Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1398 She Doesn't Know If She Doesn't Work

Huang Yu dragged the small bench at hand and sat down, rubbed his face, and moved his cheeks.

His cheeks were sore from laughing, but he still couldn't hold it back. Huang Yu sat on a small bench, stretched out a leg and kicked the Thunder Flame Warrior nearby, so that he didn't feel so convulsed. Crying makes me uncomfortable, and laughing too much makes me feel uncomfortable too. .

Huang Xinling looked left and right, lying in her mother's arms "puchi" and laughed, thinking about it and being wronged, suddenly crying again, crying and laughing again, the evil disease came up again.

You see, with this abnormal appearance, it still has to be called a soul.

Never mind, it’s better to act than to wait. Luo Bi straightened her words and said, “Knock on the door three times with a spoon, and tell you what I just taught you while knocking. With one sound, Huang Xinling will agree and say it again."

"Oh my god! I still have to ask and answer." A group of guards who just stopped laughing over there got down again.

Mrs. Huang's expression was serious, and she held her position very steadily. She lowered her head and asked Huang Xinling: "Did you hear that? Later your father asked if you came back? You just said it, and asked and agreed."

Huang Xinling twitched and nodded: "What's wrong with me... What's wrong? I, I, I... don't want to cry, but I can't control my tears all the time. I feel very wronged, mom... ... woo woo woo..."

Huang Xinling cried for a while again, Patriarch Huang had nothing on his mind, and the others stopped laughing, all of them had serious expressions, and everyone with eyes noticed that there was something wrong with Huang Xinling's behavior.

He obviously didn't want to cry, but he still couldn't control himself, it was too much like being possessed by a demon.

"Can we start?" Master Huang asked while holding up a cooking spoon.

The hand that usually held the Bi Fei sword was replaced by a cooking spoon. As a Thunder Flame warrior with strong genes, the picture was very funny and really awkward, but now no one would suddenly laugh without looking long.

After all, Huang Xinling is not feeling well, everyone still hopes that the little girl will be fine.

Luo Bi nodded, and instructed again: "It's good for you to hear yourself when you're chanting, you don't need to be too loud. Also, when you repeat it for the last time, you should press your hand on Huang Xinling's head."

In the life before she crossed over, she was called a soul like this. Luo Bi taught it from memory, and she didn't know if she was alive or not.

If it doesn't work, go find Bai Yan, he's a real magician, serious and certified, calling a child's soul should be a piece of cake. Thinking of this, Luo Bi was puzzled for a moment, why did Patriarch Huang bring Huang Xinling to Emerald Jade Star for cultivation without letting Bai Yan show it.

Perhaps because she didn't think about it, Robbie found a reason.

Patriarch Huang knocked on the door with a spoon, muttered something, and asked, "Xin Ling, are you back?"

Huang Xinling forgot to cry out of curiosity, and hiccupped: "I'm back."

Xue Zhijiao couldn't help it anymore, turned around and held back his laughter, all the guards of the Huang family turned their heads in unison, they didn't want to laugh, but what can they do? Robbie wasn't much better either, she almost burst out laughing several times, but fortunately she had strong control and tried not to smile with a taut expression.

However, she wanted to laugh so much, Luo Bi walked away: "I'll go home, and I'll be back in a while."

Mrs. Huang nodded, Xue Zhijiao didn't want to leave, he wanted to watch the whole process, how interesting!

Who is the most powerful present?

It must be Patriarch Huang, who didn't smile with a stern face, and knocked on the door three times with a spoon in his hand: "Xin Ling, are you back?"

After asking, take a look.

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