Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1418 Don't Play or Give

When Wu Cheng came back with the towel, there was another wave of chaos.

The next day, the sky cleared up, blue sky, white clouds and crisp autumn air. Luo Bi couldn't afford it, so Feng Ling lay on the bed with her, and Zhan Shaozi carried the small light brain to the door to have a look, seeing that the door was not opened, he turned and walked back.

Fan Yao walked through the gate of the courtyard and took the time to tidy up the vegetable plot, amazed: "The arrays are all perfect, and they know how to go to school."

Qi Yan came out afterward with a small hoe, stepped on his feet and looked towards the street: "Zhan Shaozi came here by himself?" Zhan Shaozi couldn't recognize his family, and many people knew about it. As Luo Bi's neighbor, Qi Yan naturally knew it.

Every day, Zhan Di comes to the door to deliver it, and he knows it without knowing it.

"No, these magical arrays can work." Fan Yao was not very interested. After saying this, his eyes scanned several ridges of vegetable fields, and picked the one with a lot of weeds: "I will hoe this one." If you hoe the ridge next to it, there will be less weeds in that ridge.”

Qi Yan listened to his mother's words, and stood on the edge of the ridge, wielding a small hoe to weed.

Then Luo Hang came, and seeing that the door was not opened, he reckoned that Luo Bi couldn't get up. He had nothing to say, chatted with Fan Yao's mother and son, walked back while walking.

After eight o'clock, Feng Ling opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear.

Feng Ling got up to make breakfast, and Luo Bi got up after that. After the rain, the outdoor air was fresh. Luo Bi washed her face and ran outside the door to watch, but she didn't see anyone.

On the opposite side, Fan Yao's mother and son had already hoeed half a row of land.

"Your father has been here, and you still have the war spoon." Fan Yao raised his head and said with a smile, "Seeing that the door of your house was not open, I left without stopping."

Robbie nodded to show that she understood, and after chatting for a few more words, Robbie ran home.

At the dinner table, Luo Bi proposed to visit Wu Shaozi: "Feng Ling, come with me!"

Feng Ling didn't respond, and immediately said: "Okay, we'll go after dinner."

After the meal, Feng Ling packed the tableware, and Luo Bi was busy preparing presents.

She has refined several small things these days, and she rummaged through them to see what would be suitable to give away.

In fact, all the things that children play with are suitable, but Luo Bi doesn't want to part with them. She likes to watch them even if she doesn't play with them. For example, small dustpans made of wicker, small baskets, and small dustpans are so small and exquisite that they are fun.

Picking and picking, Robbie picked a small dustpan from a pile of messy refining objects, and threw a small blanket into it. The small dustpan is not big, about the size of half a watermelon rind. It is more than enough to lay a spoon on it, and it is perfect for Wu Shaozi as a bed.

Wu Shaozi is currently recuperating, and a comfortable environment is very important. When Shaozi is enlightened, he should also have a bed.

Luo Bi was careful, thought of everything, picked out a gift for Wu Shaozi, then walked into Feng Ling's study to get the refined storage ring, both Zhan Shaozi and Wu Shaozi, this one was given to Orange Spoon.

Feng Ling prepared another gift, and before leaving the door, Luo Bi turned back and took three wicker balls from the small storeroom.

The wicker ball was also made by Robbie, Zhan Shao, Wu Shao, and Orange Spoon, one for each ball, just right. There was also the rest, it was impossible to refine only three wicker balls in one furnace, but Robby was so rare that he kept them for himself.

She doesn't play or give, she looks fun.

After running out, Luo Bi changed her mind again, turned around, and trotted back to the small warehouse.

Dustpans come in different sizes, and she picked the smallest one. After thinking about it, she felt that there was little room for movement. The medium size one, which was the size of a washbasin, was also pretty good, so she found it and took it.

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