think again." Wu Shao's voice was heavy, and his words were full of pathos: "You gave me a team of spoons, twenty-one, and all twenty red porcelain spoons were damaged, twenty!"

Wu Shao never showed his emotions, but now he couldn't say anything.

Luo Bi had already heard the news and knew a little bit about it. She was also anxious and said in a panic: "How about you try the elixir on Wu Shao?"

Without further ado, Wu Shao hung up the communication and gave Wu Shaopo a magical elixir. Surprisingly, it was effective. As a result, the Wu family immediately took action and came up with various elixirs. As long as they could save Wu Shao, the Wu family would do anything.

Wu Shao tried it and found that ordinary elixirs were almost useless. Only elixirs of fifth grade and above were effective.

The Wu family can afford to supply fifth-grade ones.

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