Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1414 just learned how to use abilities

All his?

Jiang Yuanhao's words can be regarded as stabbing a hornet's nest, Zhan Shaozi flew over and beat him up, since he didn't know anything, he just beat his brains. Zhan Shaozi was used as a formation tool, and there was no discussion in the fight, so he controlled his strength and kicked Jiang Yuanhao to the ground.

Jiang Yuanhao lay on the ground and was stunned for a moment, so dumbfounded that he forgot to cry.

Feng Zifei's face turned pale, she rushed forward to protect her son, and loudly criticized: "Whose family's weapon? It's too much to hit someone when you come up, what if you hurt my son?"

It was fine if she didn't speak, but when Feng Zifei spoke, Zhan Di and the others felt bad, and stopped Zhan Shaozi one after another, but it was too late. Zhan Shaozi flew higher, made a string of small fireballs, and threw them at Feng Zifei with a flick of his hand.

I just learned to use the ability, and now I can use it, and the battle with the spoon is only for practice.

Feng Ling and Wu Shao looked at each other, they didn't stop the little fireball, and some people gave them some lessons.

Feng Zifei was terrified, shouting and shouting after being chased by the little fireball, but she couldn't find a trace of her usual dignity and elegance. Without much effort, Feng Zifei's curly hair was unreadable, the tips of her hair were fuzzy, and there were small curls one by one.

Oops, my ancestor, Zhan Di hugged Zhan Shaozi, not daring to let it throw fireballs again.

"It's alright, alright, you've already taught her a lesson." Zhan Di appeased Zhan Shaozi who was eager to fight: "Just learn to use supernatural powers and be careful to be tired. Take a break, don't worry, no one can take away the orange spoon."

But no, as soon as Zhan Shaozi made a move, Feng Zifei's mother and son were stunned, and they didn't dare to make another move.

Wei Wei, Master Zhu, and Bai Yan arrived one step later, entered the living room, looked around, Master Zhu asked: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yanchong briefly recounted the process, and finally said: "I've seen it, those jade and gadgets are orange spoons, according to the law of the Fengyao Empire, I can raise Jiang Yuanhao, but I am the master of this family, no one can think about it." Keep the contents of the orange spoon for yourself."

This remark meant something, and it was completely aimed at Feng Zifei's mother and son.

Feng Zifei didn't make a sound, but Jiang Yuanhao said loudly: "Father Yanchong, those precious jades belong to me, you can't be too partial, I am your son."

It was fine if he didn't open his mouth, but when Jiang Yuanhao opened his mouth, Zhan Shaozi broke away from Zhan Di's arms and rushed to beat him again. How dare you snatch the status of Orange Spoon in front of it? No wonder Orange Spoon ran out crying, it turned out that it was such a thing that caused the trouble and beat him up.

Everyone was caught off guard and hurried forward to stop them. The situation is not right now. It is reasonable for them to come one or two. Orange Spoon has so many helpers at once, and things are a bit difficult to handle.

There are only two mothers and sons Feng Zifei, they are so many that they are suspected of bullying others.

It's easy to say, but the people present are all smart people, so naturally they won't lose their tongues.

"Tell your son to shut up." Wu Shao turned his head and said to Feng Zifei: "Zhan Shaozi is an array weapon, and it won't reason with you. If you get angry and Zhan Shaozi beats your son, no one will do it for you." say."

What Wu Shao said was clear, and the meaning was obvious: I was beaten for nothing by Zhan Shao.

Feng Zifei: "...!"

She quickly analyzed the pros and cons, and stopped her son in a low voice. Jiang Yuanhao pouted, very annoyed.

The battle spoon was stopped, and the orange spoon came back. Did the brat snatch its treasure when it was not at home? I still want to snatch its favor, it's too bad, I can't get used to it.

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