Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1409 Consistent Connivance

When Qin Yilang and Wen Xiao were called away by a message, Luo Bi came to Feng Ling with a small shovel in his hand: "Why don't Patriarch Huang call me too! I think I've lost my soul too."

Feng Ling smiled lightly, he had seen jealousy before, but he didn't think that Luo Bi was messing around, and maintained a consistent conniving attitude: "Okay, let's go back to Emperor Star and let Patriarch Huang show it to you. look."

The man agreed, and Luo Bi found a reason for himself: "I went to Chenghangxing to visit Luo Yuan that day, who knows if there is any problem, she and Zhanhui live in the same suite, and they have both been to Qixing."

Feng Ling narrowed his eyes, looking back at Luo Bi's recent state, there was nothing wrong, but he didn't dare to be careless, and reached out to touch Luo Bi's cheek: "Is there any discomfort?"

"Headache." Robbie found a problem.

Headaches are an old problem, not necessarily lost souls, you can't lose your soul just because someone else loses your soul, Feng Ling still has some points like this, but he still said: "I'll make arrangements to go to Emperor Star tomorrow morning."

Luo Bi went to plant trees again with a small shovel, came back after a while, and approached the man: "There are green orange trees, persimmon trees, and apricot trees on the land I occupy outside the safe zone. It has just rained heavily and is suitable for moving." Plant it, let's transplant it back!"

Feng Ling was counting the jade stones, when he heard this, he stopped, looked at Xiao Yu with misty eyes, and asked, "Now?"

Robbie nodded: "Ah, it's not raining too much."

Feng Ling raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you lose your soul?"

Luo Bi choked, no, you can't run around if you lose your mind, after reacting for two seconds, Luo Bi said: "It's all gone, it's not bad this time, it's raining lightly, let's hurry up!"

That's right, after going out for a trip, I didn't lose my soul, and I lost my soul. When the time comes, it's just right to call the soul together. Feng Ling smiled, threw the jade stone on the table and stood up: "Okay, will you drive or should I drive?"

"I'll drive." Robbie threw away the shovel and ran to drive the sports car.

Feng Ling lifted her foot and kicked it aside, looked around the yard, went into the house and got a coat for Luo Bi to get into the car.

It has been raining heavily for several days in a row, and the entire Emerald City is foggy, with a chill in the air. Feng Ling and Luo Bi didn't go deep into the forest, they just walked around Mishan Mountain, met Huang Chao on patrol, and the guards helped to search together, found two green orange trees and dug them down before dark.

A group of people talked and laughed, returned to the safe area, said hello and separated.

When they got home, Feng Ling urged Luo Bi to take a bath: "It's easy to get sick if you get wet in the rain, take a bath first, and change your clothes by the way."

Luo Bi changed her shoes and ran to take a shower, Feng Ling took off her coat, rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Feng Ling was quite proficient in cooking, so he pulled out the small grill to light the fire, placed the short ribs that had been marinated in the morning neatly on it, turned around and put a few skewers of vegetables in one corner.

After finishing all this, Feng Ling took out the rice cooker, stewed fresh river rice, and made mushroom soup.

At the dinner table, Luo Bi took a sip of soup and changed her mind: "I've thought about it, I won't go to Emperor Star, I went out for a walk, I'm fine."

Feng Ling didn't know what to say, one hundred and twenty-six beads, I don't know which one to turn to, smiled, and the man suggested: "We can go to Emperor Star to play and shop by the way. We can play for days if we don’t have missions for a while.”

Luo Bi was not very interested: "It's too far away, it's troublesome to go back and forth, I don't want to go."

Seeing that she really didn't want to go, Feng Ling said, "Then I won't go, and I'll take you out of the safe zone tomorrow."

Robbie pursed her lips and smiled, very happy.

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