Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1416 What is it all crooked into?

Orange Spoon doesn't seem to like Jiang Yuanhao's stuff very much, but in the principle of not losing money, he grabs it first and then talks.

Seeing Jiang Yuanhao deflated, Orange Spoon was happy.

"It's mine, it's really mine." Jiang Yuanhao cried out his throat. This time he was really sad. He originally wanted to take advantage of the orange spoon, but he didn't expect that he even took advantage of his favorite Xiaobi Fei sword: "Spaceship My father bought it for me, and the Xiaobi Feijian was given by my elder brother, if you don’t believe me, you can ask.”

Orange Spoon didn't ask, and it couldn't speak, so it quickly found a few cardboard boxes, threw a bunch of treasures into it, and didn't let the little bitch smash them.

Jiang Yuanhao cried and asked his mother for help: "Mom, look quickly, the orange spoon took all my things away."

Feng Zifei suppressed her anger, and lowered her head to comfort her: "Good boy, you're my brother, let it go, and I'll buy it for you when I get back to Emperor Star."

These words are very particular, and he accuses Orange Spoon of being ignorant overtly and secretly.

In the living room, the atmosphere was surprisingly weird. The Thunder Flame warriors looked at the farce of the women and children with indescribable expressions. Originally, he wanted to vent his anger on the orange spoon, but in the end, the orange spoon evened out the opponent with one blow.

Wanting to get back my own, but also robbing someone else's, awesome.

Zhan Shaozi opened the storage ring, put away several boxes, packed the two spoons, and walked around the living room, seeing that there was nothing to pack, so he stopped.

Master Zhu looked at the others, stood up first, pretended to pat the dirt that didn't exist on his body, and said goodbye in a timely manner: "Okay, it's raining less outside, let's go."

Wei Wei said: "Let's go, I have to go out of the safe zone to patrol."

"Director Lin, I'll take Orange Spoon back to play for two days." Wu Shao stood up and glanced at Feng Zifei's mother and son meaningfully: "With outsiders around, Orange Spoon is not comfortable living at home."

Lin Yanchong looked at Orange Spoon: "Do you want to go? If you don't want to go, we'll stay at home."

"Let Orange Spoon go out to play for two days." Feng Ling said, "Take advantage of this time to deal with the mess in your house."

Lin Yanchong was in distress, Bai Yantao walked by, stretched out his hand and patted Lin Yanchong's arm, and said in a low voice: "The current interpersonal relationship in your family is not suitable for Orange Spoon to grow up. What kind of crooked appearance is it?"

Feng Zifei moved her eyelids, only to hear Lin Yanchong say: "I see."

Lin Yanchong saw off the guests, Zhan Shaozi and Cheng Shaozi went out with the crowd.

Outside the gate, the masters of the Zhu family gave Lin Yanchong some advice: "Given the father-son relationship between you and Jiang Yuanhao, it's inappropriate not to allow people to live in your house. If it's not possible, you can find a way to build another villa. No one can be wronged by Orange Spoon. no."

Lin Yanchong smiled wryly: "Master Zhu must know how much money is needed for a courtyard villa. I don't have much savings at the moment, and I really can't spend interstellar coins to build another similar villa."

"Interstellar currency is not a problem, I can lend it to you." Wu Shao said immediately.

Feng Ling also said: "I will pay a part."

Lin Yanchong shook his head and refused: "Give me a period of time, and I will find a way by myself."

The conversation ended here, and everyone walked towards their respective suspension vehicles.

Orange Spoon slipped back home at some point, and at this time went back and forth, dragging a white baby beast back.

This baby beast was raised by Feng Zifei, the more Orange Spoon thought about it, the more he felt that he was at a disadvantage, so he went back and set Feng Zifei's baby beast and dragged it out.

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