Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1410 You Can't Say What You Say

After the meal, Feng Ling and Luo Bi planted the green orange tree in the yard together, the location was chosen by Luo Bi, Feng Ling followed her, the tree can be planted anywhere, as long as people stay at home peacefully.

Not to mention a few trees, Luo Bi just wants a planet, and Feng Ling can get it for her.

The night is very quiet, the small windshield wipers are blowing, and the crickets are singing in the grass.

Feng Ling hugged Luo Bi to watch the rain scene on the porch, Luo Bi whispered about the trivial things when Feng Ling was not at home. Feng Ling stretched out her hand to pull the soft blanket, her eyebrows and eyes were gentle, and she occasionally said a word or two.

For a while, neither of them spoke, quietly enjoying the warmth and tranquility.

If he is satisfied, nothing is better than Feng Ling, what he wants in this life is nothing more than that. Luo Bi doesn't have to be gifted, or doesn't need to work. Luo Bi doesn't need to do anything. With Feng Ling's ability, he can afford it.

The next day, the rain still didn't stop. It fell from time to time, from moderate rain to drizzle, but it didn't mean to stop anyway.

There was a big burst in the morning, and the planned exit from the safe zone was temporarily put on hold.

On the other side, Wu Shao's family brought Wu Shaozi back to Feizhuxing. There are mountains and rivers here, and the environment is good. It is the most suitable place for body cultivation. Along with the Wu family were Lin Yanchong and Orange Spoon.

However, as soon as Lin Yanchong and Cheng Shaozi entered the house, Feng Zifei sent her son Jiang Yuanhao back.

The euphemistic name is: children want their fathers.

Come to think of it, Jiang Yuanhao's real father is Jiang Lian of the Jiang family. To put it bluntly, Lin Yanchong is just a name, but this name is enough to bind Lin Yanchong. Lin Yanchong didn't like to give a six-year-old child a bad face, so he opened the door to let people in.

Jiang Yuanhao followed Lin Yanchong step by step. Lin Yanchong didn't respond to his father's call. Since the moment he divorced Feng Zifei, he had nothing to do with this child, but he couldn't shirk his obligations.

Jiang Yuanhao was in an unfamiliar environment, and Lin Yanchong ignored him. The child seemed at a loss, and ran to the side to call his mother.

Feng Zifei said a few words of consolation, and took the spaceship to Feizhuxing in the afternoon. This woman didn't think she and Lin Yanchong divorced at all, and used the child as an excuse to live in Lin Yanchong's villa grandiosely.

Lin Yanchong opened the door, furious: "You better understand, we are divorced, according to the divorce agreement, your son can live here temporarily, but you can't, please leave."

Feng Zifei withdrew her smile, and was on the verge of tears: "Yan Chong, how could you do this? I came to see the child, but you actually drove me away. You can't be too ruthless, after all, we are a husband and wife."

"We're divorced." Lin Yanchong said the same thing.

Feng Zifei speaks righteously? : "But Yuan Hao is still your son."

"You..." Lin Yanchong was not as good as Feng Zifei, so he was so angry that he slammed the door and went to the hill in the courtyard.

Orange Spoon followed, Lin Yanchong sat in the pavilion with a tired look, the misty rain was quite comparable to his mood at the moment. The orange spoon was nestled in his arms, and Lin Yanchong let out a foul breath, twitched the corners of his mouth, put his hands on the orange spoon, and stared at the rain and mist in a trance.

If you ask Lin Yanchong what he regrets the most in his life? None other than this marriage.

I was exhausted when I got divorced, and I couldn't get rid of a son in name after divorce. Thinking about it, it's fucking annoying.

Who is to blame? He can't talk to others, and his brain can't calculate others. Being stuck by Feng Zifei's mother and son, doesn't it deserve it!

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