Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1415 I would feel pity for one

Everyone sat down to discuss a solution.

Orange Spoon went out without saying a word, and came back with a large basin of water. Orange Spoon was small and almost came back carrying a large basin of water. Everyone looked up and stared dumbfounded at the orange spoon pouring a basin of water onto Feng Zifei's mother and son.

Although the water in this season is not very cold, but in the rainy weather, the temperature is low, and the whole basin of spring water is enough to pour on the body.

The good show is yet to come, the orange spoon splashed on everyone, before Feng Zifei got angry, it got wronged first, ran to Feng Ling, Wu Shao and the others, and burst into tears.

The orange spoon hangs low, looking weak and helpless, and the offensive of tears is even more invincible, don't drop big stars like interstellar coins, those who don't know think it is the one who is being bullied.

Orange Spoon wants to have one, but I feel sorry for it, but unfortunately I can't play it, so I can only practice it later.

The Thunder Flame warriors were speechless for a while: "...?!!"

What does it mean for the villain to file a complaint first? There is one right in front of you.

So what about Feng Zifei's white lotus? The orange spoon is even whiter than the white lotus, splashing people on the spot, crying on the spot, and doing it all in one go, knowing that the little guy is the one who takes advantage, but the Thunder Flame fighters are weirdly biased.

Whoever cries is justified, and Orange Spoon is the one who has been wronged.

Thunder Flame warriors don't know what to do?

There are a few, but partial eyes.

Feng Zifei was so cold and annoyed that she wiped the water off her face, got up calmly, took a towel and wiped it off for her son first, she was not in a hurry to change clothes, and said to everyone: "You all saw it, Orange That's how the spoon treats my son, I'm still here, if I didn't come to Emerald Star, I still don't know how it bullies people."

Feng Zifei was laying the groundwork for staying, she was worried about her son, this reason could be put anywhere.

"It's not urgent, let's talk about the bunch of gadgets in Orange Spoon first!" Feng Ling interrupted the other party, turned her head to Wu Shao and said, "You and Orange Spoon go to identify each other, and put away the things in Orange Spoon."

Most of the treasures of the orange spoon were given by Wu's family. Wu Shao took Wu Shaozi there, and with a random swipe, he emptied the pile of gadgets. Feng Zifei's face couldn't hold back, and she turned white in fits and starts. She pressed hard on Jiang Yuanhao who was about to get up several times.

Jiang Yuanhao was in a hurry, and struggled: "Those are all mine."

"What's the rush? Hold your breath." Wu Shao came over and stared at Jiang Yuanhao's wrist: "Take off the limited edition communicator, I gave it to Orange Spoon, I want to find your father Jiang Lian, I'm not your father, I have no obligation to buy you a communicator."

These words were not very pleasant, Feng Zifei twitched the corners of her mouth, picked the communicator from Jiang Yuanhao's wrist, and argued: "Yuan Hao has always wanted this communicator, and he wore it for a while when he saw it at home. It means not returning the orange spoon."

Who are you fooling? Wu Shao believed her evil.

Feng Zifei thought it was over after returning the limited-edition communicator, but Wu Shao slapped a list, and there were more things with fewer orange spoons.

Feng Zifei knew that she had kicked the iron plate today, and with people like Feng Ling and Wu Shao present, it was impossible for her to get away with it, so she went back to the room again and took out some jade.

Orange Spoon was even worse than Wu Shao, relying on someone to support it, it snatched Jiang Yuanhao's precious toy spaceship and Bifei sword.

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