Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1417 It is a treasure in itself

"Oh, I'm going!" Wei Wei was re-scanned by the orange spoon, took the car keys, took back the steps he took, and asked Lin Yanchong: "Isn't it what I thought? This baby beast who?"

Probably guessed it, Wei Wei still asked.

Bai Yan frowned: "It's getting more and more crooked. If it wasn't raised by Bishop Lin, I would put it back quickly. I snatched other people's toys, and even used other people's baby beasts. This is unreasonable."

Bullying is always done in secret, it's hard to say if it's obvious.

Lin Yanchong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't take it seriously: "I bought it for Feng Zifei a few years ago, but I didn't want it back when I got divorced, and Orange Spoon just took it back."

In this way, everyone doesn't care about it. Whoever bought it with interstellar coins, this baby beast is obviously in the name of Lin Yanchong, and it is understandable that the orange spoon dragged away his own things.

The baby beast refused to leave, and when it was almost at the door, its four legs grabbed the wet ground to resist.

Orange Spoon was stunned, he didn't pay attention to this delicate little thing at all, grabbed the rope and dragged it away. Like a rag, the baby beast was dragged all the way outside the gate, and then onto Wu Shao's suspension car.

It doesn't have legs and wants to drag them along. I don't believe it doesn't hurt. Orange Spoon doesn't know how to take care of baby beasts.

It is a treasure in itself, and in the eyes of Orange Spoon, everything else is grass.

Everyone got into the car and left separately.

Orange Spoon is narrow-minded, just settled down in Wu's house, and then asked Zhan Shaozi to get back several boxes of its treasures. The war spoon was thrown out as it was, but the orange spoon was still worried, so he counted the points when he returned to Wu's house.

Wu Shao was very surprised by this. I don't know how to develop this little temper that no one can trust. Wu Shao couldn't figure it out, so he turned around and asked Luo Bi, who also said he didn't know.

That's not counting, Orange Spoon has a lot of careful thoughts, and if a few boxes of treasures are coming back, Wu Cheng will take them to the dungeon and sell them.

It has a terminal, interstellar coin calling, orange spoon coke, stingy and bala bought a can of pepper noodles, ready to give Wu Shaobao, who aspires to be a chef, as a seasoning, and also bought a dried red pepper by the way.

Just one, Peanut Renda, spent fifty interstellar coins, so stingy.

Wu Shaozi has just recovered, and he is watching the rain in the yard, nourishing his mind. After receiving the gift of the orange spoon, Wu Shaozi angrily raised his hand to throw it away, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it, so he put it away.

Wu Cheng took a look, yes, compared with Orange Spoon, this one is almost the same, both are money fans.

Orange Spoon likes to play with baby beasts as soon as he is happy. He put a basin of water in the yard, scooped up the small flowers and grasses in the yard for decoration, threw the baby beasts into it, and took a bamboo broom to brush.

The broom is for sweeping the floor, not for bristles, and it is made of bamboo. Dried bamboo is hard, and the orange spoon does not matter how heavy it is, and the baby beast will scream after a few strokes.

It's killing the dog!

Is this taking a bath or pulling dog hair?

The baby beast is suffering.

"Oh, ancestor, I'll go and change your soft-bristled brush for you, and quickly put down the broom." Wu Cheng grabbed the bamboo broom and reached out to pick up the miserable baby beast. Feeling wrong, he touched the water with his hand: "It's cool." What? Orange spoon, how can you bathe the baby beast with cold water, it will get sick."

Orange Spoon didn't listen to Wu Cheng's irritable chatter, and when Wu Cheng turned around to get the towel, it picked up the wet baby beast, and threw it into the basin again with a "plop".

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