Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1403 Give Zhan Shao a small golden ball

Wu Xie was escorted back by five powerful Lei Yan warriors, Patriarch Wu was taken aback, and when he asked about the situation, he didn't respond for several minutes.

No other reason, shocking.

The head of the Wu family expected that Wu Xie would not return empty-handed, but he did not expect that Wu Xie would bring back such a large number of colored crystals, twenty-four, which far exceeded his expectations.

Using the word shock is not enough to accommodate Patriarch Wu's mood at the moment.

People who are mixed in the military and the upper circles, which ones don't have an extra mind, and they are panicked if they don't count once in normal times, and almost none of them give their best to help at critical moments.

Still helping? It's good not to add insult to injury, and there are many people who add insult to injury and kick again.

However, this time, Wu Xie was sent to Jade Star for help, which successfully made Patriarch Wu doubt his life. Accustomed to seeing intrigues and deceptions, Patriarch Wu was filled with emotions when suddenly faced with his true nature. At the same time, he made a decision that Zhihuangxing's military department could have a deep friendship.

With the twenty-four colored crystals brought back by Wu Shao, it is estimated that Wu Shaozi can completely stabilize the energy in three or two days. Wu Shao's tense nerves relaxed, he stared at Wu Shaozi and absorbed a colored spar, and took Wen Yao and He Yun to Feizhuju for dinner.

Wu Shao wanted to make friends, and Wen Yao, He Yun, and Wei Wei understood each other. After a meal, the host and guest had a good time, and the relationship was shortened a lot.

On the Feizhuxing side, despite the heavy rain, Zhan Di led Zhan Shaozi to the door several times, but every time it happened that Luo Bi was not at home. At five o'clock Zhan Di went there again, this time catching up, and Luo Bi was at home.

"It's agreed to give Zhan Shaozi a lesson, and I'll leave it to you." Zhan Di confessed, and raised his foot to find Feng Ling.

She was really persistent, came several times a day, Luo Bi waved at Zhan Shaozi, and Zhan Shaozi flew to him. After thinking for a while, Luo Bi got into the car and dropped by with Zhan Shao, and recognized the door by the way.

Luo Bi went to Master Zhu's house first, Madam Zhu was preparing the ingredients for the evening, when she looked up and saw Luo Bi, she said, "It's just in time, I will have dinner at my house tonight, and I will make you my best seafood feast, and you will want to eat it later." eat."

Mrs. Zhu boasted about herself, but Luo Bi said, "No, I'll bring Zhan Shao to visit people, and I'll leave soon."

Mr. Zhu came out when he heard the movement, and gave Zhan Shaozi a small golden ball: "Take it and play with it! If you like it, come back and ask me for it."

Zhan Shaobai tapped the spoon and stuffed the little golden ball into his small pocket. Luo Bi smiled embarrassedly: "I just brought Zhan Shaobai here to visit, old man, you still give something."

Mr. Zhu waved his hand: "Zhan Shaozi is a child, it should be given to play with small things."

"Hey, Robbie, come here." Mrs. Zhu beckoned from the kitchen area, holding a red claw crab in the other hand.

Robbie walked over, "What's the matter?"

"I heard that Patriarch Huang can call souls, is it true?" Mrs. Zhu knocked the crab with red pincers, and threw it into the sink: "I've been feeling weak for a while, if Patriarch Huang knows how to call souls, I'll come to try it. "

"Maybe I don't know, anyway, Huang Xinling's soul is called by Master Huang." Luo Bi stood a little farther away to avoid the water splashed from the sink getting on her skirt. You'll know when Huang Xinling wakes up, when Xue Zhijiao and I left, Huang Xinling had just fallen asleep."

Mrs. Zhu said "Oh" and nodded: "Then I'll talk about it tomorrow, I think I may also lose my soul."

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