Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1401 It’s a good thing if someone hurts you

The owner of the Huang family was very depressed. What was all this? In just one afternoon, he was linked to the profession of a magician. In the future, if everyone thinks that he is talking about it, it will be depressing to think about it.

Huang Chao almost jumped up: "Me? I can't."

The head of the Huang family gave him a look of disgust, turned to look at Huang Yu, who was obtrusive, and assigned him a task: "You also saw the process at that time, if not, you can go with your brother, I think you can do it."

Before Huang Yu could refuse, Patriarch Huang walked away.

Brothers Huang Chao and Huang Yu looked at each other, and had no choice but to drive the duck to the shelf. Huang Chao patted his brother: "For your little sister-in-law, you can try it. It doesn't make sense, but you can't."

Huang Yu wanted to cry but had no tears, so he followed Huang Chao. If he had known that this job would fall on him sooner or later, Huang Yu would not disclose the news. It's too late to regret now. Looking back at the scene along the way, Huang Yu was so nervous that he was afraid that there might be omissions.

The heavy rain still showed no sign of weakening. The thunder sounded one after another, and everything was shrouded in a rain curtain, forming a natural water curtain.

Coupled with the gloomy sky, it looked very scary.

When Luo Bi came home, Feng Ling heard the voice and walked out from the living room on the corridor.

The man was tall and tall, with a clean towel in his hand, approached, raised his hand to wipe the rainwater for her: "I can't avoid the rain when I get home, my clothes are all wet, go back to the room and change."

Robbie didn't care: "It's okay, no need to change."

The man kept his hands down, and lowered his eyes: "Be obedient."

Luo Bi glanced at the man, nodded, waited for Feng Ling to dry her face, and ran back to the bedroom to change clothes. This is someone taking care of her. If no one took care of her, she would have gone to the rain to get wet, so what clothes would she need to change?

When it rains, it's cool to wade in the water.

Feng Ling then followed, opened the closet, and picked out a light green shirt skirt for Luo Bi: "Wear this one."

Luo Bi took the shirt and skirt, Feng Ling didn't show any intention of avoiding it, she found the bed sheet and quilt cover from the closet, and changed the bedding. Luo Bi watched while changing clothes, not knowing what to say, the man is too good, it looks like she is useless at all.

She was not used to doing housework at first, but now it's all right, let alone.

Sitting on the newly changed sheets, Robbie straightened her battle robe and skirt, and took out the top pocket, which was empty. Luo Bi subconsciously wanted to put something into it, and just as she was thinking about it, Feng Ling changed the quilt cover, went to the shoe cabinet to pick out a pair of flat boots, squatted down to the bed and pulled her feet for her to put on.

"I can wear it myself, not a child." Luo Bi moved her feet, feeling that this was not good.

The man raised his eyes to look at her, Luo Bi kept quiet, it's a good thing if someone hurts, so let's not talk about it.

After putting on her shoes, Luo Bi followed Feng Ling to the living room on the verandah with brisk steps. Feng Ling told her: "Wu Shaozi needs colored spar. , He Yun each gave one."

Feng Ling raised his wrist and glanced at the terminal, and reminded: "Wu Xie hasn't returned to Emperor Star yet, but I guess he will definitely set off to return to Emperor Star before dark."

Luo Bi is not short of colored spar, on the contrary she still has a lot. After listening to her, she leaned in the man's arms and meditated. After a while, she said: "Feng Ling, Wu Shaozi and Zhan Shaozi are powerful in battle, and they will be of great use in the future. I want to give some more colored crystals."

It doesn't matter whether it is of great use or not, but Robbie wants to help.

Even if the Wu Shaozi belonged to the Wu family, Luo Bi didn't want to stand by and watch.

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