Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1402 I've always been someone who has never seen the world

Feng Ling instantly understood that it was not a matter of giving one or two more, or even more than three or five. What Luo Bi wanted to discuss with him was.

Robbie is not only good at scratching and pulling babies, but also a good hand at destroying things.

May I ask, does Feng Ling feel distressed?

you still need to ask? There is no Lei Yan warrior who does not care about colored spar. Feng Ling didn't know exactly how many colored spar stones Luo Bi had in his hand, but it was estimated that Luo Bi would be the one who caused the disaster.

As for being angry?

That's not true, Feng Ling is indifferent to Luo Bi before it's too late.

Of course, Feng Ling didn't intend to stop her, so she said, "You can do it yourself, I have no objection."

Luo Bi smiled, and Feng Ling called Wu Xie over by phone call. When Wu Xie entered the door, it was raining heavily, the clouds were billowing, the clouds were low, and the water on the ground was below the feet.

If the rain is too heavy and the water flow is not timely, it will naturally accumulate water.

On the street, in the yard, and every household has a pool of water.

Wu Xie's footsteps were in a hurry, with splashes on each foot, and his trouser legs were all wet. He didn't care about these, and went in to wipe the rain on his face.

Robbie handed him a small porcelain bottle: "This is the colored crystal I gave Wu Shao."

He didn't mention a few colored spar stones, but Wu Xie couldn't pretend to be confused, these were all favors, and he would have to pay them back in the future. Opening it up and counting it face to face, Wu Xie trembled his hand and was almost taken aback, it turned out to be twenty colored crystals.

Good guy, Wu Xie has never seen more than five in his life.

This is still for the past few days. Before that, he had never seen a single colored spar of grandma's.

Gaining knowledge is just a matter of these two days. If it weren't for Wu Shaozi who needed colored spar, the few confident families had thoroughly seen their family background.

Twenty colored crystals? It was enough to make Wu Yao dizzy.

After a while, Wu Xie was at a loss and his expression changed: "Major Feng, please arrange a team to take me back to Emperor Star! With so many colorful crystals on me, I dare not drive the spaceship on the road. I will take There are less than twenty Thunder Flame warriors in the escort team."

Wu Xie was about to cry in fright, but the man who was originally upright now showed a wicked look, looking around for fear that someone would find out that he was carrying a huge treasure.

"No problem, I'll arrange the manpower right away." Feng Ling had this in mind, and agreed immediately.

Caijingshi is comparable to the existence of sixth-grade elixir, one is enough to make people covet, let alone more than twenty, Wu Yan is equivalent to holding a treasure and swaggering through the market, attracting people's attention on the road.

Wu Xie was terrified, Feng Ling didn't dare to be careless, and arranged for Wen Yao and Jiang Yixin to escort Wu Xie back to Emperor Star.

He Yun and Wu Shao got along well, and then came over: "I'll go too."

He Yun's fighting strength is not weak, plus he is the best, Feng Ling nodded: "Okay, be careful on the road."

Wu Xie was very grateful: "Brother, thank you."

Braving the heavy rain, a group of people got on the private spaceship. After some communication, He Yun knew that he was on the pirate ship. He Yun originally thought that Wu Xie was carrying three to five colored crystals, but he made a mistake, Luo Bi had twenty colored crystals with him.

This is so extravagant! It's scary, okay?

He Yun and Wen Yao muttered, temporarily postponed the takeoff time, and called Wei Yang and Wei Wei, the brothers who were the most able to fight. Escorted by the family of generals, to see who the hell is not honest, roll up your sleeves and go to war if you can't.

Fortunately, there were no surprises along the way, and the spaceship arrived at Emperor Star at eight o'clock in the evening.

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