Fengling was busy with military affairs, so he stayed home all night and went to Zhihuang Star early the next morning.

Luo Bi woke up early in the morning. She couldn't sleep, so she lay in bed thinking about the red porcelain spoon. Twenty of them were all destroyed. When she first heard the news, she didn't feel much. After one night, she felt panicked.

Ten minutes later, Luo Bi sighed.

No reason, I just want to sigh, otherwise I feel uncomfortable.

As early as when the handkerchief ball exploded, Luo Bi felt that it was not necessarily a good thing for the array device to be spiritual. Now it seems that it is indeed the case. It's obviously an array weapon, and it's also an array weapon when spiritual wisdom is turned on, but it makes people feel so distressed.

Does it hurt? painful.

Apart from anything else, these spoons have been with her for the longest time. They are not human beings, and Luo Bi has feelings for them.

After wiping away her tears, Luo Bi took a long breath and then got up. She couldn't think about it anymore. She couldn't be immersed in this kind of sadness. Some emotions had to be suppressed.

She was not hungry in the morning, so Luo Bi found work to distract herself. In the past two days, she planted all the vegetable seedlings she had raised in the planting field. There were cabbages, green persimmons, round eggplants, etc., arranged in ridges and ridges, not very regular. Luo Bi didn't care about these.

The planting soil is not good either. There are clods of soil that fall apart when kicked.

The germination rate of cucumbers and green radish is not high, most of the plants are small, and only a few grow strong. Luo Bi squatted down and stared at the cucumber seedlings for a long time. She was shocked when her father called her.

Luo Bi probably knew what her father wanted her to do. After a moment of hesitation, she picked up the message and said, "What to do?" The tone was not very good. This was just like her father. If it were an outsider, he would be unhappy.

Luo Hang didn't care. Just when he was about to speak, he saw Luo Qing entering the living room, so he raised his feet and went to the yard to talk: "Luo Jun and Luo Yuan need to be taken care of in Chenghangxing. The family organization is going to remove people. You are ready to prepare, and we will go together." .”

Luo Bi couldn't help but sigh deeply: "Okay."

After hanging up the call, Luo Bi dialed Fengling's call and said something. Fengling couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

After closing the door, Luo Bi and the Luo family went to Chenghangxing together.

The Luo family and the Zhan family used their connections. Luo Juan, Luo Yuan and the Zhan family's people all lived in relatively luxurious wards, with large rooms, floor-to-ceiling windows, energy flowers planted, and a clean and quiet environment.

Luo Bi followed the large army and went to Luo Jun's ward first.

The sound of Zhang Jiaomei's mother and daughter crying could be heard when they entered the door. Several aunts came forward to persuade her and wept with them. Luo Junqiang's genes were damaged and his life or death was unknown. Zhang Jiaomei was really crying. Mr. Luo fainted and was helped out.

The atmosphere in the room was depressing, and Luo Bi couldn't help but retreated.

In the rest area, Mr. Luo was sitting on the sofa, looking sad. Luo Qing hurriedly took the water cup and poured water. Luo Bi hesitated and sat down next to Mr. Luo. To be fair, this was her grandfather, dear.

"Have you seen Luo Yuan?" Mr. Luo asked.

"Not yet, I don't know which room she is in." Luo Bi answered.

Mr. Luo raised his hand and pointed: "Did you see the golden taro tree at the door of that room? Just go and see her in that room!"

Luo Bi didn't move, and Mr. Luo didn't urge him. After a while, Tong Wan left Luo Juan's ward. Luo Bi followed Tong Wan to Luo Yuan's room. Luo Yuan looked haggard and screamed in pain.

Luo Yuan's mother Liang Meng felt distressed and took a handkerchief to wipe her tears.

Luo Bi walked in and stood aside. Tong Wan came closer and gossiped with her in a low voice.

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