Huang Xinling looked at her father and replied, "I'm back."

Mrs. Huang's expression is also well controlled. She is a mother and puts her child first. She has been carefully observing Huang Xinling's expression throughout the whole process. After finishing the last pass, Patriarch Huang stretched out his big hand and pressed on his daughter's head.

Luo Bi was not there, Madam Huang carried Huang Xinling back to the bedroom, sat on the bed and hugged her.

Xue Zhijiao moved the small bench and sat down, and asked softly, "Huang Xinling, how do you feel?"

Huang Xinling nestled in her mother's arms and said nothing, the little girl couldn't lift her eyelids, listless. The head of the Huang family leaned over and glanced at it, and motioned everyone to try not to make a sound. He was still holding a cooking spoon in his hand.

Mrs. Huang said: "Xin Ling, sleep when you're sleepy."

Huang Xinling stayed still obediently, closed her big eyes for a while and then opened them again, as if she was about to fall asleep at any time.

The rain came fiercely, and the torrential rain came one after another. The sky outside became darker and groggy. From time to time, thunder and lightning flashed, and the outside world was shrouded in rain, and the trees were shaken by the strong wind.

Luo Bi rushed home in a hurry, entered the house and cut a section of bamboo before running out, Feng Ling chased him into the yard: "What are you doing?"

The rain was heavy, and the heavy raindrops fell on the ground with crackling noises. Luo Bi shook the bamboo joints in his hand: "Isn't the bamboo fruit wine I brewed nourishing? I'll send one to Huang Xinling, but it won't work if I take care of it."

Feng Ling hesitated to speak, but said, "Come back soon."

"Understood." Robbie got on the suspension car sports car and left.

When Luo Bi returned to the Huang's villa, Huang Xinling was almost asleep, Xue Zhijiao and Huang's guards were all staying in the yard watching the rain, discussing the consequences of the rain.

Planting fields may be waterlogged and need to be drained after rain.

Luo Bi avoided the rain, ran into the living room, saw the head of the Huang family coming downstairs, shook the bamboo joints and said: "The bamboo fruit wine I made, Aunt Zhu and the others said it has nourishing effect, would you like to give Huang Xinling a drink. "

Patriarch Huang went to get the cup without further ado, and Luo Bi followed suit: "It may not work, if you want to give Huang Xinling something to drink, it doesn't taste good, it's astringent."

The head of the Huang family took the cup with the small moving pattern from the bamboo cabinet, turned around and stretched out his hand to Luo Bi: "It's okay, as long as it's good for your health, it doesn't matter if the taste is astringent, give it to me!"

Why are you so easy to talk to? Luo Bi handed out the bamboo joints: "I thought Patriarch Huang wouldn't give Huang Xinling a drink. If you don't want it, I'm going to take it back. Patriarch Huang won't see if you can drink it. Don't blame me if you drink it."

The head of the Huang family smiled: "Don't worry, you are welcome."

Although it is necessary to have the heart of harming others and the heart of guarding against others, but for Luo Bi, the head of the Huang family can still trust her. Patriarch Huang is very clear about the virtues of his own child, everyone hates it and is not pleasing, but he has been on a mission with Luo Bi for a while, and he has grown up to be the boss.

Patriarch Huang saw it, and really hoped that his daughter and Luo Bi would get closer, wouldn't it just be more unpleasant? What's the matter, there is no harm in letting Huang Xinling suffer some of the hardships that should be endured.

It's rare that Luo Bi is willing to take Huang Xinling with him, how can Patriarch Huang be a person who can't see good or bad.

Patriarch Huang opened the bamboo joint, and after sniffing it, he knew the value of the bamboo fruit wine. He carefully poured a glass of bamboo fruit wine, put the bamboo joints away, and carried it upstairs.

Xue Zhijiao ran into the living room from the outside, and went upstairs with Luo Bi.

Huang Xinling took a sip of the bamboo fruit wine, stuck out her tongue and muttered, "It's not good."

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